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July 2022

Patriarchal Despotism's Three Deadliest Deceptions: Eternal Life, Human Progress, a Moral Arc That Bends toward Justice

98480012 - CopyAFTERMATH: a young woman finds an antique colander in the debris and wreckage washed ashore by the unprecedented high tides of an unusually severe winter storm.  (Photo by Loren Bliss ©2022) 


WE ARE SUBJUGATED as we now are primarily because our conditioned ignorance and gullibility allow nearly all of us -- no matter how sophisticated we might imagine ourselves -- to be seduced by three of our species' most deceptively camouflaged intellectual malignancies.

The seductiveness of these symbiotic falsehoods is so overwhelming, not even the clarifying might of dialectic materialism -- Marxism's presumably impenetrable defense against irrationality -- seems able to protect us from their relentlessly induced delusions.

What are they then, these three most ruinous Big Lies, our ecogenocidally terminal triplets?

The most venomously destructive Big Lie is our pathetically superstitious belief in "eternal life," which -- because there's allegedly "a better home a-waitin in the sky" -- relieves us of any moral obligation to improve the conditions of life on earth. Next comes the ignorantly lethal twining of "progress" with the equally ignorant, equally false, equally crippling conviction the "moral arc" of our patriarchal history "bends toward justice."

"Progress" is the Big Lie that sought to shrink Nazi Germany from what it truly is -- patriarchy’s ultimate definition of itself -- to an anti-historical anomaly; the "arc toward justice" is the corroborative Big Lie by which our Masters leverage our brains into accepting "progress" as synonymous with "betterment" in the One Percent's living conditions -- never mind that for the 99 Percent, such "advancements" invariably mean worsening poverty, skyrocketing body-counts and irreversible environmental destruction.

But as any serious student knows, the arc of history itself is absolutely real -- though the reality it bends toward is not the blessing of liberty and justice but the terminal curse of its antithesis: ever-more-inescapably brutal subjugation by our nazi-minded Masters’ ever-more-technologically omnipotent  arsenal of horrors. Doubt me? Study the six-millennia historical timeline: note what Loreena McKennitt so memorably describes as "the months of peace and all the years of war."


WHILE CAPITALIST "PROGRESS" and socialist "progress" are conventionally believed to be diametrical opposites, closer scrutiny reveals each ideology is equally committed to the apocalyptic destruction of our Mother Earth.  Though the socialist version is traditionally said to be synonymous with our species' quest for freedom and justice, that (former)  ideological truth has since been reduced to yet another Big Lie by the fact Communist China now exceeds the United States as this planet’s deadliest polluter. (The U.S. remains our species’ all-time champion at any and all forms of industrialized murder, which thus preserves its top-seeded role as the world champion of deliberate ecogenocide, a ranking not even    Nazi  Germany could challenge.)  Meanwhile the capitalist version of progress -- formerly euphemized as "bigger and better" --   is now revealed as the methodical reduction and subjugation of the 99 Percent: extermination of "surplus" workers and permanent enslavement of the survivors. Thus capitalist and socialist ideologies are now twinned in ecogenocidal destructiveness.

As our Masters learned by their nazification of Germany, the more vicious they are -- the harsher and more difficult they make survival for any of us whose lifeblood is measured by paychecks -- the closer they move the masses to embracing the intrinsically hateful identity-politics tribalism of generic nazism. And with the Soviet Union beaten, destroyed and no doubt gone forever, there is at present  no power left anywhere on this planet -- absolutely none -- capable of organizing a genuinely powerful anti-nazification campaign, which is the only development that might -- though with odds now only slightly better than those of the proverbial snowball in hell -- yet save us from this all-encroaching, all-destroying evil.2   Such is the ecogenocidal reality of patriarchal "progress."  

In synergistic combination with the fake history of a nonexistent  "arc...toward justice,” the antisocial venom inherent in this notion of "progress" is intensified to the Nth power, with every tyrant now testing his3 serial-killer instincts in competition for top ranking on the oppressive-technology-is-god’s-greatest-gift roster of our species' most ecogenocidal Masters. But the concept of "progress" itself -- the curiously persistent belief in some imaginary human dynamic that leads inevitably toward individual and collective betterment -- is proven by the very history it ignores to be among our species’ most self-destructive forms of magical thinking. Never forget our Masters' definition of "progress" includes the IBM-organized Holocaust, and enough  chemical, biological and thermonuclear weaponry to reduce our Mother Earth to a cinder as lifeless as any asteroid. 

Thus -- and it cannot be repeated too often -- the only “moral arc” evident in human history "bends" toward nazism on a global scale, which means we socialists are gravely mistaken in believing history is our ally and guarantor of our eventual triumph.

One of socialism's core principles -- that the historical momentum of "progress" makes socialism inevitable -- is itself proven wrong: not necessarily  a Big Lie (at least not in the beginning), but unquestionably a ruinous misunderstanding. For as the ongoing reversal of every one of our progressive reforms proves beyond dispute, it is the ecogenocidal momentum of patriarchal history -- the irresistible force of our Masters' eternally nazified will (however ideologically disguised) -- that is destroying us. 

Viewed objectively, our history -- save during the immediate aftermath of the Soviet Revolution -- is whatever our Masters impose on us; thus it is inseparable from our Masters’ historically proven policy of imposing ever-more-self-sustaining tyranny: a relentless march toward ever-more-omnipotent aristocracy protected by ever-more-sadistic zero-tolerance dictatorship fostered by ever-more-invincible technology.


TO BEGIN THE process of discovering and thereby surviving the socioeconomic cancers lurking in our notion of "progress," we must first overcome the crippling aversion to the study of history intentionally inflicted on us by our Masters' insistence it be taught, K-12, as  nothing more than wearisome, intentionally repugnant drills in rote memorization of names, places and dates.  

Beyond that, I suggest reading five authors  the ChristoNazis damn as both treasonous and heretical. These are: Howard Zinn, A Peoples' History of the United States (Harper and Row: 1980); Roxanne Dunbar-Ortiz, An Indigenous Peoples' History of the United States (Beacon Press: 2014);  Timothy Snyder, Black Earth: the Holocaust as History and Warning (Tim Duggan Books: 2015); Chris Hedges, American Fascists: the Christian Right and the War on America (Free Press: 2006); Jeff Sharlet: The Family: the Secret Fundamentalism at the Heart of American Power (Harper: 2008).

For me, the most influential gift of the above reading was its revelation of the ageless toxicity of the malevolence directed against the 99 Percent, especially the vast global majority of us who are not white.  A near-lifelong student of history and a miserably involuntary, New-York-City-born resident of five former slave states during most of my first 24 years, I am familiar with most of our Masters' innumerable atrocities; but until I read An Indigenous People's History and Black Earth, I had not realized our patriarchal Masters have always been motivated by the same philosophically and methodologically sophisticated hatefulness they exhibit today.  Yesteryear's Masters were just as conscious of the evil they were inflicting on First Nations folk --  and just as sadistically gleeful about their ecogenocidal triumphs -- as today's Masters are as they reduce us all back to serfdom and slavery.      

If we dare to truly comprehend the toxic magnitude of what assails us, I also recommend -- emphatically recommend --  reading what has again emerged as our species' bible of manifest evil, Adolf Hitler's Mein Kampf.4  If we are to truly know our enemy, Mein Kampf is the only book I know that reveals the otherwise unimaginable skill empowering the evil that is overwhelming us. Contrary to our most crippling misconceptions, our foes are neither ignorant nor stupid; they are in fact what they have always been: the best-educated, most intellectually malignant, most effectively cunning oppressors in our species' entire history. That's why -- if we are to have any chance of escaping our Masters' corporate slavepens -- learning something of our real history is necessarily part of our education for intellectual self defense. Nor can it be said too often the taboo'd historical facts revealed by the above bibliography prove beyond dispute our species' only "progress" since the advent of patriarchy is technological -- and that if we are not part of the aristocracy, its only "gift" is ever-more-inescapable despotism. Our freedom is diminished each time our Masters' technological prowess increases.  Thus for us, we the people of the 99 Percent,  "progress" merely strengthens the deadly shackles by which our Masters' long ago began re-enslaving us.

In other words, the sole function of "progress" under Capitalism is to sustain and intensify our Masters'  savagery. "Progress" is thus revealed as the intentionally terminal opposite of "sustainability."

This is clearly the mindset from which our Masters developed and promoted electronic media -- the world's first genuinely inescapable shackles of total surveillance falsely peddled as enhancements to human freedom and mindlessly embraced by entire populations of self-obsessed, fanatically acquisitive workers already reduced to pre-nazi moral imbecility by the relentlessly worsened hardships of survival.

But when we discover our forbidden history's excruciatingly painful revelations, we  are at long last able to chart such "progress" with an historically accurate arc. Whether from the five books cited above or from more extended studies of sociology and history, we learn that eras of humanitarian governance are but the tiniest intervals of relief in the long timeline of patriarchal despotism.

And then -- contrary to all the lies we’re told -- we discover the timeline’s arc curves relentlessly toward technologically maximized tyranny.

Which in turn reveals any notion of "progress" to be naught but diabolically clever propaganda, devastatingly effective in its primary function of perpetuating all present-day forms of tyranny. We discover "progress" as our Masters’ all-time whopper of deliberate disinformation and purposeful misdirection. As already noted,  if we believe in "progress," we can always dismiss past atrocities as anomalous aberrations we've somehow (magically) grown beyond rather than acknowledge them as the horrifying declarations of present-day human surrender to ecogenocidal evil they actually are.

Meanwhile -- thanks to our Masters' ongoing destruction of our planetary resource base -- we the people of the 99 Percent, we who are Working Class even if we are too brainwarped to acknowledge our credit-card servitude, every one of us is now forever doomed to struggling for survival in a realm of perpetually declining expectations and therefore eternal hopelessness.

What this means is implicit in the fact history tells us progressive change occurs only in response to rising socioeconomic expectations among the 99 Percent -- that declining Working Class expectations invariably diminish humanitarian considerations and often, as in the Holocaust or the extermination of First Nations peoples, completely suppress them.

Such is the challenge we socialists face. If even a trace of humanitarianism is to survive, if our species and our planet is to avoid destruction in some final paroxysm of terminal moral imbecility, we must transform our ideologies into  effective antidotes against skyrocketing despair: precisely what history tells us is impossible in any time of societal despair -- never mind today's hopelessness truly is bottomless, without precedent in our species'  experience.

Fact is, our Masters today believe their technological omnipotence has freed them of any obligations beyond themselves and their caste: theirs is the sadistic moral imbecility of a Vlad Tepes elevated to infinity by the “gifts” of modern technology: inescapable surveillance and an ever-expanding arsenal of doomsday weapons, with the ever- worsening environment to force our ever-more-violent reduction to social Darwinism, just as our masters have always intended.

1Why nazism rather than fascism? Why do I choose "nazi" rather than "fascist" as my generic term for the run-amok evil that assails us? Note that each term originated from proper nouns. But in the capitalist world, only "fascist" -- with its implicit absence of Auschwitz-type death camps further gentled by the comic-opera undertones of the Mussolini regime -- became the generic. And knowing the galaxy-class psychological warfare skills of our Masters, I cannot doubt this now effectively mandatory usage of "fascist" rather than "nazi"  is deliberate deception to downplay their malignant intent. 

2Many socialists, especially my fellow Marxians, will denounce my use of "evil" as counter-revolutionary religious moralizing. In adamant rebuttal I suggest such critics consult Webster, which even in its unabridged second edition (Dorset and  Baber: 1983) minimizes the religious connections to "evil." I -- an agnostic Gaian pagan -- use it here without apology as the most linguistically apt, definitively correct, emotionally accurate English noun to describe what our Masters are doing to us: the methodically nazified socioeconomic miasma in which most of us are slowly being drowned and through which all  surviving 99 Percenters are to be enslaved.  

3Of course I am aware there are many female capitalists. I am also aware that capitalism -- at its core a greed-fueled, wealth-based, white-male-supremacist  death-cult -- is a subset of patriarchy, which itself is nothing other than maximally weaponized misogyny. Thus (real) feminists damn female capitalists as traitors to their gender; (real) socialists condemn all capitalists as traitors to the entire 99 percent; as traitors to our species; and as traitors to our Mother Earth. Thus when a female labels herself "capitalist," what she is really doing is declaring herself an ecogenocidally predatory male; when a male labels himself "capitalist," he is declaring himself a deadly enemy of the 99 Percent, an enemy of our species and most of all an apocalyptic rapist of our Mother Earth.    

4The Ford Translation (Elite Minds Inc.: 2009-2010), is the only version I could find that was not censored by collector pricing. While I have no way to evaluate the publisher's claim their Mein Kampf  is the most accurate English translation to date, the braggadocio of their firm-name leaves me suspicious of who and what they might be. Moreover I know Mein Kampf to be amongst our most tedious reads; I first read it c. 1954-1955 as part of my late father's know-our-enemy education. Then as now, it is the most difficult reading I have yet encountered. To be sure, that's partly because  no translation can improve the semi-literate wretchedness of Hitler's jailhouse German -- but the real reason Mein Kampf is so painful to read is it is a window on pure evil, in any language the terrifying examination of a monstrous Malleus Maleficarum mind that could as easily be a modern hybrid of Augusto Pinochet, Ayn Rand, Ted Bundy and James Fields. )

(Next: Human Societies Were Not Always Competing in a Death Race) 

LB/18-29 July 2022


Five Links That Explain Why We Are All Doomed to Extinction

(Sorry; with Permanently ChristoNazified SCOTUS Defiantly Resurrecting the Racism and Misogyny of the Confederacy and the German Third Reich, Moron Nation's Skyrocketing Horrors Force My Reversion to Political Reporting.)


FEEL AGAIN THEIR NOW-TRIUMPHANT HATE -- Thanks to the "Democratic" (sic) Party's post-22-November-1963 function as the permanently Christo-Nazified Republican Party's treasonous Fifth Column,  we'll be subjugated by the GOP's lifetime Supreme Court appointments until we the people of the 99 Percent are either dead or eternally enslaved and the remnants of our nation either completes our Masters' ever-more-obviously intended destruction of the world or by some miracle is added to the mass grave of failed states and collapsed empires before its ecogenocidal agenda is complete. Meanwhile these two were among the now-victorious fanatics who in 2017 picketed Tacoma Planned Parenthood to demand the sexual re-enslavement of women. (Photo by Loren Bliss ©2022)


HERE ARE THE five links of dreadfulness, their concluding item added -- as if in terminal finality --  by the death-sentence the ChristoNazi SCOTUS imposed on our species and our Mother Earth, thereby fulfilling the ecogenocidal mandate at the core of all Abrahamic theology:

As Trump looks on, Illinois Republican hails overturn of Roe as “victory for white life” 
(Brace yourself for an ever-expanding universe of racist horrors.)    

Indictments in Flint Water Crisis Are Invalid, Michigan Supreme Court Finds
(Thus Flint's Masters are granted the same permanent immunity that protected the original Bankers' Plot conspirators -- those who sought to make the United States a  Nazi German protectorate -- freeing each cabal of perpe-traitors  to propagate  their male-white-supremacist malignancies to whatever venomous extent they choose.) 

Omicron BA.4 and BA.5 subvariants fuel yet another global COVID-19 surge
(Obviously, not even another umpteen-million deaths will sate our Masters' ecogenocidal cravings.)

With the end of Roe, the US edges ever closer to civil war 
(To survive the inevitable NeoConfederate onslaught -- neutron bombs, tactical nukes and burgeoning slave plantations included --  the nine so-called "bluest" states, those that seem most committed to the doomed struggle to preserve a few remnants of  New-Deal social democracy, will either have to unite with Canada to gain the protection of the militarily potent remnants of the  British Empire, or -- more likely -- submit to unconditional-surrender annexation by whatever few allegedly anti-nazi world powers might remain.)  

US Supreme Court Drops Carbon Bomb on the Planet
(Relentlessly pursuing the agenda they claim is commanded by the ecogenocidal sadist they've  anointed as their "one true god,"  our Masters have thus condemned us all -- the human 99 Percent and most other forms of earthly life -- to death by deliberately inflicted extinction, simultaneously reversing evolution by guaranteeing the reduction of our Mother Earth back to the bug planet she was some 480 million years ago.) 


THE ECOGENOCIDE EXEMPLIFIED by the  above is no longer "plausibly deniable"; in fact it has become so plausibly undeniable, so overwhelmingly obvious, we are at last awakening to the self-evident truth our Masters1 -- whomever (or whatever) they might be -- have commanded their theological, cultural and political puppets to maximize all barriers to human survival.

Why? Because our Masters are convinced -- most likely by the results of illegal psychological experiments on prisoners --  that confinement in an environment of predatory deadliness is a sure way  to eliminate capitalism's  greatest enemy: our species' capacity for humanitarian empathy.

We’ve also begun to suspect that’s probably why our Masters’ propagandists o-so-cleverly camouflaged their overlords' ecogenocidal intent with the deceptively gentle-sounding euphemism “neoliberalism” -- the ideology that redefines run-amok selfishness as the fuel of  human  progress, thus elevating greed to godliness and imperial conquest to godhood itself.

But -- as we of the 99 Percent can most bitterly attest -- "neoliberalism" turns out to be a nastily deceptive, mostly slow-motion effort to disguise capitalism's inevitable deterioration into  localized forms of nazism.

Nevertheless, a combination of factors -- the U.S. policies of deliberate de-education, conditioned prideful ignorance and ever-intensifying censorship paramount among them -- ensure most of "neoliberalism's" innumerable victims remain unaware the elimination of human empathy and its replacement by self-obsessed morally imbecilic greed are foremost among the ideology’s implicitly defined purposes. Thus, exactly as scripted by our Masters psychological warfare experts,  the blame for its destructiveness  is convincingly shifted onto its victims, which makes "neoliberalism" almost impossible to resist.

But now conditions of everyday life for the 99 Percent have deteriorated to the point not even the most distracting "conspiracy theory" controversies can   obscure the sustained, therefore ever-more-undeniable truth  the sole function of "neoliberalism"   is our Masters’ endless enrichment of themselves   and their favored vassals by the slow-motion robbery and extermination of "surplus workers" (i.e., all the rest of us), followed by permanent enslavement of the non-aristocratic survivors and eventual reduction of the global human population to some 500,000,000 persons. As Jungian psychology implies, an ideology’s true intent is evidenced by its ratio of rescue to ruin; already we have four decades' irrefutable proof the ruin inflicted by "neoliberal" socioeconomic down-pressing far exceeds its rescue potential: in deadly truth it is creating a social-Darwinist world already so harsh its emergent horrors were until quite recently genuinely unimaginable beyond the realms of  fiction.

Back in the ‘60s, somebody coined the slogan “eat the rich,” and in those halcyon days, everybody I knew -- self included -- took it as nothing more than  sarcastic hyperbole, a dramatic exclamation  that underscored the already-evident world hunger crisis, which would make its awareness-goading potential approximately the same  as that of the popular World War II song, “Love Is Gonna Be Rationed.” Neither was ever intended to be taken literally. But now, as if in the gullible bigotry of terrified vengeance, it seems our Masters intend to reduce the entire 99 Percent to such a desperately predatory struggle for individual survival, it would even legitimize  subsistence cannibalism. Such is the quintessence of “neoliberalism” -- the mass-market label of the serial-killer ethos that forever defines the entire global Ruling Class.

Why suppress empathy? Because without empathy there cannot be solidarity. Without solidarity, there cannot be effective resistance to our Masters' tyrannies. And without the capability of such resistance, humanity is doomed.

Having weaponized their unprecedented wealth into the real-world counterpart of the let's-nuke-Sodom-and-Gomorrah omnipotence hitherto attributed  to their ecogenocidal deity, our Masters and their vassals now seem intent on completing the anti-humanitarian apocalypse initiated by their 19th and 20th Century ancestors. The result  is  a multi-generational USian horror story -- one so relentlessly censored, its details are mostly known only by the more courageously research-minded historians, sociologists and investigative journalists.

But most of this lot has no intention of publicizing their damning knowledge.

That's no doubt because they've learned the same bitter lesson I was taught by the arsonist(s) who burned my "Dancer" just as it seemed on the brink of mainstream publication-- that if our Masters are in any way threatened by our work, they will always find some way to destroy it, or at the very least to make certain it is never published, which in all probability means there will never be any truthful recounting of the staircase-logical sequence of carefully choreographed atrocities by white-male-supremacist Christian fanatics that shaped USia2  into the world epicenter of ChristoNazism and the de facto successor to the Third Reich.  

Though at age 82 I have no intention of undertaking such an expose', I nevertheless retain the professional instincts that were mine as a journalist and part-time college instructor, and I’ve vivid memories of the pivotal incidents involved in the destruction of what I, like so many,  used to ignorantly think of as "my country." Professional obligation required I follow all such events closely, a number of  which I also covered firsthand. Thus I could hardly stop myself from contemplating how one might present the fiercely tabooed story of the destruction of what we used to foolishly imagine was "our" nation, documenting it  in a manner both unflinchingly accurate and compelling enough to break through the self-censorship inflicted by USia's deliberately conditioned aversion to the study of history.

Initially I merely sought to confirm my recollections of the relevant atrocities, but as I  substantiated  my memories,  I  soon discovered the accumulation of evidence to be so eerily self-organizing I  began setting it down as a chapter outline -- a rare and welcome occurrence for any writer simply because it is always easier to write a story so dynamically true its emergence on paper seems powered by a relentless logic that confirms its accuracy even as it fuels its   momentum;  also -- perhaps because for me journalism was always a way of life rather than  merely a job -- I find it much easier to report truth than to fabricate disinformation.

Here then is the initial product of my impulsive contemplation: a chapter outline of how I might tell the story, whether as lessons or essays -- an Occam's-Razor-tested contribution I trust could prove at least minimally useful to anyone who dares imagine our Masters might allow them to  report what is actually being done to us:  

Chapter/Lesson One: reiterates how the racism of the Southron slavemasters and their New England financiers begot the so-called American Revolution and now ironically begets the destruction of the nation so founded. 

Chapter/Lesson Two: tracks the emergence of white supremacy as  formalized ideology in both the Ku Klux response to the defeat of the Confederate rebellion and the again-burgeoning popularity of Hitler's core belief, detailed in Mein Kampf  and further envenomed by USian identity politics,  that race war -- not class war -- is the ultimate human struggle.   

Chapter/Lesson Three:  exposes the mental goosestepping of the pro-Hitler/pro-Mussolini aristocrats who perpetrated the 1933-34 Bankers’ Plot against President Franklin Delano Roosevelt and his New Deal social democracy; includes commentary on our subsequent mass seduction by the illusion of humanitarian strength and progress in how the One Percent’s intended nazification of the United States was thwarted by courageous exposure -- never mind the plotters were then granted immunity from prosecution.

Chapter/Lesson Four: documents how the  plutocratic plotters’ undiminished tyrannical intent is again affirmed by their pre-war weaponization of Christian fanaticism and reaffirmed by post-war developments including the purge of anyone branded "prematurely anti-fascist," my late father among them, and the  imposition of the viciously anti-union Taft-Hartley Act. That said, no atrocity reveals our Masters' long-range intent more glaringly than the pornographic eagerness by which government and big business granted legions of Nazi war criminals powerfully influential sanctuary in the United States.

Chapter/Lesson Five: explores several credible hypotheses about the assassination of President John Fitzgerald Kennedy,  22 November 1963, which I have long regarded as our nation's date of death3, not the least because the murder of the president  was the first slaying in an 11-year, 13-victim homicide spree that in retrospect was unmistakably intended to clear the way for the final nazification of the nation. (In addition to our dead president, the martyrs in question  – say their names – are  Malcolm X;  Rev. Martin Luther King Jr.; Sen. Robert Francis Kennedy; Fred Hampton and Mark Clark; Allison Beth Krause, Jeffrey Glenn Miller, Sandra Lee Scheuer and William Knox Schroeder; Phillip Lafayette Gibbs and James Earl Green; and finally Karen Silkwood on 13 November 1974.)

Chapter/Lesson Six: discusses three logical, evidence-supported hypotheses about the murder of our president. Sources include Michele Metta’s book, Accomplishing Jim Garrison’s Investigation on the Trail of the Assassins of JFK, which suggests the Nazi Otto Skorzeny may have been the so-called Umbrella Man that day in Dallas; the revelations in the late Mae Brussell’s vital documentation of "The Nazi Connection to the John F. Kennedy Assassination"; and Abel Cohen’s excellent overview, “Killing Kennedys: Secret Team,” which defines the assassination as (another) expression of the USian Ruling Class’s fanatical yearning for absolute power -- precisely what motivated the Bankers’ Plot.

Chapter/Lesson Seven: evaluates Brussell's relentlessly censored  "Operation Chaos: the CIA’s War Against the Sixties Counter-Culture" and explores the probability our Masters  secretly exterminated dozens -- perhaps hundreds -- of additional presumed subversives including several cultural figures, among them the Taliesin-caliber pagan rock-poet Tim Buckley and the singer Janis Joplin

Chapter/Lesson Eight: summarizes the six decades of ever-more-conclusive evidence the “Democratic” (sic) Party’s collaboration in the assassination of the president and the 11-year murder-spree reduced it to its present-day role as nothing more than the Republican Party’s Fifth Column. The primary topic is contextual: the ever-expanding evidence terminal climate change is deliberately sustained ecogenocide; subtopics necessarily  include white male supremacy, imperialism, "welfare reform," the "neoliberal" necessity of eternal war, the 2000 presidential election, 9/11, the Patriot Act, Trump and ChristoNazism.

Chapter/Lesson Nine: describes how now, nearly a half-century after their 11 years of murder, our Masters have grown so bold they make no secret of their transformation of the United States into the de facto successor of the Third Reich -- its final form a global slave plantation rendered inescapable by technology -- never mind their triumph is already destroying the habitable world. 

That's why – if we are to have even a snowball-in-hell’s chance of survival – we must somehow find the courage to acknowledge what our Masters are doing to us. They are deliberately maximizing terminal climate change; they have already completed their pre-planned conversion of social media into a total lifetime surveillance system against which there is no possible defense, thereby making even minimal resistance impossible for as long as electronic technology prevails; and now they are guaranteeing themselves and their descendants permanent retention of power by their near-infinite wealth and its self-perpetuating monopoly of all weaponize-able technologies. Thus even were the necessarily global scale of successful organizing still technologically possible, our Masters' unbreakable monopoly on the methodology of terrorism would guarantee our defeat.

It is one of the greater ironies of history a freedom-loving people are enslaved by the very technology they embraced in the name of liberation. Again in retrospect, I can no longer doubt computers, cell phones and their social-media offspring were all  designed to be our species' first-ever set of willfully self-imposed shackles, even as these total-surveillance devices were pimped as instruments of ultimate self-empowerment. As to what sort of dystopia must necessarily follow betrayal of such terminal magnitude, we need only look to SCOTUS and the  smirking, viciously envious re-imposition of mandatory chastity implicit in its  ChristoNazi re-enslavement of women.  

Here we also witness the terrible fragility of genuinely progressive change: a single hydrogen  bomb dropped on Petrograd in 1917 would have  exterminated the entire Russian revolution; given the counter-revolutionary invasions of Russia c. 1918-1925, there's no doubt had thermonuclear weaponry then existed, our Masters would have at very the least employed their Neutron Bomb to incinerate all the rebels but preserve Petrograd's factories for profiteering and save its aristocratic architecture to sustain despotic gratification.4  More likely -- given the violently fanatical Hitlerite magnitude of rejection, fear, hatred and oppression any suggested sharing of material wealth invariably provokes from the entire global Ruling Class -- had our Masters the limitless power they possess today, they'd have vaporized Petrograd and everyone in it with a single final-solution H-bomb. Which tragically is no exaggeration; these days our Masters have the capability to track us all from birth, to detain those of us they suspect might prove troublesome, to confine us all on some island known to be doomed by rising seas and execute us all with a single nuke, secure in the certainty terminal climate change will quickly obliterate any evidence of the atrocity.  

No matter; with modern civilization's extinction now guaranteed by our Masters’ wanton squandering of our Mother Earth’s resources, any hope for change beyond the ever-worsening circumstances of the present is delusional. And given how we are now under surveillance as inescapable as that of any rat maze, activism is defeated -- note the fate of Occupy -- long before it grows enough strength to become effective. Thus, ever more often, activism's only result is the intensification of our Masters' savagery.

A cowardly statement? In some circumstances, unquestionably; but we are neither the already legendary defenders of the Soviet motherland or equally legendary French resistance fighters, which is merely to say the vast majority of us are not combat-secure in the terrible certainty dying to preserve humanitarianism is never a  squandering of our lives. Neither are we suicide bombers or kamikaze pilots; that's why, like Sun Tzu,  we regard backing away  from obviously hopeless circumstances as wisdom rather than cowardice: specifically  the wisdom to recognize the necessity of strategic withdrawal and so differentiate it from retreat or surrender. Our Masters' methodical destruction of Occupy -- confined  by their nazified authority, trashed relentlessly by their mass media and  sundered from within by their deliberately induced "neoliberal" culture of fanatically greedy self-obsession -- proves effective resistance is not just futile but impossible. In this context, the best we can do is note the antidote to inevitable defeat implicit in the ursine example of winter hibernation; we too must hibernate,  re-emerging only if and when times and circumstance prove advantageous. So, it seems, does life itself behave. Though we must also recognize our Masters have already been so ecogenocidally deadly in their misogynistic rape of our Mother Earth, she will never again be able to support any sort of technologically  advanced civilization.

And our Masters now repeatedly prove their infinite cunning, ironically by the same hypocritical deceptiveness  their wholly owned Abrahamic religions denounce as "diabolical"; they divide us by brandishing ideological conflicts to camouflage their behavioral unity -- the undeniable fact that, capitalist or socialist, they are all earth-destroyers; that's why, in what we  should take as an ultimate example of our Masters' limitless malevolence, the dynamics of the global (i.e., imperial) economy are deliberately structured to allow no alternatives. Whether as the ChristoNazis whose lifetime SCOTUS appointments are now transforming the (former) United States into the Third Reich’s ecogenocidal successor, or as the state capitalists who claim "socialism" justifies their own brands of ecogenocidal tyranny, their ever-expanding technological superiority has made them all effectively divine -- and therefore infinitely evil. So they intend to remain forever -- that is, until the society founded and sustained by their purposely oppressive technologies is no more, the collapse of which will like as not also bring about the final "better-dead-than-humanitarian" extermination of our entire species.

Lastly let us all note how our Masters' re-emphasis on thermonuclear terror  tells us they believe they've now bunkered themselves to guaranteed invincibility no matter what horrors they inflict on the rest of us.

Thus freed of all restraint, our Masters have become as sadistic as their Abrahamic god, which under patriarchy5 is ever-more-obviously the not-so-secret behavioral model of every aristocrat and Ruling-Class vassal on this doomed planet.

1"Masters" is the only honest term for the all-powerful tyrants whose seemingly infinite wealth provides the lavish, post-Citizens-United bribery by which they have seized absolute control of all elected politicians and therefore of all USian politics, federal, state and local. Their ongoing refusal to allow their political puppets to enact effective measures against terminal climate change,  the Covid pandemic and runaway inflation proves they are deliberately financing  ecogenocide -- that is, the simultaneous destruction of the environment to make it unsuitable for human life combined with radical reduction of the 99 Percent and permanent enslavement of the survivors. (Twelve years after the fact, Keith Olbermann's analysis of the dire consequences of the Citizens United decision -- included in the above link -- is  proven by subsequent events to be 100 percent pure prophecy.)      

2USia” and “USian” because I refuse to participate in our Masters' theft of an entire double-continent's name to title their Empire; the present-day United States occupies less than a quarter of the Americas, only 9,629,091 square kilometers of the continent's 42,320,985-square-kilometer landmass,  which strongly suggests the naming is (secretly?) a statement of intended conquest.   

3If enough of us survive our Masters’ ecogenocide to sustain the study of history, the murder of President John Fitzgerald Kennedy on 22 November 1963 will undoubtedly be regarded as the date of the USian Empire’s death, much as the ouster of Romulus Augustus on 4 September 476 is regarded as the death-date for the Western Roman Empire.

4I linked to a "survivalist" website for the Neutron Bomb discussion because it was the only source I could find that exemplifies both the relevant science and the terror it inflicts.

5Ultimately, everything that oppresses us – Abrahamic religion, imperialism, feudalism, capitalism, nazism, plutocracy, ecogenocide – is fathered by patriarchy, the compulsory advent of which ended the cooperative ethos that governed our species until about six thousand years ago.


(Next: how our Masters' Big Lies of "progress" and an historical "arc...toward justice" seduced us into ecogenocidal ruin.)

LB/29 June-14 July 2022
