Let’s Not Leave the Soviet Union Out of Our D-Day History
Bruce Dixon: a Relentless Warrior for Socioeconomic Justice

Shut Down by Total Computer Failure, Probably Permanently

My 25-Year Address Book, the Dispatches Mailing List Included,
Is Gone Forever. Government Malice? Undoubtedly. But Fuck the
One Percenters and Their Vassals, Fuck Their Blood-Drenched Flag
and Fuck the God of Genocide They Serve. I'll Be Back If I'm Able.

OBVIOUSLY THIS IS the climax of the attack that began last December with repetitive efforts to max out my credit cards by fraud (which destroyed forever -- literally, because I will not live another seven years -- the credit I had been meticulously rebuilding since my 2008-2009 loss of nearly 70 percent of my annual income).

As we all know, the only way to remedy such a problem is with lawyers and lawsuits, which of course since I am now reduced to inescapable peonage is forever beyond me.

Plus all my research  after June 2018 -- a full year's effort -- is also lost forever. This kills the novel -- in fact kills any possibility of a novel -- as there is no way, at age 79 and slowly dying of congestive heart failure, that I can ever reconstruct the lost research.

And without it -- because to make fiction work it requires every bit as much research as journalism -- there is no way I can write it. (Yes, this is the same thing that killed "Dancer," though what the arsonist[s] destroyed was 24 years of research, as well as my entire always-fragile sense of personal identity.)

But in bitter truth, disasters of this sort are in fact the sole defining quality of my life. In other words, I am undeniably accursed.

And you damn sure  can't call yourself a writer or photographer without text and pictures to back up the claim.

Despite nurdly reassurance the associated computer problems can be resolved, I have been mostly off-line for the past eight days -- had to go completely off-line to finish this month's senior-housing newsletter, which is printed and hand distributed rather than emailed.

Hence it is now obvious that whatever is wrong with this machine cannot be repaired.

While there is no way I will ever again be able to afford another computer, some people I know promise they will get me another. I am most grateful for their emotional support, but given the prohibitive sums involved, I am rationally skeptical. We shall see.

Those of you who would want to see Dispatches if I ever get reliably on line again, please email me accordingly. As I said, all your email addresses were eradicated by the computer failure, and I have no other way to get them back than by begging as I am doing now.

Meanwhile I thank you for your readership. I will leave you all with this, knowing it may in fact be my last-ever online political statement:

Wanna comprehend the ChristoNazi/Neoliberal reality of the Trump/Pence Regime? Wanna know why the Democratic (sic) Party will again in the 2020 elections function as the Republican Party's Fifth Column?

Dig it:

What Trump is actually doing is imposing -- with absolutely 100 percent success -- the Neoliberal Final Solution: he's destroying the remnants of civil government -- exactly as Neoliberalism demands -- to allow for the emergence of a planet ruled entirely by the corporations, their secret police and their military goon squads. In other words, he's our corporate masters' perfect puppet; behind the hurly-burly, he's giving them everything they ever wanted.

Welcome to the future: wherein the vast majority of human lives -- literally all human lives save those of the aristocrats -- will be too horrible to endure.

LB/19 June 2019





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