The ChristoNazis Want Greta Thunberg Burned as a "Witch"
11 January 2020
Condemning All Environmentalists as "Pagan Barbarians," a Leading Fascist Journal Damns Greta as a New "Joan of Arc," Thus Implicitly Threatening Her with the Martyr's Hideously Painful Death by Fire
I MISSED THIS STORY when it broke last September because Wonkette -- the website that chose to ignore The Federalist's terrifyingly obvious lynch-mob agitation but otherwise scooped the world by sarcastically reporting that publication's potentially murderous accusations -- is unfortunately but justifiably disreputable for its identity-politics vindictiveness and is therefore almost never taken seriously by the Internet sources1 on which I am most dependent for my daily doses of relevant information.
But before we can acknowledge the full horror of The Federalist's position, we need to understand the magnitude of its threat: yes, dear readers, there truly are masses of alleged humans out there in Neo-Confederate White Christian America who intend to bring back public executions including witch-burnings and the stoning of adulterers, adulteresses, persons of nonconforming sexuality and so-called "heretics," disobedient small children included.
And these days their de facto neo-Confederate nation -- for which see the color charts linked below -- is nearly all the geographical U.S.A. save parts of 13 coastal states2 and perhaps a few more cities.3
Quoth Joe Bageant in a 2004 Dissident Voice report that today is recognized by most of us on the Real (socialist/pagan) Left as terrifingly prophetic:
Christian Reconstruction...calls for the death penalty in a wide range of crimes, including abandonment of the faith, blasphemy, heresy, witchcraft, astrology, adultery, sodomy, homosexuality, striking a parent, and ''unchastity before marriage'' (but for women only). Biblically correct methods of execution include stoning, the sword, hanging, and burning. Stoning is preferred, according to Gary North, the self-styled Reconstructionist economist, because stones are plentiful and cheap. Biblical Law would also eliminate labor unions, civil rights laws, and public schools...Reconstructionist doctrine calls for the scrapping of environmental protection of all kinds, because there will be no need for this planet earth once The Rapture occurs...
Its impact on politics and religion in this nation have been massive, with many mainstream churches pushed rightward...Other mainstream churches...flinch and bow to the Reconstructionists at every turn.
Lest the Christian Reconstructionists be underestimated, remember that it was Reconstructionist strategists whose "stealth ideology" managed the takeover of the Republican Party in the early 1990s. That takeover now looks mild in light of today's neocon Christian implantations...
I say again, dear readers, those paragraphs were written in 2004. Now the ChristoNazis -- because that is precisely what they are -- own the executive (the presidency), the judiciary (the courts), the U.S. Senate and the 30 states that are effectively Republican and therefore ChristoNazi despotisms including the eight Republican states (see color charts here) in which the Democratic [sic] Party allegedly polled as the majority party in 2018.
And let us stop delusionally ignoring the fact the ChristoNazi control of the Supreme Court of the United States, SCOTUS (and now more appropriately the Robbers' Court), is guaranteed -- effectively forever -- by its lifetime appointments, which are most assuredly long enough to enable them to inflict every bit of the Apocalypse they so eagerly seek.
Hence by every imaginable criteria that actually matters, the ChristoNazis and their fellow Jewish and Islamic theocrats -- all with their sadistically Abrahamic god and his biblically endorsed mechanisms of salvation by torture including public stonings of sexual nonconformists and public burnings of heretics and witches -- are winning, and not just here in the United States.
In other words, Greta Thunberg and all of us in the growing but ever-more-marginalized multitudes who support her cause -- especially those of us who properly regard her as speaking with or perhaps even "channeling" the voice of our Mother Earth (no matter whether we as dialectical materialists view such notions as merely [albeit compellingly] metaphorical or we as Gaians embrace such notions with our hearts and thus find them no less compellingly real than the haunting voice of the pagan liturgist Lisa Thiel) -- we are in bitter truth far more at risk from the ChristoNazis and their ilk than we are from any of our other environmental afflictions.
Hence also my eternal astonishment at those of us in the Working Class who accept without question the Ruling Class claim the imposition of forcible civilian disarmament will magically lessen our jeopardy -- a claim no less absurd than the childhood notion that whenever Froggy the Gremlin plunks his Magic Twanger, the resultant mischief drives all the Jeopards away.
As for me, I lived far too long amongst the Southrons -- a bit more than 15 years total, including most of my boyhood and teens (1943-1948; 1950-1959) and the first three years of my post-Regular-Army adulthood (late 1962-early 1965) -- to be ever so foolish as to under-estimate either the irremediable hatred that rules the Christian-white-supremacists' hearts or the equally irremediable cunning and savagery of the lynch-mob sadism that froths through their veins. Such is the source of the antebellum venom that poisoned this nation even before it attained nationhood and is now expanded by the Rightist mastery of postbellum technology and propaganda into a methodical poisoning already sufficient to nearly triple the 11 states of the old Confederacy in the Neo-Confederacy of the 21st Century. And it's because of those 15 years -- my involuntary familiarization with the deadly malevolence of white racism -- that I know from experience sometimes only skill with a firearm will keep you alive.
Precisely why I maintain it is always better to have a gun and not need it than to need a gun but didn't have it.4
1For the record, these are Reader Supported News, Truthdig, CounterPunch, Popular Resistance, LA Progressive, World Socialist Web Site, Patheos, Truthout, and of course the Associated Press, each hyperlinked here for easy access.
2Alaska (which is infinitely more [lower-case] libertarian/anarchist than it is ChristoNazi or fascist); also the socioeconomically dominant, typically coastal parts of Washington, Oregon, California and Maryland, plus most (if not all) of New Jersey, New York, Rhode Island, Connecticut, Massachusetts, Vermont, New Hampshire and Maine. (Note my deliberate omission of Delaware, a de facto fiefdom of the DuPonts and their Neoliberal/fascist co-perpe-traitors.)
3As they come to me -- additional cities in which I have worked and/or known more than momentarily pleasurable times or to which I have longstanding personal connections but otherwise in no particular order: Asheville, N.C.; Chicago, Ill.; Minneapolis, Minn.; Missoula, Mont.; Oak Ridge, Tenn.; Ann Arbor, Mich.; and let us not forget New Orleans, La., where alas I have never set foot but am strongly connected by the shared experiences of two late and most beloved friends, the writer Joy Kidstry and the jazz musician, singer, arranger and lyricist Melinda Moen). This is of course is by no means an all-inclusive list; readers will no doubt know of many more such inland or Southron locales themselves.
4Non-grammatical change of tense -- "need a gun but didn't have it" -- is deliberate; the seemingly incorrect transition from present tense to past tense is intended to suggest an unarmed victim's probable demise in any such encounter whether the assailant(s) be quadrupedal or bipedal.
Recommended Reading
Probably 90 percent of the approximately 100 links per day I read online merely underscore the endlessly depressing truths of our era, which by themselves are no longer news save when they inflict high-mortality disasters -- still more of the evidence we are prisoners of the most helplessly hopeless/hopelessly helpless era in all our species' approximately 250,000 years.
But I choose these essays and reports not for any underscoring function they might have but because they provide new details or grant us sharpened focus on older details that are being expanded or reconsidered.
I hope you'll find at least a few of them worth reading and contemplation. (As always, the use of capital and lower-case letters in the links duplicates the up-style or down-style modes of the sources.)
History Our Masters Desperately Want Us to Forget
The true legacy of US central banker Paul Volcker (1927–2019)
How "American Exceptionalism" Hides Shame, Creates Stupidity and Dangerous Imperialism
How Kshama Sawant Defeated Amazon
Rightists, Leftists Twisting Education into Ideological ‘Correctness’
Bill targets school riflery teams, citing gun culture;
Tennessee lawmaker calls for ending higher education to kill‘liberal breeding ground’
Realpolitik: Goebbels, Bismarck and Machiavelli Forever Proven Right
Democrats combine impeachment and collaboration with Trump
Congress Quietly Cut 'White Nationalists' From Measure to Screen Military Recruits
Trump Adviser Caught on Tape: Voter Suppression Key to GOP Battleground Efforts
Study Shows White Evangelicals Want Christian Supremacy, Not “Religious Freedom”
Israeli snipers target Gaza protesters in the eyes
Royal Canadian Mounted Police advocated live ammo against pipeline protesters
Why So Many People Who Need the Government Hate It
Ecogenocidal Matricide: the Patriarchal War Against Our Mother Earth
Climate Change Fueled the Australia Fires. Now Those Fires Are Fueling Climate Change
Regulators halt attempt to hit solar customers with big fees
The US and Other Rich Countries Stonewalled $300 Billion Climate Relief Fund
Amazon Threatened to Fire Employees for Speaking Out on Climate, Workers Say
The Great Dismantling of America's National Parks Is Under Way
The Collapse Of Civilization May Have Already Begun
From the Top 25 Censored Stories of 2018-2019:
Ukrainian Fascists Trained US White Supremacists
US Women Face Prison Sentences for Miscarriages
'Twas the Season to Be Jolly
Christmas 2019: More than half a million homeless in America
A Grim New Definition of Generation X
Trump Tells Evangelical Rally He Will Put Prayer in Schools
Another Kentucky coal company refuses to pay miners
Army Veteran's Prosthetic Legs Repossessed After VA Refuses to Pay for Them
US alcohol-related deaths doubled between 1999 and 2017
New study shows link between auto plant closures and opioid deaths in working class America
"Democracy for Sale": Cambridge Analytica and Big Tech's History of Manipulating Elections
36th Out of 41: Social Justice Index of Developed Nations Puts US Near Bottom
And for all of us in the fast-growing Marginalized Multitude -- already our species' largest demographic group ever -- may our New Year at least be notably happier than the pivotally bad year our (allegedly) human Masters intend to inflict on us.
LB/11 January 2020
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