For about 25 of my 65 years as a writer and photographer, newspaper journalism seemed a promising career. But as my colleagues moved stealthily rightward, I moved ever-more-openly leftward, until eventually I was left...outside. Permanently. Hence "Outside Agitator's Notebook," which evolved into the more closely focused "Dispatches from Dystopia." Under either name it was originally a regularly updated anthology of reports, analyses, commentaries, photographs and other anti-capitalist testimony from the ecogenocidal dystopia that neoliberal capitalism -- our species' newest euphemism for resurrected nazism -- has made of our world. But the shock of a censorship incident (see "Probable Final Dispatches, End of Dispatches," 17 April 2020) has reduced it to far less frequent publication. Meanwhile our species' dystopian epicenter remains the post-humanitarian United States of America, which with its ruling cabal of morally imbecilic plutocrats, its hopelessly subjugated and often vindictively craven Moronic Majority and its Moron Nation empire of global-conquest racism and general malevolence, is indeed the de facto Fourth Reich, the actual birthdate of which will eventually be recognized as 22 November 1963 – that is, if our species somehow miraculously survives the terrifying thermonuclear/biochemical arsenal that maintains the Empire's ecogenocidal omnipotence.
(¶)-Dispatches will nevertheless continue -- albeit on a far more relaxed schedule -- to chronicle our relentless subjugation by neoliberal capitalism as it (inevitably) reverts to its traditional might-makes-right savagery. Just as capitalism previously transformed itself into Italian Fascism and German Nazism, capitalism now matures into a nazism of uniquely USian form and content. By examining the more devastating details of what is being done to us, DfD shows how ours is a dystopia characterized as much by the mindlessness of Moron Nation's "zieg-heil"-equivalent chanting of “USA! USA! USA!” as by the brutality such chanting invariably celebrates – the ecogenocidal atrocities the capitalist ruling cabal perpetrates in the name of “profit,” “growth” and USian “exceptionalism.”
(¶)-Why “USian” rather than "American"? Because to call this exceptionally fascist empire “America” is to slander as fascists or nazis all humanitarian-minded peoples of North and South America who valiantly and often fatally resist enslavement by USian nazis, whose obscene present-day skills at the imposition of tyranny and enslavement were perfected by the legions of German Nazi war criminals the government and its capitalist owners adopted as advisors and comrades-at-arms c. 1944-1947. And, yes, “humanitarian” versus “anti-humanitarian” are the only terms that adequately differentiate the two now eternally hostile subspecies into which capitalism has finally divided Homo sapiens sapiens. On one side are those of us who cling to the so-called Golden Rule and its variants, “do unto others as you would have them do unto you,” the ultimate form of which is Marxism's “from each according to ability, too each according to need.” On the other side are the moral imbeciles – nazis, fascists, Ayn Rand disciples and all the other psychological zombies that are Capitalism's unique and uniquely apocalyptic spawn.
(¶)-But what then is capitalism? Though traditionally defined as economics alone, it is in fact the quintessential patriarchal ethos, the diabolical methodology of building a global empire by conquest and genocide both obvious and clandestine, with post-conquest world governance originally patterned after the despotic management of antebellum slave plantations. Capitalism is thus the forefather of fascism and Nazism, which are its only possible socioeconomic offspring. Behind its seductive cloak of euphemisms and Big Lies (“manifest destiny,” “easy credit,” “economic freedom,” “self-made man,” “entrepreneur,” “no down payment,” “rugged individualist,” “you too can be rich,” “free will,” etc. ad nauseam), capitalism is the stench of burning flesh and rotting corpses; the shrieks of napalmed children; the despair of families evicted into the permanent degradation of filth, untreated disease and constant fear of murder, enslavement by arrest or kidnapping that defines USian homelessness; the final agonies of maliciously abandoned patients condemned to death by the deliberately genocidal costs of health care.
(¶)-Ultimately capitalism is the boundless Evil of global dictatorship by the Christian white male .01 Percent, a tiny, ruthless cabal of capitalist aristocrats for whom infinite greed is ultimate virtue and for whom the snuff-film sadism of class warfare provides the ultimate entertainment. Under capitalism's Fukushima-deadly, Ayn Rand credo of serial-killer moral imbecility – absolute power and unlimited profit for the .01 Percent and its ruling-class vassals, zero-tolerance oppression and bottomless poverty for all the rest of us – these obscenely wealthy despots now impose on us their increasingly overt paradigm of nazi governance. Not that we the (formerly exempt) people should be surprised; the merciless regimen that is now ours is how the capitalists have always tyrannized our sisters and brothers in America's First Nations, in the USian ghettos and in all capitalism's victim-realms abroad.
(¶)-Moreover much of our plight is of our own making. We the people of the United States long ago surrendered to our capitalist overlords. We submit to denial of health care that is everywhere else on this planet deemed a human right; we submit to enslavement by debt; to the outsourcing of our jobs; to bankruptcy; to foreclosure; to eviction and homelessness; to imprisonment in numbers hitherto unequaled in human history; and most of all to the biggest Big Lie of all – the suicidal delusion we somehow remain free despite the capitalists' no-longer-deniable theft of our liberty and their snickering revocation of the few prefaces to economic democracy our now-powerless unions had once managed to win. Our confinement is ensured, not just by our cowardice but by the invisible but inescapable cage of total surveillance: the electronic barbed wire that has reduced our entire planet to a monstrous concentration camp.
(¶)-Cast off as “surplus human capital” when we are deemed no longer exploitable for profit, we are then methodically exterminated. We are slaughtered as cannon-fodder in the empire's endless wars of profit and conquest; we are murdered by the bullets and truncheons of the federalized and militarized local police; we are fatally poisoned by capitalism's malignant toxification of our environment; we are slain by denials of health care and social services that are in fact deliberate, euphemism-cloaked policies of slow-motion genocide.
(¶)-Meanwhile our overlords pornographically multiply their own wealth by knowingly destroying the planetary conditions upon which all sentient life depends. More recently – as if to demonstrate the infinite magnitude of their Evil by provoking unsurvivable thermonuclear apocalypse (and not coincidentally in fulfillment of a malevolent scheme by Adolf Hitler himself) – they have imposed on the Ukraine the anti-Russian war-mongering and anti-Jewish violence of an avowedly nazi puppet government. And now the USian tyrannosaur has come home to gorge on its final and terminally ironic meal, the denizens of Moron Nation itself, not just the Moronic Majority who by their conditioned ignorance and prideful hatefulness loosed this demonically insatiable monster on the entire world, but every last one of us, every child, woman and man who is not part of the ruling aristocracy.
(¶)-In these times -- the darkest and most hopeless era of our species 200,000-odd years -- our ability to effectively resist is obstructed not only by the USian regime of inescapable surveillance, but by the dreadful undertow of Moron Nation's intellectual and psychological paralysis: the deliberate deceptions and outright ignorance fostered by the capitalist “education” system; by capitalism's “mainstream media” propaganda machine (which is owned by the same smirking plutocrats whose vassal politicians so gleefully oppress us); and by the never-ending physical and psychic terrorism of capitalism's manufactured crises.
(¶)-Yet resist we must. As always, art – sometimes even unwittingly – depicts our present circumstances and so foretells our future. The pagan renaissance, its resurrection of our Mother Earth as the variously named Great Goddess and the emergence of the Gaia Hypothesis as the scientific endorsement of our planet as "alive, conscious and self-regulating" tell us that even now -- though the fires of liberation seem extinguished by Stygian darkness -- their embers yet glow hot beneath the ashes, there to be once more blown aflame should we somehow find the courage and will to do so. As is said in "Biko" by the poet/musician Peter Gabriel, "You can blow out a candle/ But you can't blow out a fire/ Once the flames begin to catch/ The wind will blow it higher." Or as is said in "The Dawn Will Come" by the poet/composer Trevor Morris, "Shadows fall/ And hope has fled/ Steel your heart/ The dawn will come." (Links to each work below.)