"Our Democracy": Viciously Misogynistic Christian Theocracy, Jury-Approved Genocide by Cops, Total Surveillance Just as Reichsführer-SS Heydrich Proposed and Obama Made Real
30 June 2017
THIS POST IS TARDY FOR TWO REASONS. One, on Tuesday I joyfully seized a depressingly rare opportunity for an afternoon of outdoor recreation which so painfully inflamed my arthritis I spent most of Wednesday in bed (though if I have another such opportunity, I will seize it with equal joyfulness, the afflictions of old age be damned). Two, looking at the defining characteristics of USian (i.e. Biblical Capitalist, i.e. JesuNazi, i.e. murderously white Christian) governance, I was paralyzed with several hours of indecision. I couldn't decide which is worse: the ever more brazen imposition of theocracy; the ever increasing (and ever more obviously genocidal) murders of minority people, especially African-Americans, by federally militarized police; or the newest disclosure of Obama's fuck-us-all vindictiveness, in this instance his malicious evasion of the Constitution to impose total-surveillance precisely as conceived by Adolph Hitler and his henchmen and now applauded by the white Christian theocrats as a means of enforcing their unspeakable malevolence. But since it's this “secret fundamentalism at the heart of American power” that knowingly enables these and all other USian atrocities, that's where we'll start today's Dispatches.
SCOTUS OPENS DOOR FOR FORCIBLE TAXATION TO FUND THEOCRACY. The Capitalist-mandated imposition of USian theocracy went public in 1954 with the still-controversial and often vindictively enforced addition of “under God” to the Pledge of Allegiance – the capital “G” making it undeniably obvious the deity so referenced is the Divine Sadist worshiped by white-supremacist Christians. And now the theocracy campaign has been handed its greatest and most decisive leap forward by the USian Supreme Court in a pivotal 7-2 decision that potentially makes every USian taxpayer a slave of national Christendom. Or as Justice Sonia Sotomayor wrote in her dissent, the court has ruled, “for the first time...the Constitution requires the government to provide public funds directly to a church.” In other words, the Roberts Court has reduced the Establishment Clause to another of the innumerable Big Lies implicit in the biggest Big Lie of all time, “our democracy.” Meanwhile, JesuNazi Justice Neil Gorsuch took advantage of another Supreme Court decision to declare total and unending war on LGBTQ people.
THEOCRACY IS LIKE A VENOMOUS SERPENT: WE IGNORE IT AT OUR OWN PERIL Most USians – 63 percent – are already at theocracy's gateway-belief in the Bible as the literally true (and therefore indisputable) word of their infamously sadistic god. They thus countenance – whether by their support or unconcern – the ever-escalating imposition of Christian tyranny. Yet too many of us who oppose it are effectively self-silenced, whether by the smug and arrogant belief religion has become irrelevant or by misguided “political correctness” that demands tolerance of anything labeled “religion” – including the JesuNazism of the theocrats. Moreover, all these theocratically contributory viewpoints are fostered and sustained by the extent to which mainstream media methodically downplays and often censors the terrifying facts about the murderous intentions of the Christian fanatics. (Mainstream media, let us not forget, is owned by some of the same One Percenters who not only own or control USian government at all levels but whose fathers and grandfathers were the theocrats' primary financiers.) Now, with the advent of the Trump/Pence regime, these Capitalist-financed theocrats control all three branches – legislative, executive, judicial – of the federal government, which has thus become history's most vindictively powerful pusher of this particularly paralytic opiate of the masses.
GENOCIDAL RACISM IS A SUBSET OF WHITE CHRISTIAN THEOCRACY, an ugly truth of USian history conveniently suppressed even in doctoral-level studies at most (implicitly white) USian colleges and universities. Thus there's no doubt one of the reasons Trump/Pence Attorney General Jefferson Beauregard Sessions intends to fully re-criminalize marijuana is it gives the USian (i.e., white supremacist) criminal injustice system yet another rationale for acquitting – often the judicial equivalent of applauding – the growing number of white cops who murder African-Americans.
TOTAL SURVIELLANCE – OBAMA'S FULFILLMENT OF A NAZI DREAM – IS NOW OUR TOTAL REALITY. Thanks to a hitherto-unreported Obama Regime atrocity – just one of the many atrocities facilitated by our moronic acceptance of Obama the Orator as the messiah of “change we can believe in” and our subsequent victimization by his (utterly predictable) shape-shift into Barack the Betrayer – every one of “those internet-connected gadgets we just have to have...are setting us up for a brave new world where there is nowhere to run and nowhere to hide.” Perfected in the post-Syriza rat-lab the global Capitalists have made of Greece, such a world was originally proposed by Reinhard Heydrich, who intended to bring every individual within the Third Reich under “continuous supervision.” Nor does USian total surveillance stop with electronic spying. Soon even the books, magazines and other reading material carried by USian air passengers will be subject to physical scrutiny – and therefore to ideological evaluation – by the Transportation Security Administration's goons, an obvious Trump Regime precursor to the sorts of hands-on intrusiveness mandated by JesuNazi theocracy. Again we see the ideological and historical connections between Capitalism, the USian government and its German Nazi prototype. Which, by the way, included a special branch of the Gestapo, the Reich Office for Combating Homosexuality and Abortion, dedicated to the suppression of LGBTQ people and the female sexuality that had flourished during the Weimar Republic's doomed experiment in social democracy.
MORE EXAMPLES OF OUR FORCIBLE CONVERSION FROM CITIZENS TO SERFS AND SLAVES: Firstly, there's the “vast net of stress, fear and insecurity” inflicted on an entire generation by student loan debt which – exactly as intended – is suppressing resistance to USian socioeconomic savagery. Then there's the unprecedented effort to criminalize dissent, especially when the dissent seeks to block fossil-fuel pipelines. Note that even the most egregious of these laws are sure to be upheld by the Roberts Court. Lastly there's New Jersey's mandate to teach k-12 students how to display proper submissiveness and thereby – for sure if you're white, and at least theoretically if you're African-American, Hispanic or First Nations – avoid being murdered or brutalized by the police.
DON'T IMAGINE EVEN FOR A MINUTE TRUMPCARE IS DEAD. While the Democratic (sic) Party's PseudoLeftists foolishly celebrate the delay in the imposition of Trumpcare, those of us who are more politically honest realize our reprieve is only temporary. That's why disabled activists say they'll continue risking arrest – and Trump Regime encouraged brutalization by Washington D.C. cops – to protest the genocidal contents of what should be called the DEATH Act – Denying Every American Tenable Healthcare – another key element in the Christian Theocrat agenda (see “murderous intentions of Christian fanatics,” above).
WAS GEORGE WASHINGTON A FRENCH AGENT? Historian Paul LeBlanc rebuts the revisionist notion Lenin was a German agent by noting the exact parallels between Lenin's relationship with Imperial Germany and Washington's relationship with Royalist France.
CONTRARY TO THE BIG LIES TAUGHT AS HISTORY, USIAN CLASS REBELLION WAS COMMONPLACE. That's why the Ruling Class – the true founders of the Deep State – decided they needed a constitution to protect their greed-begotten gold from “Levelers,” the Communists of the late 18th Century.
DOOR-TO-DOOR ENCYCLOPEDIA SALES AS THE CURE FOR POVERTY: A cautionary introduction to the newest Capitalist propaganda, a 21st Century version of the (alleged) “power of positive thinking.”
BOOKS: AN ESOTERIC ESSAY ON WHY JAMES BALDWIN IS AGAIN RELEVANT. An excerpt from William J. Maxwell's James Baldwin: the FBI Files (Arcade Publishing: 2017).
YET ANOTHER OBITUARY FOR THE DEMOCRATIC (SIC) PARTY: “It’s not that the Democratic Party can’t 'wake up' to Americans’ surging support for a bold challenge to the corporate stranglehold over our economy and politics. It’s that it won’t.” Italics as in original, which underscores our desperate need for a new political party.
THOUGHT FOR THE DAY: Anyone who questions the 21st Century relevance of Marxism should be reminded that it's the only proven antidote for Capitalism, especially Capitalism metamorphosed into fascism, witness how the triumph of the Red Army saved us from a world ruled by Hitler and his Wall Street financiers.
LB/28-30 June 2017.