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June 2017

"Our Democracy": Viciously Misogynistic Christian Theocracy, Jury-Approved Genocide by Cops, Total Surveillance Just as Reichsführer-SS Heydrich Proposed and Obama Made Real

THIS POST IS TARDY FOR TWO REASONS. One, on Tuesday I joyfully seized a depressingly rare opportunity for an afternoon of outdoor recreation which so painfully inflamed my arthritis I spent most of Wednesday in bed (though if I have another such opportunity, I will seize it with equal joyfulness, the afflictions of old age be damned). Two, looking at the defining characteristics of USian (i.e. Biblical Capitalist, i.e. JesuNazi, i.e. murderously white Christian) governance, I was paralyzed with several hours of indecision. I couldn't decide which is worse: the ever more brazen imposition of theocracy; the ever increasing (and ever more obviously genocidal) murders of minority people, especially African-Americans, by federally militarized police; or the newest disclosure of Obama's fuck-us-all vindictiveness, in this instance his malicious evasion of the Constitution to impose total-surveillance precisely as conceived by Adolph Hitler and his henchmen and now applauded by the white Christian theocrats as a means of enforcing their unspeakable malevolence. But since it's this “secret fundamentalism at the heart of American power”  that knowingly enables these and all other USian atrocities, that's where we'll start today's Dispatches.


SCOTUS OPENS DOOR FOR FORCIBLE TAXATION TO FUND THEOCRACY. The Capitalist-mandated imposition of USian theocracy went public in 1954 with the still-controversial and often vindictively enforced addition of “under Godto the Pledge of Allegiance – the capital “G” making it undeniably obvious the deity so referenced is the Divine Sadist worshiped by white-supremacist Christians. And now the theocracy campaign has been handed its greatest and most decisive leap forward by the USian Supreme Court in a pivotal 7-2 decision that potentially makes every USian taxpayer a slave of national Christendom. Or as Justice Sonia Sotomayor wrote in her dissent, the court has ruled, “for the first time...the Constitution requires the government to provide public funds directly to a church.” In other words, the Roberts Court has reduced the Establishment Clause  to another of the innumerable Big Lies implicit in the biggest Big Lie of all time, “our democracy.”  Meanwhile, JesuNazi Justice Neil Gorsuch took advantage of another Supreme Court decision to declare total and unending war on LGBTQ people.


THEOCRACY IS LIKE A VENOMOUS SERPENT: WE IGNORE IT AT OUR OWN PERIL Most USians – 63 percent –  are already at theocracy's gateway-belief in the Bible as the literally true (and therefore indisputable) word of their infamously sadistic god. They thus countenance – whether by their support or unconcern – the ever-escalating imposition of Christian tyranny. Yet too many of us who oppose it are effectively self-silenced, whether by the smug and arrogant belief religion has become irrelevant or by misguided “political correctness” that demands tolerance of anything labeled “religion” – including the JesuNazism of the theocrats. Moreover, all these theocratically contributory viewpoints are fostered and sustained by the extent to which mainstream media methodically downplays and often censors the terrifying facts about the murderous intentions of the Christian fanatics.  (Mainstream media, let us not forget, is owned by some of the same One Percenters who not only own or control USian government at all levels but whose fathers and grandfathers were the theocrats' primary financiers.) Now, with the advent of the Trump/Pence regime, these Capitalist-financed theocrats control all three branches – legislative, executive, judicial – of the federal government, which has thus become history's most vindictively powerful pusher of this particularly paralytic opiate of the masses.


GENOCIDAL RACISM IS A SUBSET OF WHITE CHRISTIAN THEOCRACY, an ugly truth of USian history  conveniently suppressed even in doctoral-level studies at most (implicitly white) USian colleges and universities. Thus there's no doubt one of the reasons Trump/Pence Attorney General Jefferson Beauregard Sessions intends to fully re-criminalize marijuana is it gives the USian (i.e., white supremacist) criminal injustice system yet another rationale  for acquitting – often the judicial equivalent of applauding – the growing number of white cops who murder African-Americans.


TOTAL SURVIELLANCE – OBAMA'S FULFILLMENT OF A NAZI DREAM – IS NOW OUR TOTAL REALITY. Thanks to a hitherto-unreported Obama Regime atrocity – just one of the many atrocities facilitated by our moronic acceptance of Obama the Orator as the messiah of “change we can believe in” and our subsequent victimization by his (utterly predictable) shape-shift into Barack the Betrayer – every one of “those internet-connected gadgets we just have to have...are setting us up for a brave new world where there is nowhere to run and nowhere to hide.” Perfected in the post-Syriza rat-lab the global Capitalists have made of Greece, such a world was originally proposed by Reinhard Heydrich who intended to bring every individual within the Third Reich under “continuous supervision.”  Nor does USian total surveillance stop with electronic spying. Soon even the books, magazines and other reading material carried by USian air passengers will be subject to physical scrutinyand therefore to ideological evaluation – by the Transportation Security Administration's goons, an obvious Trump Regime precursor to the sorts of hands-on intrusiveness mandated by JesuNazi theocracy. Again we see the ideological and historical connections between Capitalism, the USian government and its German Nazi prototype. Which, by the way, included a special branch of the Gestapo, the Reich Office for Combating Homosexuality and Abortion,  dedicated to the suppression of LGBTQ people and the female sexuality that had flourished during the Weimar Republic's doomed experiment in social democracy.


MORE EXAMPLES OF OUR FORCIBLE CONVERSION FROM CITIZENS TO SERFS AND SLAVES: Firstly, there's the “vast net of stress, fear and insecurity” inflicted on an entire generation by student loan debt  which – exactly as intended – is suppressing resistance to USian socioeconomic savagery. Then there's the unprecedented effort to criminalize dissent,  especially when the dissent seeks to block fossil-fuel pipelines. Note that even the most egregious of these laws are sure to be upheld by the Roberts Court. Lastly there's New Jersey's mandate to teach k-12 students how to display proper submissiveness and thereby – for sure if you're white, and at least theoretically if you're African-American, Hispanic or First Nations – avoid being murdered or brutalized by the police.


DON'T IMAGINE EVEN FOR A MINUTE TRUMPCARE IS DEAD. While the Democratic (sic) Party's PseudoLeftists foolishly celebrate the delay in the imposition of Trumpcare, those of us who are more politically honest realize our reprieve is only temporary. That's why disabled activists say they'll continue risking arrestand Trump Regime encouraged brutalization by Washington D.C. cops to protest the genocidal contents of what should be called the DEATH Act – Denying Every American Tenable Healthcare – another key element in the Christian Theocrat agenda (see “murderous intentions of Christian fanatics,” above).


WAS GEORGE WASHINGTON A FRENCH AGENT? Historian Paul LeBlanc rebuts the revisionist notion Lenin was a German agent by noting the exact parallels between Lenin's relationship with Imperial Germany and Washington's relationship with Royalist France.


CONTRARY TO THE BIG LIES TAUGHT AS HISTORY, USIAN CLASS REBELLION WAS COMMONPLACE. That's why the Ruling Class – the true founders of the Deep State – decided they needed a constitution to protect their greed-begotten gold from “Levelers,” the Communists of the late 18th Century.


DOOR-TO-DOOR ENCYCLOPEDIA SALES AS THE CURE FOR POVERTY: A cautionary introduction to the newest Capitalist propaganda, a 21st Century version of the (alleged) “power of positive thinking.”


BOOKS: AN ESOTERIC ESSAY ON WHY JAMES BALDWIN IS AGAIN RELEVANT. An excerpt from William J. Maxwell's James Baldwin: the FBI Files (Arcade Publishing: 2017).


YET ANOTHER OBITUARY FOR THE DEMOCRATIC (SIC) PARTY: It’s not that the Democratic Party can’t 'wake up' to Americans’ surging support for a bold challenge to the corporate stranglehold over our economy and politics. It’s that it won’t.” Italics as in original, which underscores our desperate need for a new political party.


THOUGHT FOR THE DAY:  Anyone who questions the 21st Century relevance of Marxism should be reminded that it's the only proven antidote for Capitalism, especially Capitalism metamorphosed into fascism, witness how the triumph of the Red Army saved us from a world ruled by Hitler and his Wall Street financiers.  

LB/28-30 June 2017.
















California Democrat Kills Single-Payer Healthcare, Proving Again the Big Lie of "Our Democracy" and the Folly of Trying to Halt USian Capitalism's Metamorphosis into JesuNazism

DEATH OF CALIFORNIA SINGLE PAYER BILL DEMONSTRATES THE UTTER FUTILITY OF ALL USIAN REFORM EFFORTS. By any manner of reckoning, it appeared for a time California would triumph  in its valiant effort to at long last topple the definitive and calculatedly genocidal USian principle of health care as a privilege of wealth. But thanks to the last minute betrayal by a Democratic (sic) legislator, that defiant attempt to proclaim health care a universal human right – never mind it was supported by 65 percent of California's citizenry  – was slain by a single despotic dagger of procedural sleight-of-hand. And despite the bold talk of single-payer's proponents, such reform – whether in California or anywhere else in the USian homeland – is undoubtedly dead forever.

THE OBVIOUS LESSON TAUGHT BY SINGLE-PAYER'S DEFEAT – the lesson emphatically denied and relentlessly suppressed by those who in their secret, pro-Capitalist terror of an activist public peddle hope as “the dope-iate of the masses”) –  has two parts. One is the irremediable perversion of the entire USian political system, such that all its so-called “representative” bodies – city councils, county councils, state assemblies and legislatures and of course Congress itself – now function only as weapons of oppression, imposing the ever-more-sadistic mandates of Capitalism as it metamorphoses into JesuNazism, the needs of the people be damned.  Because the One Percenters now literally own USian government at every level, so-called “representative” governance is no less a Big Lie than USian “democracy.” Just as the sole purpose of the government in Vichy France was to enforce the murderous will of the Nazis, the sole purpose of USian government today is to enforce the equally murderous will of our Capitalist overlords.   But that's only half the lesson we should learn from the death of single-payer. The second part, implicit in the zero-tolerance despotism revealed by the first part, is that all reform efforts are doomed. Like trying to detoxify a Portuguese Man-O'-War,  reform – dependent as it was on the now-forever-abolished fosterage provided by democratic process – is nothing more than a waste of time and energy. In other words, single-payer healthcare – or any other definitively humanitarian proposal anywhere in the the ever-more-brazenly white-supremacist JesuNazi United States – is undoubtedly dead until the Empire itself dies of its own malignancy, whether by thermonuclear apocalypse or environmental cataclysm.

(ASTUTE READERS WILL NOTE THE ABOVE TEXTS REGARD the House and Senate versions of Trumpcare as coequals in murderousness destined to be combined and thus become law. That is because the Democratic (sic) Party's history of betrayals tells us the Senate Democrats, who exactly like the Republicans are profitably obedient to their Capitalist masters, will not use the procedural power by which they might stop the DEATH Act – Denying Every American Tenable Healthcare – from enactment. And the Death Act it truly is, precisely as we are doomed to learn when it is imposed on us by the JesuNazi-weaponized mechanism of moral imbecility we know as the U.S. Government.)

JESUNAZIS RUNNING AMOK EVERYWHERE ELSE IN USIA TOO. Missouri's JesuNazis have passed a viciously misogynistic expression of Christian Love that – if you're an unmarried woman – encourages your boss to fire you for using birth control and urges your landlord to evict you for the same reason. The measure, which also targets women who have had abortions or who become pregnant out of wedlock, is certain to be signed into law. Meanwhile Vice President Mike Pence, the zero-tolerance theocrat who would replace Trump were the president to be impeached, bared his JesuNazi fangs during Focus on the Family's 40th anniversary celebration,  though mainstream media is now so intimidated by Christian hatefulness, the only genuinely complete report on this gathering of fanatics was by a college newspaper. Obviously the war against women's sexual freedom – a war in which the closet male-supremacist Democrats (including Hillary)  are as complicit as the openly woman-hating Republicans – continues ad nauseam, and just as obviously, the theocrats are winning.


USIAN WHITE RACISM APPROVES MURDER OF AFRICAN-AMERICANS. Once again the old news of Caucasian malevolence toward people of color becomes the new news of additional atrocities. In a particularly outrageous example of government-sanctioned hatefulness, a white cop in infamously racist St. Louis  shot an off-duty African-American cop because the shooter read the victim's dark skin as a license to kill. Fortunately the African-American officer survived. But Philando Castile's murderer, implicitly applauded by an all-white jury,  went free, precisely as in every other such case of legalized lynching that – like the savagery of healthcare defined as a privilege of wealth rather than a human right – has become a defining characteristic of the present-day United States. So omnipresent is the racism, local authorities and even federal agents  routinely suppress reports of hate crimes, no doubt lest their documentation (further) substantiate how the USian Empire's racist malevolence is becoming the modern equivalent of Nazi Germany's antisemitism.  Hence, because the hate-mongers are thus protected from prosecution, they believe they are free to inflict whatever torments they choose on their targets. Which, as I have said so many times before, is the best case I know for the Second Amendment.


GESTAPO-MINDED MILWAUKEE SHERIFF TURNS DOWN DHS APPOINTMENT. For reasons that are obviously closely guarded secrets, Milwaukee Sheriff David Clarke, the JesuNazi African-American tagged by Trump to be the Department of Homeland Security's reichsführer for the federalization and militarization of local police, has turned down the appointment. Several journalists and critics, myself among them,  feared Clarke would use his position to organize local police departments, which thanks to federal militarization are are already equipped like armored infantry units, into an USian Gestapo, perhaps even into a Waffen SS clone to violently resist any attempt to remove Trump from office. (Aside to readers: needless to say, this is one time I'm damn well glad my prediction was wrong.)


USIAN SECRET POLICE IN THEOCRATIC ACTION. This report on the Briana Waters case shows the breathtaking lengths to which the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the federal government in general will go in its campaigns against those who dare defy the hatred of Mother Nature decreed by nationhood “under God.” The same strategy and tactics will of course be employed against anyone who dares defy any other aspect of the Biblical Capitalist USian Empire's ever-more-intolerant patriarchal order.


MANUFACTURED ILLITERACY AND MISEDUCATION” SPAWNED MORON NATION: a courageously outspoken and therefore compelling essay  by the devastatingly perceptive Henry Giroux explains why Trump won – and, by implication, why the JesuNazis are conquering the USian Homeland and why Margaret Atwood's most horrific prophecies are coming true, thereby refuting the foolish optimism – no doubt mandated by marketing considerations – on which The Handmaid's Tale ends. (Disclosure: in my view, Giroux is the best informed and most boldly truthful education critic – and therefore by far the most important such writer – of our hopelessly dystopian age.)


THE INFURIATING BIG LIE OF THOSE REFERENCES TO “OUR DEMOCRACY,” a rant I wrote and posted elsewhere, as – typically in moments of extreme vexation – I sometimes do:

Anytime an USian political writer or commentator mentions “our democracy,” whether the source is of the PseudoLeft or the real-as-cancer Right, they identify themselves as a pro-Capitalist, Big Lie propagandist. The truth is we have had no “democracy” since 22 November 1963, though the irremediably tyrannical aftermath of President John Fitzgerald Kennedy's murder has been imposed slowly, in accordance with the boiled-frog strategy of conquest and oppression. And now that the Moron Nation frogs are at long last awakening to the fact their proverbial water is indeed aboil, it is entirely too late. “Our democracy” is dead. Unlike the genocidally racist Confederacy (which has not only risen again but has already triumphed), or the sadistic god so beloved of the JesuNazis, USian “democracy” – even as limited as it was – can never be resurrected. That's because its death is the consequence of Capitalism's historically inevitable metamorphosis into fascism, which is as much a force of nature as seasonal change. Consequently we are now ruled by one fascist (i.e., corporatist) party that conceals its dictatorial solidarity behind the deceptiveness of two names, a duopoly of disinformation in which the Democratic (sic) Party is no less corrupt (and no less despotic) than its Republican counterpart. Thus for a writer or commentator to reference “our democracy” is – in the ultimate and most absolute sense – to brazenly lie, thereby reinforcing the total absence of democracy that characterizes the USian present and will remain its defining characteristic until this our species' most evil empire either destroys the planet in a thermonuclear apocalypse or collapses due to the environmental ruination mandated by its own theocratic hatred of Nature.


ICONOCLASM FOR THE DAY: The Trump Regime wants to halt undocumented immigration? It should merely acknowledge, publicly and in all relevant languages, the hideously hopeless truth of the USian homeland's socioeconomic reality: that we its workers are no better than serfs or slaves, a condition from which escape is impossible, and that our children will thus suffer inescapable poverty and exploitation even more calculatedly vicious than that which is inflicted on ourselves. Then post appropriate signage along the borders: “ Abandon All Hope Ye Who Enter Here.”


WHAT THEN MIGHT WE DO? Given the looming threats of our species' self-obliteration, whether by thermonuclear apocalypse, environmental cataclysm or some combination of both, as Capitalism is already inflicting on us all via Fukushima, continued belief in “the myth of human progress” is not only absurd but unforgivably foolhardy defiance  of the recognition of historical and scientific reality demanded by dialectical materialism. Contrary to the belief of the martyred Martin Luther King Jr., the “moral arc of the universe” does not bend toward justice. In hideous truth, it bends in exactly the opposite direction, toward manifest injustice. But precisely as dialectical materialism tells us  – as indeed I have said more times than I can count – we cannot cope with such nominally unspeakable reality until we acknowledge the fulsomeness of its toxicity and thus enable ourselves to accurately name it. True, when we do so, it seems we are doomed, in which context the oppressively paralytic imbecility of hope – and more to the point, how those shackles of hope serve our overlords –  becomes undeniable. Nevertheless, we cannot know the future; it is precisely because amidst its unknowns there is a (very faint) possibility our species might survive the present age of unmitigated horror that we should prepare ourselves accordingly. And a cogent starting-point for that preparation is Lenin's essay on Dual Power,  which is perhaps even more relevant to us today than it was to Russians a century ago in 1917.

LB/25 June 2017





With Its Killer Cops and Killer Politicians, Today's U.S. Is as Relentlessly Deadly as a Planet-Sized Portuguese Man-O'-War

Genocidal Murder – Whether by Police and Soldiers Who Gun Us Down or by Politicians and Bureaucrats Who Maliciously Deny Us Medical Care and Other Life-Sustaining Stipends and Services – Is Now This Nation's Sole (and Soul) Defining Norm

THE WHITE COPS' war against African-American, First Nations and Hispanic peoples and the far broader war by Capitalists to rid the nation of all of us damned as no longer exploitable for profit won't end unless We the People wake up to the fact the targeting of minorities is but a “first-they-came-for-the-Jews” prelude to the targeting of us all. Then – although I doubt it will ever happen – we can maybe find in ourselves the courage to excise the infinite malignancy that has emerged as the defining characteristic of the United States,  whether in its murderous racism and class warfare at home or its increasingly apocalyptic aggression abroad.

I was seeking a vivid metaphor to illustrate the manifest horror the U.S. has become – the product of  Capitalism's inevitable and (since 22 November 1963), unrestrained and oft-accelerated metamorphosis into fascism. But I had nearly abandoned my quest when someone (most likely the Muse, as it was the Solstice, and the turns of the year are among the times she is most powerfully compelling), whispered in my mind's ear I should consider the deadly Portuguese Man-O'-War, the biological horror that, as the planet warms, increasingly infests the global oceans. I knew of the Man-O'-War from the portion of my childhood I spent in Florida; another child, a girl, a second-grader as I myself was then, dove off a boat-dock into a Man-O'-War's tentacles and died shrieking in unspeakable agony soon afterward. I had always thought of the creature that killed her as an especially venomous subspecies of jellyfish, but in the Muse-suggested reading linked immediately above, I learned the Man-O'-War is not a single organism but a group of microscopic creatures so ingrown “they are unable to survive independently, and therefore have to work together.” It thus operates exactly as the Capitalists and their politicians, judges and functionaries (including soldiers and cops) operate – as separate but vital parts of an infinitely merciless predatory being.

From this multiple-creatures-as-a-single-being perspective – thank you, O Muse – our present nadir of political hurly-burly is the consequence of a glaringly apparent sickness in one of these creatures, say an intestinal equivalent turned so explosively incontinent it is splattering us all with ruinously infective feces. But this is not to absolve the being's other parts. Just as the four parts of the Man-O'-War are co-equals in its toxicity, so are the four parts of the USian mechanism of Capitalist governance equally guilty in its own murderousness. The judge who acquits the cops who murders targeted minorities is as guilty of murder as the (white) Capitalists who own the politicians who write the law and appoint the judges who use the law as written to protect the cops and soldiers who do the actual killing. In other words, USian governance, like the Man-O'-War, is merely being itself – though the former is not only conscious of its deadliness but sadistically exalts in it, with the comment-thread of this report on the murder of Charleena Lyles  evidencing the same bottomlessly malevolent glee as the video vignette of Hillary Clinton cackling at Gaddafi's hideous death by anal impalement. At least by the time the follow-up story was published, the racists had seemingly departed, perhaps to another Ku Klux Klan meeting or JesuNazi revival.

Nor am I unaware of the tragic irony Ms. Lyles was slain in Seattle the same day Dispatches ran a reader's personal testament of white Seattle's racism – that had that reader not surrendered to her verbal assailants' threats to summon the security goons, a college library controversy over an allegedly overdue book might well have followed the deadly pattern exemplified by the outcome of Ms. Lyles' call for help to the federally militarized, storm-trooper-minded local police who now view any of us who are not obviously wealthy or at least of the professional-and-executive class as their enemy. Though even some whites are again beginning to awaken to the Portuguese Man-O'-War nature of USian governance, realizing that the minute those poison tentacles touch you, you're doomed, I doubt it will have any lasting impact. Note the fates of others who were so awakened, most notably Malcolm X, Martin Luther King Jr. and Fred Hampton, and let us not forget James Chaney, Andrew Goodman and Michael Schwerner.


MAINSTREAM MEDIA IGNORES HEALTH CARE DEFORM, BUT NONE DARE SAY WHY. All the broadly published complainants who justifiably denounce how mainstream media is suppressing the nauseating story of the Trumpcare atrocity nevertheless continue to robotically parrot the ever-more-obvious Big Lie of “our democracy.” Though they accurately report one of the many ugly truths that prove our alleged “democracy” is as dead  as the murdered President John Fitzgerald Kennedy, whose assassination undoubtedly signaled the USian pseudo-democracy's death, even the most avowedly Leftist of these many voluble critics cannot bear to admit what it means that mainstream media is owned by the same morally imbecilic plutocrats who own and control all USian government whether federal, state or local. Hence here are the forbidden facts explain mainstream media's deliberately deadly silence. Firstly, mainstream media has become the privately owned, for-profit equivalent of Josef Goebbels' infamous Ministry of Public Enlightenment and Propaganda; secondly, the mainstream media's refusal to expose the contents of what should properly be called the DEATH Act – Depriving Every American of Tenable Healthcare – proves why this mechanism of slow-motion genocide will soon become law. And why is that? Quite simply because it gives our Capitalist overlords – the mercilessly death-dealing, Portuguese-Man-o'-War-like despots who own the politicians and the media that covers the politicians' manifest malevolence – precisely what they want: our inescapable extermination, not only without the ignominy of death camps, but in a manner that allows these murders to be blamed not on the murderers but on those of us who are their victims.


JESUNAZI WAR AGAINST FEMALE SEXUALITY ESPECIALLY VICIOUS TO FOSTER TEENS, a disclosure of specifically focused USian bigotry that is no surprise to me given my encounter with its peripheral antagonisms as an unwanted child of divorced parents in the incipiently ChristoFascist South of the 1940s and 1950s. A judge blocked my father's attempt to abandon me in a state orphanage a few weeks after my officially insane mother tried to murder us both – until then the two of us were father-and-son close, but ever afterward he obviously feared I bore what he believed was my mother's genetic taint. One of the more embittering lessons of that era was how all but one of my public-school teachers, even in high school, singled me out for zero-tolerance disciplinary scrutiny as soon as my scholastic records revealed my familial circumstances. (I say “public school” because apart from my high-school senior English, speech and drama teacher, a dear dear woman from New York named Dorothy Merritt who is one of my childhood's three female saviors, the only exceptions to this rule of hatefulness were the nuns of my four years in a parochial school, strict though emotionally supportive, Sisters of Mercy who most assuredly lived up to their name.) In any case, based on my experiences, I can only imagine the schoolhouse horrors to which foster children are subjected, all the more so – given USia's run-amok misogyny – to those who are female.


AND WHY ALL THIS EVER-MORE-RAMPANT SAVAGERY? Predictably, an Africa-American writer – the bold journalist to whom we are connected by the second link in this essay's opening paragraph – dares answer this question with unflinching honesty:

Capitalist logic does not allow for surplus populations to be sustained for long. They (which should be read “we”) either have to be reabsorbed into the value producing mechanisms of the system, or disposed of.“

There is also USia's unique, Christianity-based hatred and contempt for people who are mentally disabled (i.e., allegedly cursed by god), the resultant malicious indifference expressed even by the policies dictated by today's allegedly “progressive” politicians.

Bottom line, we white members of the 99 percent goddamn well better learn to listen to our African-American sisters and brothers, because what has been the deadly norm for them since before the dawn of the Empire – and for every other designated minority since then – will soon be the norm for all the rest of us as well.




SOLSTICE REFLECTIONS: HOW THE CHRISTIANS FUCKED UP THE CALENDAR TO ORPHAN US FROM MOTHER EARTH. If you pay any attention to what happens in the botanical, astronomical and meteorological realms – and if you have any notion of being a real dialectical materialist, you most assuredly should observe all environmental phenomena – you're probably aware that for those of us who live in the Northern Hemisphere (and especially for those of us who live north of about 40 degrees North Latitude or in mountainous regions down to about 37 N), the present-day official seasons are as nonsensical as the claim we USians live in a democracy. For example, Summer, which our calendars tell us started only yesterday, has in fact been with us since the beginning of May, just as Autumn, which our calendars inform us starts on 23 September, is typically first evident in August. Likewise the differences between calendar winter, which starts on the 21 December, versus real Winter, which starts around Hallowe'en, and calendar spring, beginning 20 March, versus genuine Spring, which starts closer to 1 February.

I became vaguely aware of these vexatious differences as a child, when I planted my first flowers and vegetables, but I did not understand the misogyny and ecophobia that lurks beneath our modern-day seasonal boundaries until I read The White Goddess, Robert Graves' aptly subtitled Historical Grammar of Poetic Myth (International Authors:1948; Farrar, Straus and Giroux; New York: 1966.)  Graves makes it clear our relentlessly phenomenological pre-Christian kindred formulated a calendar on the basis of untold millennia of observation that not only depicted all the stages of the environmental year but was, as well, the basis of what in all probability was our European subspecies' original alphabet, the origins of which Alexander Marshack has traced at least as far back as 30,000 BCE, for which see his epic work The Roots of Civilization (Moyer Bell Ltd., London: 1991).

Based on these references and subsequent scholarly reconstructions by modern Goddess-centered Pagans, the old calendar and its resurrected variants begin spring on Imbolg (1 or 2 February). This makes the Vernal Equinox or Ostara a mid-Spring festival thus conceptually akin to mid-Summer, mid-Autumn and mid-Winter. These old/new calendars begin summer on 1 May (Beltane in Celtic realms, Walpurgisnacht in Germanic realms). They celebrate the Summer Solstice as Midsummer's Dav or Letha, when the sun god turns south and begins his annual decline. They mark the beginning of Autumn on 1 August, Lughnassadh or Bron Trograine. The Autumnal Equinox or Mabon is the mid-Autumn festival. Lastly on this calendar, Hallowe'en or Samhain is the night the year dies and its male spirit flees to the netherworld. Many people – myself among them (even as a child when I presumably knew nothing of the associated lore) – feel the sudden unmistakably saddening sense of absence that seems to define its immediate aftermath. Hence Hallowe’en: the Morning After,” the (attempted) poem I wrote in my journal on 1 November 1979:

Jack-O-Lantern shards amidst

The red and yellow leaves

Have lent their frost-diluted colors

To the dawn as if

Perhaps in mercy and regret

They would sooth a sky

Now emptied of all birds

Save crows. The year is dead;

Its spark of life has

Vanished from the chill-damp air:

The barn is but a tomb, the field

A barren nest, the land itself

Gone hollow as an empty skull

                   till Spring.

Then on this calendar comes Winter Solstice – Yule – when the year is gloriously reborn from the womb of the Goddess, and from our Northern Hemisphere perspective the sun turns north again and once more begins his growth to Midsummer strength.

Why was all this lovely and poetically compelling symbolism cast away? Because from the perspective of the Abrahamic patriarchs – the misogynistic authorities of Judaism, Christianity and Islam who have conquered most of this planet – Mother Earth is the ultimate “unfit parent.” Not only do they damn her as a female (and therefore forever cursed by their sadistic god), she is also condemned as an unabashed slut, a cosmic harlot whom even the most minimal recognition will empower to reclaim her children and lead all of us, especially her daughters, back into the allegedly deadly alleged sins of sexual self-discovery.

Verily, may our memories of the brightest light nurture us through the waxing darkness until the sun turns north again.

LB/21 June 2017.








Most of This Is So Dystopian I Can't Think of a Proper Title

(WARNING TO AOL SUBSCRIBERS: America On Line [AOL] email is apparently blocking transmission of anything that bears my name or byline. Welcome to the post-Net-Neutrality USian JesuNazi Empire.) 


THE COUNTER-REVOLUTIONARY CANDIDACY OF BERNIE SANDERS: Black Agenda Report's Glen Ford exposes the pseudo-socialist as “the hero of the phony left.” An ultimate example of speaking truth to power – and therefore a de facto obituary for the United States.


BASEBALL SHOOTING PROVOKES A SWARM OF COMMENTARIES, most of which are predictable polemics. But herehere and here are three that rise above the numbskull norm. Meanwhile, of course, the JesuNazis continue their war of intimidation against anyone who dares question their agenda of genocide and theocracy.


GRENFEL AS A MICROCOSM OF CAPITALISM'S MACROCOSM OF DEATH: “Austerity,” says Russell Brand, “is not frugality, it is brutality. It is violence.” Examining “The Politics Behind the Fire,” a TruthDig report cites a member of parliament who calls the deadly blaze “corporate manslaughter.”


ANOTHER ASPECT OF THE CAPITALIST MURDER MACHINE is the USian DEATH Act – “Denying Every American Tenable Healthcare,” the real purpose of Trumpcare, which as we all know is being written in defiant, unprecedented secrecy precisely as befits the mechanism of genocide not even its harshest mainstream critics dare say it is. Meanwhile those who offer hope as the dope-iate of the masses  circulate petitions in the utterly moronic belief such feeble gestures might stop the USian One Percenters and their Ruling Class vassal-whores from enacting this latest scheme to exterminate all of us deemed no longer exploitable for profit. Have no doubt: Trumpcare will become law, and millions of us – especially those of us who are elderly and/or disabled (not to mention those of us who are female or LGBTQ) – will be slain by healthcare denial malevolently designed to blame us for our own deaths.


REFLECTIONS ON USIAN IMPERIAL RUSSOPHOBIA: Five thought-provoking links here, herehere, here and here.


PREDICTABLY, THE JESUNAZIS AGAIN ESCALATE THEIR WAR AGAINST WOMEN, this time with yet another slash at sexual freedomMeanwhile, college-debt data reveals one of the most crippling financial burdens inflicted on women by the USian patriarchy's relentless misogyny whether theocratic or secular.


DID THE CIA POISON HUGO CHAVEZ WITH CANCER CELLS? Eve Golinger reveals “there is a very strong possibility” that is what happened.


WHY I STILL PAY MY UNION DUES: the National Writers Union – which as a consequence of the One Percent's ever-intensifying war against organized labor is a subset of the United Auto Workers – does an admirable job of going after the (many) publishers who try to fuck us writers and photographers out of our pay.


RELEVANT NOTES ON COMMUNITY ORGANIZING: Yes, Mother Jones has proven itself to be part of the pseudo-Left, and I have little doubt its long-range purpose is to co-opt and neutralize grassroots radicalism by turning it into recruitment for the Democratic (sic) Party, but this report's notes on community organizing may nevertheless be useful.




A LETTER FROM A READER AND FRIEND, a woman of color, her name withheld lest her story subject her to racist death threats or worse:

“This item in Dispatches (14 June 2017) caught my eye”:

“ALLEGEDLY SUPER-TOLERANT SEATTLE LIBRARY TARGETS TRANSGENDER PERSON. The headline says it all, in which context review the egregious JesuNazi ideology announced here.

“In 2009, I was an English tutor at South Seattle Community College, home to one of the most diverse student bodies in Seattle with a large population of East Asians and Somalis. However, most of the teachers and staff were white.

“I had a very difficult computer coding class and our teacher told us the library kept one copy of the book we needed that we could use for free. Otherwise, it was like $60 or something. The catch was that it had to be returned within 24 hours. So i checked out the book. The next day, I realized I didn’t have class so I emailed the library and asked if I could bring that book in the next day—when I had class again. The person wrote back and said, ‘yes.’ When I arrived on campus the following day, I stupidly went to the library first. I needed the book for class so I thought I’d ask the staff if I could return the book in an hour when class was over. Well, all hell broke loose. 

“The first guy I approached, a young white guy, glared at me, stared at the book in my hand and yelled out loud, ‘that book was due yesterday! Give me that book! Give me that book!’ I had no idea who he was as I had never dealt with him before so I turned away and walked towards the desk where two white librarians (one male, one female) were sitting. I had spoken to them previously about the book. So when I saw them, I asked, ‘does this guy work here? Why is he chasing me?’ To my utter horror, they said the same exact thing, ‘that book was due yesterday! Give that book to us! Give it now or we’ll call security!’ I was dumbfounded and told them I had gotten an email saying I could turn the book in a day late. The male said, ‘we don’t know who told you that. That book was due yesterday!’ Again, he threatened to call security.

“Of course I gave them the book. When I entered my classroom, I said out loud, ‘I can’t believe they were going to call security on me for bringing a book in one day late!’ My teacher looked up from his computer and said, ‘I just got the email. You’ve been banned from the library.’ In that moment, I knew it was racial discrimination. I had faced it so many times before in Seattle.

“So I went to the human rights officer, or whatever her title was. She helped me craft what turned out to be a 4-page letter. She told me we would set up a meeting once she got a reply. Well, she got a reply all right. The guy went ballistic. He accused me of turning him into a nervous wreck by saying he racially discriminated against me, that from now on he wouldn’t be able to talk to any of the students of color because something he would say might be construed as bigotry. Seriously, he turned the whole thing around on me, blamed the victim.

“What’s more, the human rights officer advised me to drop the case because she thought it wouldn’t be worth it to try to get an apology out of him. The dean had already apologized and the so-called human rights officer thought that was as much as we would get.

“As I did more research into the guy, I realized those state jobs are pretty cushy. Imagine being a librarian at a community college. The guy doesn’t do squat all day, has a nice paycheck, bennies and a nice retirement package. That’s the problem with people in those positions. They cannot be fired.

“I also worked at Seattle Central Community College back in 1989-1990 and had similar experiences there. Those incidents, and there have been many, many, many, are what made me leave Seattle so many times. I only came back because I would miss being around my Mom. But I will never live in that hateful, racist, ‘let’s pretend we’re liberal progressives’ cowtown again!

“By the way – apropos your reporting on the theocrats – it's hard to believe people actually think ‘god’ wrote a book, published it and distributed it to hotels around the world. LOL”.

MY RESPONSE: Not at all surprised. When I was there, 1972 through 1976, Seattle was the most coldly unfriendly, viciously xenophobic, malevolently bourgeois place I've ever lived. I was the founding photographer of The Seattle Sun, a very fine, Village-Voice-class alternative newspaper that died in 1982. Hence at the height of The Sun's too-brief existence I was kind of a local art star, but I was never forgiven – and more often than not openly despised – for the fact I am from “Jew York” (as in “why don't you go back there where you belong”). I was also damned for being outspokenly Marxian; for my Pagan belief if there is a deity, surely the proper pronoun is She; and most of all for being “too intellectual.” Later, c. 1979 when I was lovers with an African-American university professor, Seattle was one of the places she and I most assuredly did not go. (Self-consciously Working-Class Tacoma, where each of us lived, was notably less hostile toward us as a couple.) Seattle, at least as I knew it, is to “progressive” as a used toilet brush is to “unsoiled” – though I'm told it's gotten less obviously bigoted thanks to Kshama Sawant.

LB/18 June 2017


No More Doubt Sessions Plans Total War on Marijuana Users

WAPO EXPOSES AG'S TARGETING OF MEDICAL MARIJUANA USERS. The Washington Post proves beyond any doubtbecause patients (and cancer patients in particular) are by far the most research-legitimized consumers of the drug – that Sessions intends a zero-tolerance crusade against all marijuana users just as I predicted last week.


MOREOVER, THE FACT MOST CONGRESSIONAL DELEGATES NOW SAY THEY FAVOR LEGALIZATION IS MEANINGLESS for at least five reasons. (Note: the following repetitions of the “last week” link are deliberate, intended to facilitate ease of access to the reports so cited.) Firstly, Christian dogma damns marijuana as the world's most powerful “gateway drug” – not because it leads to other drugs, but precisely as explained by the plethora of material to which I linked last week – because marijuana's metaphysical properties break the stranglehold of fear and intimidation by which Christianity's sadistic god controls the minds of the millions of USians raised in its malevolent theologies of eternal damnation. Which of course is the real reason Sessions and his theocratic ilk are so adamantly opposed to marijuana and so fanatically intent on eliminating all its users: they regard marijuana as the primary key for opening the psychic door that – because it is proven to intensify sensuality and thereby nullify sexual taboos – grants unlimited access to all the normal human experiences Christianity denounces as “pagan” or “Satanic” and therefore forbids as “heresy.” Secondly, thanks to Barack the Betrayer's 2012 National Defense Appropriations Act, the imperial war machine can now be used as a kick-the-door-in/murder-everybody-in-the-dwelling Gestapo whenever any federal department so chooses; as I speculated last week, one of the top-secret motives for the unprecedented increase in the war-machine budget is undoubtedly the Trump Regime's intent to use its obediently deadly military to invade legal-marijuana states and thereby suppress any and all use of the drug. Note too that massacres of marijuana users – which the empire's long record of atrocities-on-command prove the USian military will enthusiastically inflict whenever so ordered – would save the regime millions of dollars in court and confinement costs. Plus the regime could also use the de facto martial law of its war on marijuana users as an excuse for declaring full-scale national martial law and thereby facilitating the mass arrest and indefinite detention of all its opponents. Thirdly, the regime's gigantic hike in military spending is a deliberately inflicted death sentence intended to end forever the few remaining government socioeconomic assistance programs including food stamps, veterans' benefits, Medicaid and probably even Medicare. Hence the impending no-quarter war against marijuana users – precisely as I pointed out last week – serves the theocratic agenda of eliminating all public-assistance programs save the “faith-based” charities that demand you either publicly convert to Christianity or be denied food, prescription drugs, rent money and whatever other life-sustaining stipends and services the local Bible-thumpers might deign to provide. Fourthly, crushing the legal marijuana industry, which as reported last week will slash at least $1.4 billion from annual state budgets, will also – again exactly as the JesuNazis intend – nullify any ability these states might have to cope with the regime's total elimination of federal social-service funds. Fifthly, the Republican Party is proven to be the One Percent's chosen mechanism for imposing national Christian theocracy. This means the JesuNazi tyrants who control the party at all levels (and have done so, as the linked material indicates, since before the turn of the century), will soon arm-twist all the Republican politicians whether national, state or local (and many secretly JesuNazi Democrats as well, e.g. Hillary Clinton et al) into supporting the theocratic demand for maximum-sentence prosecution of marijuana users and suppliers. It is therefore literally suicidal for marijuana users and suppliers to underestimate the Trump Regime's power to impose its malevolent schemes and achieve its long-range intentions.



APROPOS THE BASEBALL SHOOTING, LET US NOT FORGET THE REICHSTAG FIRE, the caution I first voiced in the comments section of Salon's report on how the ChristoFascists aka “Republicans” immediately began using the incident  to inflame the Right's already violent hatred of the Left, whether the real (i.e., Marxian) Left or the “progressive” and Democratic (sic) Party pseudo-Left. (Because Salon is so clogged with advertising its reports take as long as 10 or even 15 minutes to download to readability, here is the full text of what I said: “Lest it be lost in all the hurly burly evoked by this shooting, let us not forget [A]-the Reichstag Fire; [B]-how it was used to nullify the notably democratic Weimar Republic Constitution; and [C] the thoroughly documented fact Hitler is boundlessly admired by Trump and his JesuNazi supporters, who since the inauguration include the heads of the USian Empire's war machine and its secret police agencies.”) Indeed, I can easily envision the Trump Regime immediately modifying the federal “instant check”  system to prohibit firearms purchases by anyone associated with the Left as it is most broadly defined, to include the Pink Pistols LGBTQ self-defense organization and even all members of labor unions.


USIAN CAPITALISTS ESCALATE THEIR ALREADY-DECLARED WAR AGAINST SICK, OLD AND DISABLED PEOPLE. Obviously the insurance cartel's whores in the Trump Regime and in Congress – Democrat and Republican alike – intend by any means possible to crush the “subversive” notion healthcare is a human right and thereby preserve the uniquely USian notion healthcare is (exclusively) a privilege of wealth. Meanwhile the Senate's unprecedented secrecy– another example of the extent to which USian tyranny is now unapologetically routine – denies us advance warning of the theocratic horrors taking shape as the regime's healthcare policy even as we already see its (viciously JesuNazi) impact in the USian Homeland's rural regions. As to who is to blame, note how it was the Democratic (sic) regime of Barack the Betrayer that cleared the way for the genocidal termination of Medicaid.


FIREARMS OWNERS AND SECOND AMENDMENT SUPPORTERS BEWARE a maliciously deceptive campaign by the One Percenters' lavishly funded forcible-civillian-disarment organization that dishonestly calls itself “Everytown for Gun Safety” and works to impose mandatory pacifism and thus compulsory victimhood on the entire USian civilian population. The campaign emails' statement says, “with one click, add your name to a petition that will be delivered to federal legislators” – and in this instance it is literally true, because if you so much as open the email, your name is added to a petition to congress to enact the deceptively named “Disarm Hate Act” – which would mandate kick-your-door-in, murder-you-and-your-family disarmament of anyone convicted of participating in any sort of resistance, most assuredly including passive resistance, to the escalating JesuNazi (i.e, “religious”) violence against abortion clinics, anti-Trump-Regime rallies and union-sanctioned picketing.


COMET DISCOVERY KILLS LAST HOPE OF EXTRATERRESTRIAL SALVATION. Based on the content of modern science fiction, invasion by enlightened aliens is humanity's last remaining hope for rescue from the patriarchal mandate for planetary self-destruction. But now that too is gone forever. (For the philosophical and psychological details of the self-destruction mandate – a variant of which is the USian “better-dead-than-Red” policy – see Robert Graves' The White Goddess and Barbara Mor's The Great Cosmic Mother.)


ALLEGEDLY SUPER-TOLERANT SEATTLE LIBRARY TARGETS TRANSGENDER PERSON. The headline says it all, in which context review the egregious JesuNazi ideology announced here.


THE CLARITY OF THE REVOLUTIONARY MIND: Paul Street's suggestions for “12 Blasphemous Thoughts” to contemplate this summer as the Trump Regime marches us in lockstep toward boastfully acknowledged tyranny.




NO RANT (OR ANY OTHER EDITORIAL COMMENT) TODAY FOR TWO REASONS. One, the news is so breathtakingly bad, no comment is necessary. Two, because this is the week I produce the monthly newsletter for the 90-unit lower-income senior housing complex in which I live, I simply don't have time to be contemplative – especially about events that are already paralytically depressing.

LB/14 June 2017










Friend or Foe; Portland; JesuNazi Origins; Terror as Profit

BUILDING SOLIDARITY – WHO'S A COMRADE AND WHO ISN'T (an essay not a rant): As I said two days ago, Sophia Burns' “Why Suffer for Social Justice” – linked here again because it is such vital reading for all of us involved in the struggle against Capitalism – is one of the most hauntingly provocative pieces I have read in many years. It speaks to me personally with such power it has triggered introspection of an intensity I at age 77 assumed was decades behind me, though that is another story for another time – if indeed I ever find the courage to write it. In any case, what we are discussing tonight – an important part of what makes Burns' work newsworthy – is its exemplary usefulness in helping us distinguish between real or potential comrades and those whose hostility to socialist revolution (whether the hostility is disclosed or not) renders them at best nothing more than temporary allies and at worse co-optors or agents provocateur – which again underscores the relevance of Lev Bronstein's 1905 dictum that in every gathering of three revolutionaries, there is at least one agent of the Okhrana. It also underscores the relevance of a statement the soon-afterward-assassinated Malcolm X made 54 years ago:

The white liberal differs from the white conservative only in one way: the liberal is more deceitful than the conservative. The liberal is more hypocritical than the conservative. Both want power, but the white liberal is the one who has perfected the art of posing as the Negro’s friend and benefactor; and by winning the friendship, allegiance, and support of the Negro, the white liberal is able to use the Negro as a pawn or tool in this political 'football game' that is constantly raging between the white liberals and white conservatives.”

Cited by black journalist and entertainer Chauncey DeVega in a recent Salon piece entitled, “Bernie is wrong and Malcolm was right: What white liberals so often get wrong about racism and Donald Trump,” the text in which it appears is easily dismissable as yet another predictable effort by a “progressive” bourgeois publication to remain relevant in an increasingly revolutionary era. (The same can be said of Current Affairs – basic subscription fee $40 per year – its URL sent me by a regular Dispatches reader, to whom my heartfelt thanks.) But despite the ideological failure of such journalism, I am convinced its disclosures often serve a vital role in preparing public consciousness for the pivotal realization the overthrow of Capitalism is essential to human survival. That said, once we substitute “Working Class” for “Negro,” we realize Malcolm X is describing precisely the strategy and tactics by which the Democratic (sic) Party continues to betray all of us 99 Percenters regardless of our race, ethnicity, gender, sexuality, age or disability. So understood, it becomes a call for solidarity akin to that voiced by Burns:

You don’t get justice with the politics of guilt. You get it with the politics of solidarity. Freedom doesn’t come from shame. It comes from treating an injury to one as an injury to all (because for the working class, it objectively is). Do you want social change? Don’t look to the social justice subculture. If, like most of us, you’re a worker (paid or unpaid), help build your class’s power instead. ¶How else do you think you'll get free?”

While some might object that Burns is writing primarily for and about people with medically recognized disabilities, we should bear in mind that under Capitalism, all of us 99 Percenters are socioeconomically disabled – which even if we are in mental and/or physical prime mandates our solidarity with all other disabled people regardless of their disabling condition. Thus by revealing what she aptly labels “the social justice subculture” as another of the (deliberately deceptive, relentlessly co-optive) subsets of Capitalism, Burns alerts us all to yet another of the ploys by which self-proclaimed “progressives” undermine the cause of revolution.

A similar albeit more generalized counter-revolutionary function is performed by the Democratic (sic) Party, which is once again serving its Capitalist benefactors by betraying us 99 Percenters, particularly women. Obviously in our escalating fight against USian JesuNazism, we can no more trust the euphemism-cloaked Democrats – the true hypocrisy of whom is typified by the additional Bill-and-Hillary atrocities that just now came into proper focus – than we can trust their ever-more-blatantly tyrannical Republican Party partners.

To reiterate, the lesson here is that though our fight compels us to join hands in a united front with as many people as possible, we must for our own individual and collective survival learn to distinguish between true comrades and those who are useful only as throw-away allies – and to be very wary of the pseudo-solidarity seductively promised by the latter. But how do we distinguish pseudo-solidarity from the real thing? We pay close attention to whether it tokenizes or objectifies us – whether it forces us into the role Burns describes as “being a prop.” Thus I would urge anyone who feels they are being objectified to assert their suspicion. The response to such an assertion almost invariably tells us whether we are props or genuine sisters and brothers in openly acknowledged class struggle. Indeed distinguishing between pseudo-solidarity and the real thing may, at this historical juncture, be among our most important tasks. For without true solidarity – just as Burns says – how will we ever get free?


TWO VITAL DISPATCHES FROM PORTLAND'S WAR AGAINST FASCISM: One report indicates the crying need for the Left to develop a disciplined organizational structure to combat the lockstep command-and-control that characterizes JesuNazi operations.  The other report proves the frightening extent to which local cops and the Trump Regime itself support and protect JesuNazism's local manifestations. A related dispatch from a Rightist (libertarian?) website warns us We-the-People are now the cops' prime target.


ON THE SOCIOECONOMIC ORIGINS OF JESUNAZISM: a diatribe of godsplanin that ignores the genocidal history of Christianity  but is nevertheless worth reading because it does a fairly adequate job of tracing Biblical Capitalism and its prosperity gospel to its origins in the schemes of the One Percent and their executive-and-professional-class whore-vassals to subjugate all the rest of us. Meanwhile a professor risks tenure and perhaps life itself by courageously denouncing USian conservatism – which let us not forget is JesuNazism's prime enabler – as “a godddamn death machine.”


AN ANTHOLOGY ON THE REICHSTAG-FIRE ASPECTS OF THE SO-CALLED WAR ON TERROR: Global Research publishes a damning quintet of reports discussing how the One Percent uses Islamic terrorism to leverage Capitalism's relentless march toward global tyranny. These disclosures also suggest terrorism has become not just a product but a profit center– and as with anything else that adds to the Capitalists' already obscene wealth, we the ever-more-oppressed people pay the ever-more-deadly price.




PERSONAL NOTES ON BOURGEOIS MEDIA AND CENSORSHIP BY PRICE: The $40 annual cost of a basic Current Affairs subscription is about one third the sum my very limited income allows me for food each month. Thus it – or subscription to any comparable publication – is forever beyond my reach. Moreover, with at least half the USian Homeland population now definitively “low income,” censorship by price – a favorite Capitalist method of nullifying freedom of inquiry – guarantees most of us 99 Percenters will never see Current Affairs content nor its counterparts in comparable publications no matter how relevant it might be to our circumstances.

There are only two ways to combat the oppression that is censorship by price. One occurs accidentally, as when someone happens upon relevant material – say in a copy of The New Yorker in a doctor's-office waiting room – and sends the material to a properly attentive member of the alternative press. The other nullification of censorship by price takes place when news sites such as Reader Supported News or Common Dreams lift material from prohibitively priced bourgeois journals and republish it themselves – which is why, despite the extent to which these two sites in particular have become mouthpieces for the Hillaryite faction of the Democratic [sic] Party, they remain valuable information sources and should receive the greatest financial support the public can muster.

Note also that publications such as Current Affairs are never targeted for suppression no matter what they publish. Why? Two reasons. One, because our overlords and their vassal-whores regard bourgeois readerships as sufficiently restrained by Capitalist bondage – mortgages, student loans etc. – to be immune to revolutionary agitation. Two, because the continued existence of such publications – never mind they are priced beyond the reach of nearly all USian workers – perpetuates the Big Lie of a “free press.”

This apparent tolerance is in decided contrast to the One Percent's view of the genuine alternative press, the readership of which is deemed dangerously untrustworthy, which is why such media is routinely attacked by everything from local advertising boycotts to far more malevolent campaigns such as the Central Intelligence Agency's Operation Chaos.

Hence again my gratitude to the reader who sent me the Current Affairs URLs.

LB/11 June 2017


Fascist Poll Says 64% of All USians Now 'Agree with Marxism'; US Panel Secrecy Portends Total War against Legal Marijuana; 1%'s Media Finally Admits Ruling Class Whites Elected Trump

GOOD NEWS FROM THE FASCISTS: The annual “Report on U.S. Attitudes towards (sic) Socialism” published by the indicatively named “Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation,” states with obvious horror and revulsion  that “64% of Americans agreed with the classic Karl Marx statement that underpins Marxist philosophy: 'from each according to his abilities, to each according to his needs.'” The full text of the report   the same data bolstered by graphs less the ChristoFascist lamentation – also states “nearly half of Generation Z (45%) say they would vote for a socialist; 1 in 5 (21%) say they would vote for a communist.” Best news of all, the report reveals that 52 percent of all USians now recognize capitalism “works against them.” (This data has been out since October 2016, but I discovered it only by my constant snooping around the outer fringes of the Internet. It is another example of the necessity to read Rightist, even Fascist websites. I put “Victims of Communism” in the Fascist category not only for its advocacy of Milton Friedman [Ayn Rand] socioeconomic savagery, but for the fact it includes the 6, 923,700 Nazis eliminated by Red Army soldiers and Soviet partisans c. 1941-1945 amongst Communism's alleged “100 million victims”).


TRUMP-REGIME SECRECY SUGGESTS FEDS PLANNING ALL-OUT WAR AGAINST LEGAL MARIJUANA, which would require invasion of legal-pot states by federal troops but would also further two JesuNazi/Trump-Regime agendas. These are genocidal destruction of social services and death or long-term imprisonment of marijuana users whether recreational or medical. The regime's deadly intent is suggested by the fact such rigorously enforced secrecy is a defining characteristic of police or military operations. Though theocracy-minded Sessions  claims his Justice Department lacks the resources for  for such a large-scale operation, this (falsely reassuring?) restraint is bypassed by one of the many anti-Constitutional atrocities inflicted by Obama the Orator's premeditated, closet-Fascist shape-shift into Barack the Betrayer  – specifically his 2012 Defense Appropriations Act, which allows use of the military as a homeland police force, presumably with the imperial war machine's unlimited, kick-the-doors-in, shoot-em-all authority enabling soldiers to murder USians without restraint. Here in fact may be one of the hidden “public safety” reasons for the Trump Regime's staggering hike in the imperial war-making budget: deployment of anti-marijuana forces in the homeland. Thus Sessions' denials such operations are pending have no more standing than Hitler's denials of looming German aggression just before he started World War II. Also there's the fact the marijuana subcommittee's membership is itself a fiercely protected secret – a secrecy inexplicable unless its purpose is to conceal participation by members of the armed forces' high command. Moreover – in addition to subjecting all marijuana users whether medical or recreational to maximum-fatality, maximum-brutality, maximum-imprisonment arrests – such a war would slash at least $1.4 billion  from annual state budgets, thereby serving the regime's agenda of savaging social-service recipients whom, under the prosperity-gospel sadism of Capitalist governance, are always the primary victims – and most often the only victims – of decreases in state tax revenues.


ADDITIONAL DRUG-WAR-RELEVANT FACTS AND URLS: Not surprisingly, it required a European publication to report the hypocritical irony of an allegedly pro-states-rights regime using anti-drug warfare to end forever the last vestiges of states rights. (Note too the fanatically theocratic religious doctrines  underlying the JesuNazi hatred of marijuana: the metaphysical revelations fostered by marijuana help break the sadistic stranglehold of patriarchal religion on the human psyche; the physical affects enhance sensuality, thereby undermining the misogynistic Abrahamic taboos against sexual pleasure; and of course marijuana's medical use minimizes the suffering by people who are chronically ill but now increasingly condemned to the unrelenting agony of “redemptive suffering” by the theocratically mandated wave of new restrictions – including compulsory drug tests – to implicitly criminalize legal users of medically prescribed pain-relieving opiates. Hence legal marijuana is thrice anathema to the Divine Sadist the JesuNazis worship as their one god.)


MORE EXAMPLES OF THE TRUMP REGIME'S WILDLY ESCALATING TYRANNY: A member of the working press is facing 75 years in federal prison merely for covering a part of the anti-Trump inauguration demonstration in which the moral imbeciles of the misleadingly named Black Bloc ran amok. But any hope the USian judiciary will eventually over-rule such an injustice is already slim and in all probability will soon be nonexistent. Besides which, our overlords' employment of military weapons and tactics in their war against even determinedly non-violent dissent,  eliminates any (foolishly) remaining doubt USian governments at every level have become the enemies of the very liberties they were (allegedly) intended to facilitate and uphold.


MYSTERY GIRL SUGGESTS FEDERAL ROLE IN RFK, JFK ASSASSINATIONS. A damning report published by Global Research further substantiates what most of us have long suspected, though it is (inexplicably) buried amidst an anthology of equally informative reports on the Capitalist world's war against free speech.


LAWSUIT OVER 1978 MURDERS OF TWO BOYS MAY BARE DRUG-TRADE COVER-UP by federal agents and Arkansas state officials, the Clintons included. But the feds are already demanding the suit be thrown out of court. Nevertheless the narrative and the associated evidence make a compelling read about alleged “justice” in the USian Homeland.


FORMER EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT PRESIDENT SCHULZ DAMNS TRUMP as “the most un-American U.S. a long time.” Trump, he says, is not only a threat to European security; he is “betraying everything that made America great: tolerance, democratic institutions and respect for the individual.”


CALIFORNIA HISTORICAL SOCIETY DEFIES TRUMP REGIME RACISM by posting on its permanent website a piece entitled “Remembering the Black Panther Party's Newspaper,” which features photographs of some of the paper's more outspoken covers, perhaps as encouragement to today's increasingly endangered alternative journalists.


ULTRAVIOLET LAUNCHES CAMPAIGN AGAINST KANSAS CITY ROYALS for its Major League endorsement of ChristoFascist misogyny. Two more relevant reports on other aspects of the fight to protect women from theocratic Christian tyranny are here and here.


RUSSIANS SEE ANTI-TRUMP RESISTANCE AS ANTI-RUSSIAN FRENZY, says longtime anti-war activist David Swanson via Black Agenda Radio. “I wanted to see what Russians thought about foreign policy, about the United States, and about all the ‘scandals’ in Washington that mention Russia all the time but hardly ever have any evidence in them,” he said, and here is what he says he discovered.


UNTIL NOW, MAINSTREAM MEDIA HAS PARROTED THE BIG LIE it was Working Class whites who elected Donald Trump and thereby enabled USian ChristoFascism's defiantly unapologetic and ever-intensifying despotism. But the true story – that Trump's main constituency is the white bourgeoisie – was cited here on 13 April in a link to a detailed report in Jacobin magazine. The data so disclosed was available months before the election and immediately afterward here and here, though another Guardian writer was already parroting the anti-worker bigotry via the same edition on the same day – 15 November – a colleague was exposing the Big Lie. Thus, despite occasional rebuttals, the Big Lie prevailed until The Washington Post – which let us not forget is a key part of mainstream media, the Josef-Goebbels-type propaganda machine owned by some of the same plutocrats who own or control all USian governments – decided to imply it was scooping the world on the story.


BUT WHAT PROMPTED WAPO'S ABOUT-FACE? Clearly its contributions to anti-worker bigotry served the One Percent agenda of demonizing the Working Class to ensure the continued disunity of the USian masses. Such disinformation also pandered to the anti-worker hatefulness of the “liberals” and “progressives” who whore as the One Percent's Ruling Class of managerial and professional vassals. (Indeed these Capitalust whores' image of working-family humans was never more vividly expressed than by their beloved Garrison Keillor's “Trump Voters Will Not Like What Happens Next,” a venomous diatribe reprinted by Reader Supported News in one of its more self-damning concessions to Hillaryite hatefulness “Proud illiteracy,” lamented Keillor, has won the presidency. The “uneducated white males” who elected Trump “had a whale of a good time, waving their signs, jeering at the media, beating up protesters, chanting 'Lock her up'...They wanted only to whoop and yell, boo at the H-word, wear profane T-shirts, maybe grab a crotch or two, jump in the RV with a couple of six-packs and go out and shoot some spotted owls.”) So WaPo's anti-worker hatemongering continued ad nauseam, most likely until someone at the command level of the One Percent's anti-Trump faction realized these humans Keillor labeled “grab-a-crotch” illiterates might be essential to rebuilding the Democratic (sic) Party as the pseudo-Left, Big-Lie half of the “single corporate partyof USian Capitalist governance. (Lest anyone wonder, my “Capitalust,” above, came from a typo I immediately recognized as infinitely appropriate, for which, as always, my gratitude to the Muse. )


ALL OF WHICH UNDERSCORES THE RELEVANCE OF THREE REPORTS that focus on the bourgeois arrogance of so many self-proclaimed “liberals” and “progressives.” Crosscut, the Seattle-based online daily, tells us, “It wasn’t just the usual crew of neo-Nazis who rushed to the defense of the white professor at the center of the Evergreen State College’s ongoing racial drama. Perhaps surprisingly, many white liberals also have joined the hyper-emotional backlash that ultimately climaxed in threats of violence against 'communist scumbags' at the Olympia campus.” CounterPunch reveals how the anti-Working-Class bigotry of the executive-and-professional-class that whores as the One Percenters' Ruling Class vassals shaped the 2016 election.  And Sophia Burns, in the most thought-provoking political essay I have read in a very long while, testifies from painful personal experience how “the social justice subculture...prefers to dismiss (or even attack) the working class,” and should therefore be recognized (and rejected forthwith) as yet another stealth-weapon employed by these same whoring Ruling Class executives and professionals to protect Capitalism, patriarchy and its white overlords. (If you read only one of these links, please make it Burn's piece, which reveals truth I had always known but was never able – or maybe never courageous enough – to put into words.)


HOWEVER, ONE VITAL QUESTION ABOUT TRUMP VOTERS REMAINS UNANSWERED. We know 81 percent of the self-proclaimed “evangelicals” – the JesuNazis and ChristoFascists who want to reduce the U.S. to zero-tolerance Biblical Capitalist theocracy – voted for Trump. We know these admitted fanatics account for about 26 percent  of the total Trump/Pence vote. But – given the regime's ever-more-defiant effort to make ChristoFascism the USian state religion – what of the other 74 percent of Trump/Pence voters? A clue is to be found in a 2005 poll that reveals “63 percent of Americans” believe the Bible is literally the word of god – the core belief of JesuNazism and ChristoFascism. The obvious inference – again based on the regime's unabashed pandering to theocrats – is an overwhelming percentage of the Trump/Pence voters in the managerial-and-professional class are themselves such fanatics. If true – and I can surely believe it is (because in the South of my boyhood successful managers and professionals were almost invariably fanatical Christians) – it means the cancer of hateful white prosperity-gospel Christian zealotry has metastasized throughout the  USian homeland, which makes Margaret Atwood's book The Handmaid's Tale as horrifically prophetic as George Orwell's 1984. Too bad the available poll data doesn't correlate religion and the 2016 presidential vote with income and occupation. Could it be the pollsters – themselves amongst the One Percent's Ruling Class vassals – are afraid of what such a compilation would reveal?


AN AFL/CIO PETITION, THIS ON RENEGOTIATION OF NAFTA, posted here for those of us – self included – who foolishly hope such efforts might actually influence imperial politics  and don't give a fuck if we get our names on some secret-police mass-arrest list (where my name no doubt has already been for many many years).


BEWARE: ALL OF THE MORE OPENLY ANTI-CAPITALIST URLS linked above were infuriatingly slow to load, and their slowness was always accompanied by a message that read, “Warning: Unresponsive plugin. Shockwave Flash may be busy, or it may have stopped responding. You can stop the plugin now or continue to see if the plugin will complete.” If I thought the text relevant, I opted for the latter, though completion sometimes took as long as 15 or even 20 minutes. I have never before been so repeatedly delayed by such a seemingly endless plague of these “unresponsive plugin” obstructions. Thus I cannot but wonder if what I experienced is yet another example of the ever-more-apparent censorship of the USian Internet, perhaps by Internet Service Providers already gleefully anticipating the death of Net Neutrality.


LASTLY, A LINK TO THE MOST POIGNANTLY TRUTHFUL WAR MOVIE I'VE EVER SEEN, not surprisingly from Russia, which is still psychologically reeling from its encounter with the literally unimaginable brutality of the German invasion c. 1941-1945. This film, a four-part series the title of which translates as “The Black Sheep,” is the emotionally compelling story of how a gang of escaped convicts fell in love with some rural-village women and thus became lethally effective anti-Nazi partisans. It parallels the many Russian folk tales about ne'er-do-wells who, seemingly by accident, become benefactors and sometimes outright saviors of their communities. I recommend it most emphatically. It is articulately subtitled in English and begins here.




YES, I KNOW THIS POST IS TWO DAYS LATE, but as I have disclosed before, I am an old, arthritis-crippled, severely dyslexic man who no longer “runs” errands but hobbles them instead, and since my automobile died in 2009 and I will never in this lifetime be able to afford another, the first-of-month shopping that took me four to six hours by car now requires the senior-discount-day transportation provided by a vehicle-owning friend plus two or more “oh shit” days of four-or-five-hour bus odysseys to purchase the few essential items I invariably neglect to put on my lists. Hopefully by Sunday I will be back on the twice-per-week schedule I have decided is the best I can achieve if indeed I am to do the (dyslexia-hampered) research and writing requisite to making these posts genuinely relevant. Meanwhile – as an expression of my own enlightenment by the welcome consciousness-raising provided by Comrade Sophia Burns (above) – I will no longer let myself be guilt-tripped into apologizing for the multiply disabled person I am.


LB/9 June 2017































Racism, Ecophobia, Misogyny, Homophobia: Trump Regime Imposes Theocracy to Reward Fanatical Christian Supporters

RESEARCH REPORT: TRUMP/PENCE POLICIES AND APPOINTMENTS CONFIRM THE UNPRECEDENTED TRIUMPH OF WHITE CHRISTIAN TYRANNY. We are all depressingly familiar with the ever-lengthening litany of Trump Regime atrocities against women, racial minorities, LGBTQ people and the environment. What most of us have yet to recognize – largely because mainstream media has obscured it – is how the normalization of bigotry and ignorance fostered by these atrocities is a rightfully terrifying, perhaps pivotal victory in the fanatical white Christians' 82-year campaign to reduce the United States to zero-tolerance theocracy. Analysis of the Trump/Pence record not only proves the regime is the theocrats' newest weapon; it also proves it's the theocrats' most powerful weapon ever – a weapon that is already turning the nation into a realm potentially far more murderous than the sexist dystopia foreseen by the now-obviously-prophetic Margaret Atwood in her book The Handmaid's Tale.

Not that we weren't forewarned, even by the mainstream media propaganda machine which, more than a year ago, published a subtly ominous piece by Jeff Sharlet that presciently labeled Trump “an American preacher...who sells revenge.” Sharlet's impressionistic text is underscored by Devin Yalkin's superb black-and-white documentary photographs, images every bit as frightening as pictures of the German Nazi and USian Ku Klux Klan rallies of the last century. But most of us dismissed this outstanding work – if indeed we read and/or viewed it at all – because of its source; we rejected it as just another dose of the Hillaryite lies and disinformation with which we were then being force-fed.

These sorts of cautionary reports continued into the early weeks of this year, with one such piece accurately describing the Trump/Pence diarchy as the Religious Right's “Trojan Horse.” But the message has since been lost, whether deliberately, in sleight-of-hand misdirection (as by the red herring of Russiagate),  or merely by accident due to priorities imposed on often-overworked journalists. In any case, all such disclosures of theocratic schemes and victories have seemingly stopped – perhaps proof of the enormous behind-the-scenes power wielded by the obscenely wealthy, implicitly fascist, openly Hitler-admiring Christian cabal exposed by Sharlet  in The Family: the Secret Fundamentalism at the Heart of American Power (Harper 2008).

Sharlet's exposé of the Family is significant here for several reasons, not the least the Family's bipartisan malignancy as revealed by its connection to Hillary Clinton and other Democrats. But its main relevance begins with the Family's pivotal role in the vicious misogyny of the Hobby-Lobby decision (This same URL exposes a global, avowedly murderous campaign against any of us who are LGBTQ and – to exemplify the group's malevolence – cites a Family associate who argues that “disobedient and morally incorrigible children should be executed, per Leviticus 20:9,” one of the books of the Bible's Old Testament.) For it is the Hobby-Lobby hatefulness that links the secretive forces of the Family and its often-clandestine operations directly to the Trump/Pence regime.  Given how Hobby-Lobby founder and Chief Executive David Green had previously denounced Trump and endorsed the outspoken theocrat Marco Rubio – given too how Green's October 2016 turnabout to Trump was widely publicized by Rightist media but virtually ignored by alternative and mainstream media – I cannot but wonder if the entire Rubio-to-Trump sequence is yet another demonstration of the Family's venomously manipulative prowess. And I doubt we'll ever know how much bribery and ideological arm-twisting the Family did – and is doing – on the regime's behalf.


Chris Hedges, who is perhaps the boldest and most articulate of the very few genuine socialists still allowed relatively widespread USian publication, identifies the infamously Machiavellian Mike Pence as the regime's ideological authority, a role other sources suggest is far more vast,  possibly including all the executive powers of governance.  Hedges meanwhile has defined the whole regime as a theocratic superweapon for the imposition of “Christianized fascism.” He thus implicitly confirms the accuracy of my description of these Christian fanatics and their millions of white supporters as JesuNazis and/or ChristoFascists.

Though until now I have tended to use the two terms interchangeably, I should probably reserve the JesuNazi label specifically for those who demand the murder of LGTBQ people, non-Caucasian minorities, disobedient children, sexually active unmarried women and anyone else they deem appropriate sacrificial victims for their Divine Sadist. The term ChristoFascist I will use more as a generalized collective noun that parallels the use of “fascism” in 20th Century historical texts, i.e., “the rise of fascism in Europe” as etymologically equivalent to “the rise of ChristoFascism in the USian Homeland.”


UNTIL A NUDGE from the Muse prompted me to research the Christian Right's response to Trump's fuck-the-environment withdrawal from the Paris Climate Accords, which is viewed by our (former?) allies as a fuck-you to them as well  (the link is to a German newspaper and Europe's justifiably furious reaction), I too failed to recognize the magnitude of the theocracy factor that unifies all the Trump/Pence outrages. I knew it was there  and I know its oppressive history I had written about it many times. Moreover, with my academic background in ancient mythology and modern (Gaian) paganism, I assumed I was better informed than most as to the capabilities and intentions of the theocratic threat But in truth, as I discovered from the research I am sharing in this post, I was scarcely less ignorant than the patient who ignores a persistent but seemingly minor pain only to learn it's source is cancer grown terminal from lack of timely diagnosis – an apt analogy given the stealth by which the theocrats have already abolished a large measure of women's sexual freedom. In all probability – by their now-absolute and effectively permanent control of the Supreme Court – they have conquered our nation, the hideous truth epitomized by the regime's appointment of Hobby-Lobby's Neil Gorsuch to the Supreme Court. As to the reign of terror the court's 5-4 conservative (i.e. ChristoFascist) majority portends, go here here,  here and here.

Pew, by far the most reliable of pollsters, tells us the white Christian fanatics who voted for Trump are now the regime's most die-hard supporters, which should come as no surprise. Nor should we question Pew's disclosure that at least 80 percent of these fanatics, defined as self-proclaimed “evangelicals,” cast their ballots for Trump.What is questionable is the Pew assertion these white “evangelicals” make up only 26 percent of the electorate – this in a nation wherein another poll tells us 63 percent of the adult citizens believe the Bible is literally true, precisely the conviction that is the doctrinal epicenter of ChristoFascism. In this context, the fact 58 percent of the white voters opted for Trump suggests the true “evangelical” percentage is much greater than Pew reports. Given the accuracy for which Pew is deservedly famous, it also suggests Pew's pollsters have been deliberately misled – that a significant and perhaps growing number of “evangelicals” (who should more properly be described as ChristoFascist revolutionaries), are following the Family's directive to keep their fanaticism secret (for which see the Jeff Sharlet links above).

In my quest for information about what I first believed was the theocratic threat and now with real fear recognize as the fiat accompli of theocratic conquest, I visited a number of URLs that did not fit into this text as it evolved into its final form but are nevertheless good sources of relevant information. Hence the following, a hyperlinked summary of each URL's contents:

Thoroughly detailed and sickeningly illustrated, a long history of the murderous white racism inherent in Christianity.

An articulate young woman's discovery of “Christian Identity: the scary religion you don't know about.”

The Christian Identity Movement's own statement of (JesuNazi) dogma. Again from the JesuNazis, their own list of Christian Identity websites.

An up-to-date, nationwide list of hate groups as compiled by the peerless Southern Poverty Law Center, plus the SPLC hate map showing where these groups are headquartered and where they are active.


BECAUSE I BEGAN the 40-odd hours of research that birthed this post with an inquiry into the details of Trump's rejection of the Paris Accords, it is only proper I end the resultant text at this same topical milestone.

We should never imagine the Paris agreement was an apex of environmental sanity. But it was at least a starting point, a tiny first step away from 6000 years of ruinous patriarchal misogyny – the “Laws of God” that reduce Mother Nature, her human daughters and indeed the entire spectrum of “unGodly” existence to targets for rape and exploitation at the whim of any “Godly” man – the very dogma that is turning our Earth into a bug planet.

Thus after the Muse-nudge I went looking for ChristoFascists who would be celebrating the regime's decision as a personal triumph. It turned out to be a difficult and time-consuming search, both because of Internet specificity – get the words of your inquiry even slightly wrong and you get nothing useful – and what seems to me to be the increasing disappearance of source material with which I was already familiar. Intensifying censorship? I cannot say.

But it was clear I should have been paying much closer attention to the theocratic threat. Though like so many of us, I had bought into the Big Lie cunningly fed us a few years ago that even the more fanatical Christians were finally embracing environmentalism  – perhaps still another deception promulgated by the Family. Soon I realized I had woefully underestimated both the extent to which Trump's rejection of the Paris Accords is being celebrated and the extent to which the ChristoFascists had remained as rabidly anti-environmental as they were 47 years ago, when church reader-boards in rural Washington state proclaimed the ubiquitous license-to-kill declaration “God Hates Hippies,” its implicitly deadly message as often as not bolstered by assertions “Organic Is Satanic” or “Environmental Means Of The Devil,” and we communards – thus under constant threat from armed attack by the JesuNazi vigilantes so inflamed – kept loaded rifles and shotguns close at hand even as we sought to immerse ourselves in the wondrously pagan Zen of back-to-the-land mindfulness.

Here in closing is another list of informative URLs:

The ChristoFascist Cornwall Alliance sets out its credo for “Subduing and Ruling the Earth to the Glory of God.”

An analysis written in 2010 wrongfully dismisses the magnitude of the ChristoFascist threat even as it notes how creationism has morphed into anti-environmentalism.

More minimizing of ChristoFascist fanaticism in a 31 May 2017 piece that portrays “white evangelicals” as mostly indifferent to climate change.

A Republican congressman, himself obviously a ChristoFascist, assures us we need not worry about climate change because “God will take care of it.”

As to what is prompting all this fanaticism, a widely read Pacific Northwest blog hypothesizes an omnipresent “fear of pagan socialism” fuels the ChristoFascist reaction to the resurrection of the Mother Earth symbol combined with the anti-capitalist mandate implicit in environmentalism.

I could add a couple of comments to this last link, specifically (1)-that the connection between environmentalism and socialism – obvious to any of us who recognize Capitalism as environmentalism's most deadly enemy and socialism as environmentalism's only potential savior – is surely underscored by the fact Earth Day and Vladimir Lenin's birthday share the same 22 April date, the latter in 1870, the former exactly a century later in 1970; and (2)-that the symbols of socialist revolution, the red star and the hammer and sickle, have their counterparts in ancient pagan symbolism: the red pentagram of the Great Goddess at her Midsummer height of power; the hammer of the Divine Smith or Thor; the sickle that denotes both the Barley Mother as Reaper and the sickle's blade as the waning crescent moon, harbinger of death and resurrection or reincarnation. I think it was Carl Jung said such symbols act on the human subconscious even when their meaning is consciously unknown. No wonder socialism scares the ChristoFascists shitless.

That said, I dearly hope these disclosures will suffice to at last awaken us to the terrifying extent the theocrats have already triumphed and our desperate need to organize in resistance. If we fail to achieve the requisite solidarity, I have no doubt our fate will duplicate that of the millions of First Nations peoples slain during the 522 years of Christian genocide that began with Columbus and continue even now at places like Standing Rock and in the slave-pens of the for-profit prisons.


Damn few additional news items today, mostly because of the time and space consumed by the above, but here are four I adjudge to be most important:

ANTI-TRUMP PROTESTORS AND JOURNALISTS FACE 70-80 YEAR PRISON TERMS. While lawyers say they'll appeal, the ChristoFascist Trump/Pence regime's control of the Supreme Court and the Justice Department makes such action pointless and reduces any associated hopefulness to folly. Welcome to the Fourth Reich – the USiaNazi reality far too many of us still fail to acknowledge.

MILITARIZED COPS CONTINUE TO EXTERMINATE BLACK CHILDREN. Reader Supported News reprinted this New York Daily News report – yes USian life has become so viciously oppressive  even some of the mainstream media is becoming radicalized – which means a lot of us have probably read this story, but it's important both for its content and what it says about journalistic reawakening, so I'm posting it here also.

NEARLY 12,000 PEOPLE HOMELESS IN SEATTLE AND SURROUNDING COUNTY. Another example of Capitalism in action – the same Capitalism the ChristoFascists claim is the inviolable will of their “loving” god.

MORE THREATS OF USIANAZI VIOLENCE: one such threat closes Evergreen State College, and a shitstorm of racist and homophobic hate cancels a book tour.

The incidence of such violence is skyrocketing, as it no doubt will do for years to come, and it's already obvious the cops usually side with its JesuNazi perpetrators, yet some of us on the Left still cling to the suicidal notion the Bill of Rights has only nine meaningful amendments.

LB/4 June 2017
