Daily Update


For the past 14 hours, I have been at work on the weekend edition of Dispatches, not only scanning something like 100 separate reports for relevant contents but continuing the process of redesigning the site for maximum visual attractiveness. 

But when I attempted to publish my work, whatever it is that happens beneath a "BAD GATEWAY" notice obliterated every bit of it.

I do not know whether this psychologically devastating loss was deliberately inflicted by a newly censoring Typepad regime or by some ChristoNazi hacker, or whether (unlike Trump's deliberately sadistic, maximum-misery-to-Working-Families machinations with the stimulus payments), it was a true (and truly wounding) glitch.

Now, physically trembling not only with rage but with the indescribable wrenching of its attendant flashback to the 1983 arson that destroyed my life's work and thereby destroyed forever my access to meaningful work and also proved (even to my otherwise ever-agnostic self)  the awful reality of that vile, allegedly satanic lifetime curse of insurmountable obstructions my birthmother put on me in the wake of her 1945 failure at post-partum abortion, I can only ask myself why I torment myself, knowing as I have since 1 September 1983 that anything of genuine quality I might manage to produce is literally doomed before its conception.

Which doom -- as it comes to me just this instant -- may have extended to the son my second wife and I conceived  in lights-on, eyes-wide-open-love, the mutually intentional blending-of-our-genes my second wife bore in her womb with such joy until a seemingly minor subway accident at the beginning of her seventh month brought him into the world two days later already dead -- and turned our anticipation to grief so toxic it eventually killed our marriage.

Nor can I deny its eerie parallel in the aftermath of the 1983 arson:  a post-traumatic depression so severe it eventually forced me onto welfare, which created an ignominious public record of disability that could not be hidden from prospective employers and thereby ended my career as a member of the working press and obliterated any real or potential attractiveness or significance I might have beyond the (very) small (and ever-more-mortality-shrunken) circle of pre-fire friends, kinfolk and comrades who continued befriending me thereafter. 

Though I continued freelancing as best I could -- even hired myself out to a local journalistic sweatshop -- I realize now after tonight the real (heart-deep) reason I sustained such efforts was to protect myself from the undoubtedly bottomless horror of acknowledging the reality of my accursedness: the one truth with which (as I realize now) I could never cope without the pre-mortem strengths one acquires as an octogenarian.       

Now after tonight's knife-in-the-heart debacle -- not just the total loss and utter invalidation of nearly two days work but the destruction, forever, of what I had believed would be the best edition of Dispatches yet -- I seriously doubt I can ever again convince myself to risk such effort.

Indeed I think this may be my professional deathblow, the knife-slash that robs me of any further reason -- beyond my perverse curiosity to see how quickly the apocalyptic magnitude of  COVID-19 inflicted collapse becomes undeniable even in Moron Nation -- for ever again reading or writing anything more expressive than a to-do list.

I say this not as an act of surrender -- though I cannot deny that is what it amounts to -- but simply because the near-paralyzing totality of my physical reaction to this most recent hammer-blow from fate, two hours of arrhythmic tachycardia included,  tells me the next such wounding will probably stop my heart.  

-- LOREN BLISS/17 April 2020.

(Should anyone seek to contact me in response to the above, please be aware that as of 8 a.m. today I will be off-line for a major Microshaft update, and that if its past malicious rejections of my opensource software occur as anticipated, I may be off-line for some time afterward, all the more so because the virus quarantine denies me the in-home visit from a Nurd that is sometimes necessary to resurrect my on-line presence. In other words, if in the immediate future I might seem unresponsive to on-line communication, that's why.) 



Coronavirus Dispatches: 16 April 2020


Reliable anthologies of pandemic reports (scroll each site for whatever "un-curated" news you deem relevant):

Virus Outbreak
Updated constantly by the Associated Press.

Black Agenda Report
Updated regularly. In my opinion, the best, most informative, most relevant political website on the U.S. Internet. 

RT - Breaking news, shows, podcasts
Democratic (sic) Party Big Lies and Republican censorship not withstanding, this site provides what is often the most truthful reporting available to us in the United States. Updated often.

TASS Russian News Agency
Just as Propagandamaster Bezos' WaPo gives us the Predatory Plutocrats' perspective, so does this site -- formerly Telegraph Agency of the Soviet Union (Телегра́фное аге́нтство Сове́тского Сою́за, Telegrafnoye agentstvo Sovetskogo Soyuza) -- give us, in English,  the often-radically different Russian government's perspective. (It's history, dating from 1904, makes interesting reading for mediaphyles.) Updated often.

Ditto for the news agency of the People's Republic of China. Xinhua's reports are regularly updated and its history is here.

Coronavirus Updates from The Washington Post
Probably  useful material that's listed last because -- as applies to anything originating from  Propagandamaster Bezos's domain -- we should never forget how he protects himself and his fellow predatory plutocrats with vindictive self-censorship1 and warmongering lies.

Additional indications of the pandemic's true magnitude and consequences:

Total System Failure Will Give Rise To New Economy
Wishful thinking that's nonetheless relevant.

Amazon’s Jeff Bezos cashes in on coronavirus pandemic, adding $24 billion to his fortune
This as Social Security recipients are seemingly not getting any of the bail-out money that our lying Masters -- sorry for the redundancy --  promised us by yesterday and will apparently not arrive today either. (DISCLOSURE: there's no direct-deposit bailout for me, nor is there for any direct-deposit Social Security recipient I know. Is the bailout yet another Big Lie? Given the federal government's 57-year penchant for lying to everybody but its Wall-Street/bankster owners, who can say? As for me, I'm assuming the censored truth is there will be no "bailout" money for me or anyone else on a Social Security pension -- though it would surely have helped with the runaway inflation history suggests will soon finish the destruction of Capitalist society begun by COVID-19.) Stay posted; if the money ever shows up I'll surely let you know. Meanwhile welcome to the murderously sadistic Empire our cousins-of-color and impoverished white kinfolk have known all their wretched lifetimes.

Trump Treasury tells banks they can seize your $1,200 check
The Neoliberals giveth then promptly steal it away.

Amid Coronavirus Pandemic, ICE Has Life-or-Death Power to Release Detainees

Trump threatens to adjourn Congress to get his nominees but likely would be impeded by Senate rules

Murals transform boarded-up storefronts amid stay-home order
Held over because of its indication the Neoliberal economy's austerity-inflicted COVID-19 collapse will last a helluva lot longer than our Masters are telling us.

Other pandemic-related indications and/or questions:

The Normal Economy Is Never Coming Back
COVID-19 is now acknowledged as having flung human society into "the steepest freefall ever." (Held over for relevance.)

The impact of the pandemic on childcare in the US: A social catastrophe affecting generations
Held over for relevance.

Censorship and disinformation (includes countermeasures):

Is The Coronavirus ‘Peak’ A Mirage? - PopularResistance.Org

Forcible disarmament (includes countermeasures):

ATF OK’s Drive Thru Gun Sales

Especially for Washingtonians:

Combating COVID-19 in WA will be phased out, but no timetable 

Live Update: Coronavirus developments in Washington state 

Thousands join virtual education camp run by Gig Harbor moms during pandemic
Held over for obvious reasons.

Decline to sign R-90!
Held over for obvious reasons.

An expression of solidarity I hope we all endorse:

Sign on: Thank a nurse for their service | National Nurses United
Held over for obvious reasons.

Also worth reading:

Tinker, Tailor, Mobster, Trump
Is the President a Deep-State confidential informant? If so, are his ecogenocidal policies then an accurate reflection of our real Masters' true intent? Held over for its weekend-reading potential. With thanks to Sioux Rose for the link -- and my apology for neglecting to credit her when I first posted this yesterday.

The Normal Economy Is Never Coming Back
COVID-19 is now acknowledged as having flung human society into "the steepest freefall ever." Held over.

Decades of Science Denial Related to Climate Change Has Led to Denial of the Coronavirus Pandemic 

A Family’s Fetid Week With Coronavirus
Held over because it  is the most outspoken, most emotionally honest, most implicitly life-supportive and by far the best reporting I have read in many years. Indeed, Reyhan Harmanci is a writer whose talent I'd have recognized with a full-time general-assignment staff-job (way, way) back when "editor" was the key part of my job-title. (For more of her work, click on her "Family's Fetid Week" byline.)

Important stuff to bear in mind:
(All of which helps us understand more about what the PluPreds are doing to us now and what they might intend to do to us in the future.)

Flashback: US Army Has Admitted to Conducting 100s of Germ Warfare Tests On Americans
Sometime soon I'll wrestle my self-contempt down to the point of being able to confess how I twice had the story of one of these deadly atrocities but was "too incompetent at sales" -- (undoubtedly the most career-destroying insult with which one USian professional might belittle another) -- to convince my editors to run it. Held over because these germ-warfare tests tell us precisely what our Masters think of us and what sort of a rat-lab nation we are thus cursed to inhabit.

‘Collateral Murder’ and the My Lai Massacre
Vital to understanding why the U.S. government's response to the deadly Covid-19 pandemic is genocidal rather than protective

Goldman Sachs warns that curing patients may not be 'sustainable'
Outright acknowledgment from the deadliest Neoliberal predators that curing disease is bad for profits.

Average U.S. Citizens Have “Little Or No” Influence On Government Policy
Another "old" report given new relevance by what's being done to us today.

The Truth About the United States' "Continuity of Government" Plans & The Coronavirus Perfect Storm
Scroll down to the 12th graf to learn how at least eight million U.S. citizens are on the PPs' enemies lists and will be disappeared.

Military, Trump administration ready plans for domestic crackdown as virus spreads across US
From the report: "'a senior military planner working on coronavirus but not authorized to speak on sensitive planning matters [...] says that deployment of federal troops in support roles is being prepared,' including to conduct traffic stops, home searches and seizures and arrests." Scroll to Footnote2 to learn what atrocities could thus be inflicted on us.

Avenger Planet: Is the Covid-19 Pandemic Mother Nature's Response to Human Transgression?
Excellent question -- though as a (solitary-practice) Gaian Pagan, I would cite the scientific hypothesis that bears the Earth Goddess' name and answer "almost certainly yes."  (One of the innumerable reasons the ChristoNazis so despise us is the majority of our beliefs are based on science -- the ultimate terminator of all patriarchal religion.) 

Useful references:
(No snake-oil sales or medicine-show huckstering allowed.)

How to Make a DIY Mask From a T-Shirt or Bandanna
New; hopefully useful; have not tried it myself.

What you should know about DIY masks and ventilators
From National Geographic.

CARES Act Pandemic Unemployment Assistance for Freelancers
Useful, potentially lifesaving economic information. (Disclosure: I am a longtime National Writers Union member and co-chaired one of their local writers' workshops c. 2009-2011.)  

COVID-19 Relief by industry

Parents On Childcare And Challenges In Coronavirus Isolation

How to wash your hands to prevent coronavirus — because you're probably doing it wrong

Loss of smell, taste, might signal pandemic virus infection

Tests show new virus lives on some surfaces for up to 3 days

How to clean the bundle of germs that is your phone

Food Safety and Coronavirus: A Comprehensive Guide 

How to Properly Make Sanitizers from Household Ingredients

Handling mail amid coronavirus: Low risk but wash your hands
My practice is to assume everything from outside is potentially contaminated, hence I wash my hands thoroughly after handling any incoming packages and sanitize any surface upon which they might have rested or been unwrapped.


1As to what prompts my sudden skepticism of virus coverage by The Washington Post, note how quickly Bezos or one of his zero-tolerance subordinates imposed paywall censorship on this pivotally important 20 March story (scroll down to "U.S. intelligence reports"), which for only a very few short minutes appeared as part of WaPo's  non-paywalled daily virus report.  Pretending to be real journalists rather than  the Regime's scribes -- a mental downgrading inflicted as much by the clerical drudgery necessitated by computers as by the chief Josef-Goebbels-wannabee Bezos himself -- is a form of moral imbecility I cannot abide.

2Be aware that "home searches and seizures"  could include not only confiscation of all real or potential weapons but -- given the ChristoNazi Regime's anti-marijuana fanaticism  -- confiscation of, and arrest for possession of, all the (still federally illegal) medical marijuana upon which such a huge number of opiate-denied chronic-pain victims are now forced to depend. Too -- given the Regime's even more fanatical hatred of women and female sexuality -- such raids might also be used to confiscate all birth-control devices and criminalize all unwed women who possess them, thereby fulfilling still more of the PPs' ChristoNazis objectives. Thus -- by such mass arrests -- could the Regime give its plutocratic owners the ultimate "gift" of permanently enslaving millions of U.S. citizens for brutally hard, typically deadly labor, thereby granting our Masters' wish of exterminating "surplus workers" while following the German Nazis' model of amassing unlimited profits from mass murder. 


(As always, headlines are reproduced in their original up-style and down-style formats.)



STAY HEALTHY. REMEMBER in such times as these, with our Masters targeting the entire 99 Percent for genocidal reduction, survival is not only   revolutionary defiance but the first step toward the socialist revolution that is now our species' sole path to survival.  

LB/16 April 2020 04:39 PDT


Coronavirus Dispatches: 15 April 2020

Denied Food by Virus Lockdowns, Urban Rats Turn Cannibal, Eat Their Babies. Are They Giving Us a Glimpse of Our Own Future?  

I LEAD WITH THIS item because one of the stories our ever-more-censored medis is NOT reporting is how close to collapse the food-supply-chain might be due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Obviously, as this report describes, the urban rats' food chain -- 24/7 access to restaurant garbage -- has already collapsed. And the human food-supply-chain is unquestionably in dire jeopardy.  To learn more -- including about how packs of rats are now warring with one another -- go here.


Are Fascists Targeting the Homeless Community's Care Providers?

WHAT IS SURELY THE oldest intelligence-analysis axiom on this planet tells us "once is coincidence, twice is suspicious, three times is enemy action." Once was last Friday when a Miami cop handcuffed a Miami doctor -- an  MD who volunteered his time to test homeless people who feared they might have fallen victim to the  COVID-19 plague; the story didn't go national until African-American media picked it up yesterday. Twice was a (paywall censored) story disclosed how the Washington state city of Puyallup had banned a Puyallup nurse -- an RN -- from preparing breakfast for 60 homeless persons and otherwise providing them volunteer services. Coincidence? Or will subsequent incidents herald the emergence of a campaign by the nation's fascists -- and Puyallup is very much a fascist town -- to maximize the homeless-encampment death rate by prohibiting or harassing and otherwise discouraging  anyone who might dare provide such voluntary services?  (Obviously I don't know, but given the present-day magnitude of the fascist threat abroad and the ChristoNazi threat here at home, I do know it is a possibility we cannot dismiss and against which we must be always watchful.)


Reliable anthologies of pandemic reports (scroll each site for whatever "un-curated" news you deem relevant):

Virus Outbreak
Updated constantly by the Associated Press.

Black Agenda Report
Updated regularly. In my opinion, the best, most informative, most relevant political website on the U.S. Internet. 

RT - Breaking news, shows, podcasts
Democratic (sic) Party Big Lies and Republican censorship not withstanding, this site provides what is often the most truthful reporting available to us in the United States. Updated often.

TASS Russian News Agency
Just as Propagandamaster Bezos' WaPo gives us the Predatory Plutocrats' perspective, so does this site -- formerly Telegraph Agency of the Soviet Union (Телегра́фное аге́нтство Сове́тского Сою́за, Telegrafnoye agentstvo Sovetskogo Soyuza) -- give us, in English,  the often-radically different Russian government's perspective. (It's history, dating from 1904, makes interesting reading for mediaphyles.) Updated often.

Ditto for the news agency of the People's Republic of China. Xinhua's reports are regularly updated and its history is here.

Coronavirus Updates from The Washington Post
Listed last because -- as applies to anything originating from  Propagandamaster Bezos's domain -- we should never forget how he protects himself and his fellow predatory plutocrats with vindictive self-censorship1 and warmongering lies.

Indications of the pandemic's true magnitude and consequences:

Death toll soars after NYC counts 'probable' fatalities

Three New York City transit workers dying every day of coronavirus

US: Hospitals Get Paid $13K to List Patients as COVID-19 and $39K to Put Them on a Ventilator
With thanks to William Baordman for sending the link.

Vast majority of tax provision in coronavirus law goes to millionaires, JCT finds
Sometimes WaPo resorts to real journalism (I).

Republicans Are Planning to Use Coronavirus to Gut Renewable Energy

PATRICK LAWRENCE: Our Post-Pandemic Future 

Other pandemic-related indications and/or questions:

The Controversy Over Who Is Responsible for Coronavirus Is Heating Up

Pentagon to extend troop movement freeze past May 11
With thanks to William Boardman for sending the link.

Donald J. Trump's name will be on stimulus checks in unprecedented move
Sometimes WaPo resorts to real journalism (II). Might this malicious delay prompt a nationwide awakening that could make Trump the most despised president in U.S. history?

How Mitch McConnell Became Trump’s Enabler-in-Chief 

Censorship and disinformation (including countermeasures):

China didn't warn public of likely pandemic for 6 key days
AP unleashes their formidable investigative staff -- but how many local outlets will air or publish their deservedly legendary work?

Especially for Washingtonians:

Thousands join virtual education camp run by Gig Harbor moms during pandemic

Pierce County jail staff denied access to stockpile of N95 masks

Live Update: Coronavirus developments in Washington state 

Decline to sign R-90!
Held over for obvious reasons.

An expression of solidarity I hope we all endorse:

Sign on: Thank a nurse for their service | National Nurses United
Held over for obvious reasons.

Also worth reading:

Tinker, Tailor, Mobster, Trump
Is the President a Deep-State confidential informant? If so, are his ecogenocidal policies then an accurate reflection of our real Masters' true intent? Held over for its weekend-reading potential. With thanks to Sioux Rose for the link -- and my apology for neglecting to credit her when I first posted this yesterday.

The Normal Economy Is Never Coming Back
COVID-19 is now acknowledged as having flung human society into "the steepest freefall ever." Held over.

Decades of Science Denial Related to Climate Change Has Led to Denial of the Coronavirus Pandemic 

A Family’s Fetid Week With Coronavirus
Held over because it  is the most outspoken, most emotionally honest, most implicitly life-supportive and by far the best reporting I have read in many years. Indeed, Reyhan Harmanci is a writer whose talent I'd have recognized with a full-time general-assignment staff-job (way, way) back when "editor" was the key part of my job-title. (For more of her work, click on her "Family's Fetid Week" byline.)

Important stuff to bear in mind:
(All of which helps us understand more about what the PluPreds are doing to us now and what they might intend to do to us in the future.)

Flashback: US Army Has Admitted to Conducting 100s of Germ Warfare Tests On Americans

‘Collateral Murder’ and the My Lai Massacre
Vital to understanding why the U.S. government's response to the deadly Covid-19 pandemic is genocidal rather than protective

Goldman Sachs warns that curing patients may not be 'sustainable'
Outright acknowledgment from the deadliest Neoliberal predators that curing disease is bad for profits.

Average U.S. Citizens Have “Little Or No” Influence On Government Policy
Another "old" report given new relevance by what's being done to us today.

The Truth About the United States' "Continuity of Government" Plans & The Coronavirus Perfect Storm
Scroll down to the 12th graf to learn how at least eight million U.S. citizens are on the PPs' enemies lists and will be disappeared.

Military, Trump administration ready plans for domestic crackdown as virus spreads across US
From the report: "'a senior military planner working on coronavirus but not authorized to speak on sensitive planning matters [...] says that deployment of federal troops in support roles is being prepared,' including to conduct traffic stops, home searches and seizures and arrests." Scroll to Footnote2 to learn what atrocities could thus be inflicted on us.

Avenger Planet: Is the Covid-19 Pandemic Mother Nature's Response to Human Transgression?
Excellent question -- though as a (solitary-practice) Gaian Pagan, I would cite the scientific hypothesis that bears the Earth Goddess' name and answer "almost certainly yes."  (One of the innumerable reasons the ChristoNazis so despise us is the majority of our beliefs are based on science -- the ultimate terminator of all patriarchal religion.) 

Useful references:
(No snake-oil sales or medicine-show huckstering allowed.)

How to Make a DIY Mask From a T-Shirt or Bandanna
New; hopefully useful; have not tried it myself.

What you should know about DIY masks and ventilators
From National Geographic.

CARES Act Pandemic Unemployment Assistance for Freelancers
Useful, potentially lifesaving economic information. (Disclosure: I am a longtime National Writers Union member and co-chaired one of their local writers' workshops c. 2009-2011.)  

COVID-19 Relief by industry

Parents On Childcare And Challenges In Coronavirus Isolation

How to wash your hands to prevent coronavirus — because you're probably doing it wrong

Loss of smell, taste, might signal pandemic virus infection

Tests show new virus lives on some surfaces for up to 3 days

How to clean the bundle of germs that is your phone

Food Safety and Coronavirus: A Comprehensive Guide 

How to Properly Make Sanitizers from Household Ingredients

Handling mail amid coronavirus: Low risk but wash your hands
My practice is to assume everything from outside is potentially contaminated, hence I wash my hands thoroughly after handling any incoming packages and sanitize any surface upon which they might have rested or been unwrapped.


1As to what prompts my sudden skepticism of virus coverage by The Washington Post, note how quickly Bezos or one of his zero-tolerance subordinates imposed paywall censorship on this pivotally important 20 March story (scroll down to "U.S. intelligence reports"), which for only a very few short minutes appeared as part of WaPo's  non-paywalled daily virus report.  Pretending to be real journalists rather than  the Regime's scribes -- a mental downgrading inflicted as much by the clerical drudgery necessitated by computers as by the chief Josef-Goebbels-wannabee Bezos himself -- is a form of moral imbecility I cannot abide.

2Be aware that "home searches and seizures"  could include not only confiscation of all real or potential weapons but -- given the ChristoNazi Regime's anti-marijuana fanaticism  -- confiscation of, and arrest for possession of, all the (still federally illegal) medical marijuana upon which such a huge number of opiate-denied chronic-pain victims are now forced to depend. Too -- given the Regime's even more fanatical hatred of women and female sexuality -- such raids might also be used to confiscate all birth-control devices and criminalize all unwed women who possess them, thereby fulfilling still more of the PPs' ChristoNazis objectives. Thus -- by such mass arrests -- could the Regime give its plutocratic owners the ultimate "gift" of permanently enslaving millions of U.S. citizens for brutally hard, typically deadly labor, thereby granting our Masters' wish of exterminating "surplus workers" while following the German Nazis' model of amassing unlimited profits from mass murder. 


(As always, headlines are reproduced in their original up-style and down-style formats.)



STAY HEALTHY. STAY SAFE. Here in the event it might be helpful is  a video I find remarkably effective at diminishing stress.

LB/15 April 2020 03:01 PDT



Coronavirus Dispatches: 14 April 2020

ChristoNazi Front Group Demands End to Church-State Separation

THE FANATICALLY HATEFUL CHRISTIANS  against whom some of us have struggled nearly all our lives have radically intensified their Sharia-minded efforts to convince the already pro-theocracy Trump/Pence Regime to do whatever might be necessary to force declaration of  the murderously misogynistic, lynch-mob-racist Prosperity Gospel as the official U.S. state religion. And they are counting on the unprecedented death and chaos inflicted by the COVID-19 pandemic to conceal their campaign until its momentum is unstoppable.  Unfortunately these disclosures are via Daily Koz -- the quasi-official Democratic (sic) Party website that even less credibility than Fox News; hence I publish this link only because of the report's importance and because its source is the Military Religious Freedom Foundation, a group I know to be absolutely credible. 


Paywall Can't Hide Anti-Homeless Atrocity by Tacoma's Neighbor

THE CITY OF PUYALLUP -- ironically named after a local First Nations tribe despite the fact this Western Washington town has long been a hotbed of ChristoNazi ferment -- has banned a Registered Nurse from providing breakfasts to  approximately 60 homeless people, all of whom have the potentially fatal misfortune to be stuck in what behind the protective smokescreen of McClatchy deceptions is one of the state's most socioeconomically hateful white suburban municipalities. I present this as today's second most indicative story because of its implicitly genocidal ominousness: what better way to exterminate "surplus" humans than by weaponizing the COVID-19 lockdown to cut off our access to food and care?  (With thanks and protected anonymity to the dear friend who helped  me weasel this vital story out from under The News Tribune's anti-Working-Family paywall.)         


Reliable anthologies of pandemic reports (scroll each site for whatever "un-curated" news you deem relevant):

Virus Outbreak
Updated constantly by the Associated Press.

Black Agenda Report
Updated regularly. In my opinion, the best, most informative, most relevant political website on the U.S. Internet. 

RT - Breaking news, shows, podcasts
Democratic (sic) Party Big Lies and Republican censorship not withstanding, this site provides what is often the most truthful reporting available to us in the United States. Updated often.

TASS Russian News Agency
Just as Propagandamaster Bezos' WaPo gives us the Predatory Plutocrats' perspective, so does this site -- formerly Telegraph Agency of the Soviet Union (Телегра́фное аге́нтство Сове́тского Сою́за, Telegrafnoye agentstvo Sovetskogo Soyuza) -- give us, in English,  the often-radically different Russian government's perspective. (It's history, dating from 1904, makes interesting reading for mediaphyles.) Updated often.

Ditto for the news agency of the People's Republic of China. Xinhua's reports are regularly updated and its history is here.

Coronavirus Updates from The Washington Post
Possibly useful material listed last because -- as applies to anything originating from  Propagandamaster Bezos's domain -- we should never forget how he protects himself and his fellow predatory plutocrats with vindictive self-censorship1 and warmongering lies.

Indications of the pandemic's true magnitude and consequences:

The Normal Economy Is Never Coming Back
COVID-19 is now acknowledged as having flung human society into "the steepest freefall ever."

The impact of the pandemic on childcare in the US: A social catastrophe affecting generations 

Feds: Washington leads the way when it comes to flattening the curve

COVID-19: As if Calendar Year 2020 Has Been Cancelled
And lower-income women are those most likely to be victimized as a result.

Other pandemic-related indications and/or questions:

Fascists Are Using COVID-19 To Advance Their Agenda - PopularResistance.Org

Pandemic More Publicly Exposes Evils of Capitalism - LA Progressive

Tinker, Tailor, Mobster, Trump
Is the President a Deep-State confidential informant? If so, are his ecogenocidal policies then an accurate reflection of our real Masters' true intent?

Vindictive vectors (includes countermeasures):

Flashback: US Army Has Admitted to Conducting 100s of Germ Warfare Tests On Americans

Censorship and disinformation (includes countermeasures):

See "Paywall Can't Hide Anti-Homeless Atrocity," above.

Forcible disarmament (includes countermeasures):

NRA Cuts 60 Workers But CEO Still Makes Millions - American gun news

Especially for Washingtonians:

Murals transform boarded-up storefronts amid stay-home order

Washington National Guard and Northwest Harvest team up to fill emergency food boxes

Decline to sign R-90!
Held over for obvious reasons.

An expression of solidarity I hope we all endorse:

Sign on: Thank a nurse for their service | National Nurses United
Held over for obvious reasons.

Also worth reading:

Decades of Science Denial Related to Climate Change Has Led to Denial of the Coronavirus Pandemic 

A Family’s Fetid Week With Coronavirus
Held over because it  is the most outspoken, most emotionally honest, most implicitly life-supportive and by far the best reporting I have read in many years. Indeed, Reyhan Harmanci is a writer whose talent I'd have recognized with a full-time general-assignment staff-job (way, way) back when "editor" was the key part of my job-title. (For more of her work, click on her "Family's Fetid Week" byline.)

Important stuff to bear in mind:
(All of which helps us understand more about what the PluPreds are doing to us now and what they might intend to do to us in the future.)

‘Collateral Murder’ and the My Lai Massacre
Vital to understanding why the U.S. government's response to the deadly Covid-19 pandemic is genocidal rather than protective.  Contrasting the U.S. population's long-ago outage at Vietnam war crimes with its present-day enthusiasm for atrocities against Muslims (and all other peoples of color) reveals how decades of Ayn Rand indoctrination purged the United States of any pretense of humanitarianism and reduced it to a thoroughly Nazified white-racist realm in which self-obsessed moral imbecility is the ruling ethos and revolution (or even effective resistance) is thus rendered psychologically impossible.   Additional details here.

Goldman Sachs warns that curing patients may not be 'sustainable'
Outright acknowledgment from the deadliest Neoliberal predators that curing disease with a single treatment is bad for profits. A report from 2018 that explains what's being done to us  today, hence given knife-edged relevance by the pandemic.

Average U.S. Citizens Have “Little Or No” Influence On Government Policy
Another "old" report given new relevance by what's being done to us today.

The Truth About the United States' "Continuity of Government" Plans & The Coronavirus Perfect Storm
Scroll down to the 12th graf to learn how at least eight million U.S. citizens are on the PPs' enemies lists and will be disappeared.

Military, Trump administration ready plans for domestic crackdown as virus spreads across US
From the report: "'a senior military planner working on coronavirus but not authorized to speak on sensitive planning matters [...] says that deployment of federal troops in support roles is being prepared,' including to conduct traffic stops, home searches and seizures and arrests." Scroll to Footnote2 to learn what atrocities could thus be inflicted on us.

Avenger Planet: Is the Covid-19 Pandemic Mother Nature's Response to Human Transgression?
Excellent question -- though as a (solitary-practice) Gaian Pagan, I would cite the scientific hypothesis that bears the Earth Goddess' name and answer "almost certainly yes."  (One of the innumerable reasons the ChristoNazis so despise us is the majority of our beliefs are based on science -- the ultimate terminator of all patriarchal religion.) 

Useful references:
(No snake-oil sales or medicine-show huckstering allowed.)

How to Make a DIY Mask From a T-Shirt or Bandanna
New; hopefully useful; have not tried it myself.

What you should know about DIY masks and ventilators
From National Geographic.

CARES Act Pandemic Unemployment Assistance for Freelancers
Useful, potentially lifesaving economic information. (Disclosure: I am a longtime National Writers Union member and co-chaired one of their local writers' workshops c. 2009-2011.)  

COVID-19 Relief by industry

Parents On Childcare And Challenges In Coronavirus Isolation

How to wash your hands to prevent coronavirus — because you're probably doing it wrong

Loss of smell, taste, might signal pandemic virus infection

Tests show new virus lives on some surfaces for up to 3 days

How to clean the bundle of germs that is your phone

Food Safety and Coronavirus: A Comprehensive Guide 

How to Properly Make Sanitizers from Household Ingredients

Handling mail amid coronavirus: Low risk but wash your hands
My practice is to assume everything from outside is potentially contaminated, hence I wash my hands thoroughly after handling any incoming packages and sanitize any surface upon which they might have rested or been unwrapped.


1As to what prompts my sudden skepticism of virus coverage by The Washington Post, note how quickly Bezos or one of his zero-tolerance subordinates imposed paywall censorship on this pivotally important 20 March story (scroll down to "U.S. intelligence reports"), which for only a very few short minutes appeared as part of WaPo's  non-paywalled daily virus report.  Pretending to be real journalists rather than  the Regime's scribes -- a mental downgrading inflicted as much by the clerical drudgery necessitated by computers as by the chief Josef-Goebbels-wannabee Bezos himself -- is a form of moral imbecility I cannot abide.

2Be aware that "home searches and seizures"  could include not only confiscation of all real or potential weapons but -- given the ChristoNazi Regime's anti-marijuana fanaticism  -- confiscation of, and arrest for possession of, all the (still federally illegal) medical marijuana upon which such a huge number of opiate-denied chronic-pain victims are now forced to depend. Too -- given the Regime's even more fanatical hatred of women and female sexuality -- such raids might also be used to confiscate all birth-control devices and criminalize all unwed women who possess them, thereby fulfilling still more of the PPs' ChristoNazis objectives. Thus -- by such mass arrests -- could the Regime give its plutocratic owners the ultimate "gift" of permanently enslaving millions of U.S. citizens for brutally hard, typically deadly labor, thereby granting our Masters' wish of exterminating "surplus workers" while following the German Nazis' model of amassing unlimited profits from mass murder. 


(As always, headlines are reproduced in their original up-style and down-style formats.)



STAY HEALTHY. REMEMBER in such times as these remaining alive is revolutionary defiance. 

LB/14 April 2020 08:35 PDT



Coronavirus Dispatches: 13 April 2020

Another Format Change: One I Hope Will Enhance Readability

YES WANTONLY TARDY BUT this time without regret beyond the need to apologize for any resultant  inconvenience because this late posting is the unavoidable consequence of the unanticipated re-activation of a near-lifelong obsession  as confessed beneath the other reason for this belatedness: a format-redesign suggested by a few readers who tell me that while they regard the present form of Dispatches as vital, they also suspect it may include so many links their sheer number might be off-putting not only to the chronically busy but even to normally preoccupied people. 

Hence -- with thanks to those who verbalized what I sensed but could not put into words  -- the following changes:

(1)-To shorten these contents without sacrificing their relevance -- and also to abbreviate my work here enough I can begin focusing on other essential projects -- I will publish only one daily story-link to news websites that update only once a day. I'll publish more links  -- though still only one per update -- as required by websites that publish multiple news anthologies and commentaries throughout the day. That one link (as in the case of CounterPunch) -- or as many as four or five links (as in the case of Reader Supported News) -- not only get us into their respective websites but position us to scan their full contents and thereby choose what else we might want to read, which in turn relieves me of any need to dare guess what someone else might find relevant. 

(2)-When there is a separate lead story, as there was yesterday and as there is today, there will be no "General News" category; indeed that category will henceforth be reserved for news and comment that seemingly has no connection to the virus pandemic but is at least contextually relevant.   

(3)-While I will (of course) continue to follow the report-selection criteria outlined in the left-hand column, I will publish no more than a half-dozen selections in each category, with each story chosen as the best-available alternative-media exemplification of whatever horror it exposes.

My hope is these changes will make Dispatches more universally useful. Please feel free to comment either in support or opposition.


Apropos last Friday's "Unprecedented" report and last Wednesday's "Risk Drowning in Your Own Snot" analysis of the Wisconsin horror,  New York Times Columnist Paul Krugman addresses  some of  the same frightful probabilities in a report for access to which we should most emphatically thank Reader Supported News (preferably with a donation) and its Founder/Publisher/Editor Marc Ash.


Reliable anthologies of pandemic reports (scroll for whatever you deem relevant):

Virus Outbreak
Updated constantly by the Associated Press.

Black Agenda Report
Updated regularly. In my opinion, the best, most informative, most relevant political website on the U.S. Internet. 

RT - Breaking news, shows, podcasts
Democratic (sic) Party Big Lies and Republican censorship not withstanding, this site provides what is often the most truthful reporting available to us in the United States. Updated often.

TASS Russian News Agency
Just as Propagandamaster Bezos' WaPo gives us the Predatory Plutocrats' perspective, so does this site -- formerly Telegraph Agency of the Soviet Union (Телегра́фное аге́нтство Сове́тского Сою́за, Telegrafnoye agentstvo Sovetskogo Soyuza) -- give us, in English,  the often-radically different Russian government's perspective. (It's history, dating from 1904, makes interesting reading for mediaphyles.) Updated often.

Ditto for the news agency of the People's Republic of China. Xinhua's reports are regularly updates and its history is here.

Must Reads from The Washington Post
Useful information listed last because I deplore the arrogant intrusiveness implicit in the notion of "must reads," and because -- as applies to anything originating in  the diverse bailiwicks over which  Propagandamaster Bezos's kings it so imperiously -- we should never forget how he protects himself and his fellow predatory plutocrats with self- censorship1 and warmongering lies.

Indications of the pandemic's true magnitude and consequences:

As COVID-19 death toll mounts, US ruling class demands a more rapid return to work

Cuba enraged over ‘cruel & genocidal’ US blockade impeding anti-coronavirus efforts

The Debate Over a Post Office Bailout, Explained

Oxfam: COVID-19 Could Plunge Half a Billion People Into Poverty
More confirmation of the apocalyptic horrors I addressed Friday in the "Unprecedented" report.

Schwab: Self-dealing, election-fixing bitter pills to swallow
Examples of the pandemic of moral imbecility that is helping the coronavirus pandemic kill us off. (With thanks to William Boardman for sending me this link.)

Edward Snowden: Governments Are Using Coronavirus to Build 'the Architecture of Oppression'

Other pandemic-related indications and/or questions:

COVID-19: Fallout From a Navy Captain’s Heroism: The Possible Emergence of a New Idea of ‘National Security’

Kushner’s team seeks national coronavirus surveillance system

Surgeon General Jerome Adams Tells Black People to Avoid Alcohol, Tobacco, and Drugs to Prevent COVID-19 Deaths

The Christian Right Is Very Angry That Pornhub is Offering Free Premium Content

A Call To Action: Towards A General Strike

Shifting Gears: The Climate Protest Movement in the Age of Coronavirus

Vindictive vectors (includes countermeasures):

Covid Quackery, Faith and Race - LA Progressive

Censorship and disinformation (includes countermeasures):

The Media’s Loudest #MeToo Champions Are Ignoring Biden Sexual Assault Accuser Tara Reade

Forcible disarmament (includes countermeasures):

Bad Guys & Bad Government Driving Rocketship Gun Sales

Second Amendment Foundation
Rights groups sue New Mexico Gov., Challenging Emergency Order.

Especially for Washingtonians:

Washington state COVID-19 cases reach 10,411.

Decline to sign R-90!

An expression of solidarity I hope we all endorse:

Sign on: Thank a nurse for their service | National Nurses United

Also worth reading:

The Coronavirus Pandemic, Like Other Global Catastrophes, Reveals the Limitations of Nationalism

A New World Is Being Born:  What Will It Be?
A trustworthy source -- a vehemently anti-Trump conservative who ever-more-frequently seems to lean Leftward -- speculates on our probable futures.

Lives Lost: A mismatched pair's love story ends with virus
Held over because it is fine unusually sensitive reporting, the sort of work that proves AP still hires real journalists --  those of us for whom it is a way of life rather than just another job.

A Family’s Fetid Week With Coronavirus
Held over because it  is the most outspoken, most emotionally honest, most implicitly life-supportive and by far the best reporting I have read in many years. Indeed, Reyhan Harmanci is a writer whose talent I'd have recognized with a full-time general-assignment staff-job (way, way) back when "editor" was the key part of my job-title. (For more of her work, click on her "Family's Fetid Week" byline.)

Important stuff to bear in mind:
(All of which helps us understand more about what the PluPreds are doing to us now and what they might intend to do to us in the future.)

How a Network of Ukrainian Ultra-Nationalists Penetrated Canada’s Conservative Party to Lobby for Military Conflict
New: Glimpses of the re-emergent international Nazi Axis: is Mitch the Malignant's NeoConfederacy already a secret member?  

‘Collateral Murder’ and the My Lai Massacre
RLS. Vital to understanding why the U.S. government's response to the deadly Covid-19 pandemic is genocidal rather than protective.  Contrasting the U.S. population's long-ago outage at Vietnam war crimes with its present-day enthusiasm for atrocities against Muslims (and all other peoples of color) reveals how decades of Ayn Rand indoctrination purged the United States of any pretense of humanitarianism and reduced it to a thoroughly Nazified white-racist realm in which self-obsessed moral imbecility is the ruling ethos and revolution (or even effective resistance) is thus rendered psychologically impossible.   Additional details here.

FOCUS: This White House Doesn't Give Two Shits About You
I am no fan of Michael Moore, but in this short piece he speaks bitter truth for us all. 

Trump Admits Easy Voting Would Defeat Republicans
How gerrymandering and methodical voter-suppression have reduced our elections to meaningless charades.

Goldman Sachs warns that curing patients may not be 'sustainable'
Outright acknowledgment from the deadliest Neoliberal predators that curing disease with a single treatment is bad for profits. A report from 2018 that explains what's being done to us  today, hence given knife-edged relevance by the pandemic.

Average U.S. Citizens Have “Little Or No” Influence On Government Policy
Another "old" report given new relevance by what's being done to us today.

The Truth About the United States' "Continuity of Government" Plans & The Coronavirus Perfect Storm
Scroll down to the 12th graf to learn how at least eight million U.S. citizens are on the PPs' enemies lists and will be disappeared.

Military, Trump administration ready plans for domestic crackdown as virus spreads across US
From the report: "'a senior military planner working on coronavirus but not authorized to speak on sensitive planning matters [...] says that deployment of federal troops in support roles is being prepared,' including to conduct traffic stops, home searches and seizures and arrests." Scroll to Footnote2 to learn what atrocities could thus be inflicted on us.

Avenger Planet: Is the Covid-19 Pandemic Mother Nature's Response to Human Transgression?
Excellent question -- though as a (solitary-practice) Gaian Pagan, I would cite the scientific hypothesis that bears the Earth Goddess' name and answer "almost certainly yes."  (One of the innumerable reasons the ChristoNazis so despise us is the majority of our beliefs are based on science -- the ultimate terminator of all patriarchal religion.) 

Useful references:
(No snake-oil sales or medicine-show huckstering allowed.)

How to Make a DIY Mask From a T-Shirt or Bandanna
New; hopefully useful; have not tried it myself.

What you should know about DIY masks and ventilators
From National Geographic.

CARES Act Pandemic Unemployment Assistance for Freelancers
Useful, potentially lifesaving economic information. (Disclosure: I am a longtime National Writers Union member and co-chaired one of their local writers' workshops c. 2009-2011.)  

COVID-19 Relief by industry

Parents On Childcare And Challenges In Coronavirus Isolation

How to wash your hands to prevent coronavirus — because you're probably doing it wrong

Loss of smell, taste, might signal pandemic virus infection

Tests show new virus lives on some surfaces for up to 3 days

How to clean the bundle of germs that is your phone

Food Safety and Coronavirus: A Comprehensive Guide 

How to Properly Make Sanitizers from Household Ingredients

Handling mail amid coronavirus: Low risk but wash your hands
My practice is to assume everything from outside is potentially contaminated, hence I wash my hands thoroughly after handling any incoming packages and sanitize any surface upon which they might have rested or been unwrapped.


1As to what prompts my sudden skepticism of virus coverage by The Washington Post, note how quickly Bezos or one of his zero-tolerance subordinates imposed paywall censorship on this pivotally important 20 March story (scroll down to "U.S. intelligence reports"), which for only a very few short minutes appeared as part of WaPo's  non-paywalled daily virus report.  Pretending to be real journalists rather than  the Regime's scribes -- a mental downgrading inflicted as much by the clerical drudgery necessitated by computers as by the chief Josef-Goebbels-wannabee Bezos himself -- is a form of moral imbecility I cannot abide.

2Be aware that "home searches and seizures"  could include not only confiscation of all real or potential weapons but -- given the ChristoNazi Regime's anti-marijuana fanaticism  -- confiscation of, and arrest for possession of, all the (still federally illegal) medical marijuana upon which such a huge number of opiate-denied chronic-pain victims are now forced to depend. Too -- given the Regime's even more fanatical hatred of women and female sexuality -- such raids might also be used to confiscate all birth-control devices and criminalize all unwed women who possess them, thereby fulfilling still more of the PPs' ChristoNazis objectives. Thus -- by such mass arrests -- could the Regime give its plutocratic owners the ultimate "gift" of permanently enslaving millions of U.S. citizens for brutally hard, typically deadly labor, thereby granting our Masters' wish of exterminating "surplus workers" while following the German Nazis' model of amassing unlimited profits from mass murder. 


(As always, headlines are reproduced in their original up-style and down-style formats.)



THE "NEAR LIFELONG OBSESSION" I cited in today's lead paragraph is my interest in and fascination with folklore -- especially that which preserves in expertly disguised form the content -- and often the residual power -- of the liturgies that evolved from our ancient relationship with the Great Goddess. 

As most of us know, these liturgies and the ethos they sustained were suppressed -- sometimes violently, sometimes more gradually -- as the disciples of patriarchy continued their methodical destruction of human freedom.  

But never until I happened yesterday upon an English translation of the Norse ballad "I Ridden Så"  lyrics have I known such a movingly exquisite  lament for the passing of the Goddess that tells the less-violent aspect of her usurpation more poignantly. And so I was moved to spend a rather long while polishing the comment-thread contribution that came to me in such a burst of (dyslexia-scrambled) inspiration, it took many hours to move it from the verge of "speaking in (pagan) tongues" into comprehensible prose, paragraphed as it would have been but for limitations mandated by the thread in which it first appeared:

This bardical work and the bard who so exquisitely sings it cannot but evoke the most heartfelt tears of anguish and yearning, at least amongst those of us who know something of how to read the druidical/bardical riddles intended to camouflage the traditional ballads that preserve bits of the ancient yet fully effective liturgies inspired by our original relationship with the Goddess. This is obviously a Dark Ages lament for her passing as a result of the forcible Christianization of the North, no doubt the disguised (maybe-won't-get-you-burned-at-the-stake) version of the sort of musically accompanied poetry that's been traced to its Neolithic origins and conjectural pre-patriarchal forms by the late Duke University folklorist Olof Nygard (spelling correct) and several present-day women of wisdom and skill including Diane DiPrima, the late Barbara Mor and my very dear late friend Helen Farias.

But as we shall see, this lament also embodies an ancient implicit promise -- and with it, reason for present-day hope.

Its story begins by acknowledging the extent to which the ecogenocidal ethos of patriarchy has already been metastasized into the few remaining pagan realms, the acknowledgment expressed in how the Goddess as maiden is brought to the birthing grove not by the Goddess as her loving Mother, as she would have been in the pre-patriarchal past, but now by her conquering Father, where she squats one final time amidst her sacred trees to birth her divine twins, the gods, as she has done so many times before. (One of the twins’ earliest incarnations was as the rival deities of summer oak and winter holly.)

In the past she saw her sons into young godlinghood, but this time one son comes with her to church for their baptism (Freya or Freyia was the Nordic Gaia), the other is sent to Valhalla, there to remain blameless for all that ensues below as he whiles away the millennia, perhaps in mead-drenched oblivion, as he anticipates some “once-and-future” pledge of return.

Now probably 11 or 12 centuries after this song evolved into its present form (and amidst what is obviously the beginning of the Apocalypse), perhaps the Goddess will do as she seems to pledge by the gift of her "tiny gloves" to her brother to bear "everywhere he goes" -- obviously so she might don them again when we the world's human people once more learn -- as learn we must lest we render ourselves extinct -- to "ride gently through the grove with Her."

Beyond which let me repeat again my praise and gratitude for the quality of this performance and its compellingly expressive tape, so movingly well done I can scarcely find superlatives adequate to express its praiseworthiness.

And to which I now add the following:

Performances such as this are rituals of invocatory magic, which our Ivy-League educated Overlords have known at least since Woodstock. But they were loathe to act upon their own fear and loathing (as the late Hunter Thompson so aptly named it), their oppression delayed not by humanitarianism (for as certified moral imbeciles they long ago formally rejected any such restraint), but out of entirely rational suppositions the necessarily radical and therefore blatant expansion of their tyrannies would prematurely end the charade of "exceptionalist democracy"  -- that is, before the federal government completes its militarization of the local police and builds enough concentration camps to contain us all. 

Now however under Trump -- no doubt encouraged by the fact Moron Nation is so pridefully ignorant it has yet to recognize "exceptionalist democracy" as an astonishingly brazen contradiction in terms -- our Masters are losing all restraint. Indeed they seem on the brink of some obscene contest to see which team of the Ruling Class puppets -- Democratic (sic) or Republican -- can out-ecogenocide the other.

LB/13 April 2020 10:19 PDT



Coronavirus Update: Dispatches, 10 April 2020

What Ever-More-Censorsed U.S. Media Is Loathe to Tell Us:

Can Government Halt Evictions and Foreclosures by the Defiantly Greedy Scumlords and Banksters? If Not, We Face Unprecedented Homelessness, Probable Societal Collapse, Possible Revolution, Secession and Civil War

THE NATION'S MOST VITAL report to-date on the projected ruin inflicted by COVID-19 -- predictably pay-walled from lower-income eyes by Jeff Bezos' Washington Post -- tells us "a massive wave of evictions is coming" and warns us "temporary bans won't help." 

Assigned by WaPo to a pair of uniquely qualified freelancers whose scoop-the-world story was then ironically excluded from the material its Bezos-bedazzled editors deemed fit for the multitudes of us who cannot afford its paid subscriptions, it provides what any of us reasonably well versed in world history should immediately recognize as authoritative, unflinchingly reasoned acknowledgement of the inevitable. 

Hence if you read nothing else today, please read the above-linked report in full.


SCHOOLED BY APOCALYPSE -- and "apocalypse" is precisely what this pandemic is becoming in the "shit-hole country" a half century of slow-motion Neoliberal ecogenocide has made of the United States -- most of us now ask three questions:

  • How bad might this disaster get?
  • What (if anything) might the nation's federal, state and local governments be willing to do to protect us?
  • And what might we ourselves have to do to stay alive?

But it took at least 18 hours of focused Internet searching -- this with help from two younger friends I know to be far more adept at search-phrasing than I -- before the Muse gifted me the right combination of words to bring up the story linked above.

And though I quickly discovered multiple links to it -- some paywalled, some not -- most were to publications or websites of such limited circulation I had no familiarity with them whatsoever-- with the story's obvious minor-media marginalization yet another measure of the form and increasing magnitude of U.S. censorship. Which in turn is further underscored by the fact "massive wave of evictions" is the only such report I could find anywhere on the English-language web.


EVENTUALLY I CONCLUDED the now-peripheral information I had gathered beforehand remains relevant.

I had sought to ferret out any credible on-line reports that might address the above three questions in ways specifically responsive  to the all-consuming fears afflicting  tenants and mortgagees -- fears proven entirely rational by the fact the planet's most fanatically Neoliberal realm long ago criminalized poverty to the murderous extent of officially and permanently defining U.S.  healthcare as an exclusive privilege of wealth rather than a human right. 

Intending to make my reporting on this question as useful as possible (and of course secretly smirking at what initially seemed the distinct possibility I might again at age 80 scoop the world as I had done so many times in the past), I had cobbled together I have no-idea-how-many combinations of words as I sought documentation of what despite the tsunami of propaganda from the increasingly deceptive federal government is fast becoming the looming potential homelessness of every Working Family in the imperial homeland.  

What my purposefully constructed  search-phrases seined up instead was a plethora of indicative reports that -- in definitive contrast to the knife-sharp edges of our opening document -- mostly seemed obnoxiously blunted by euphemisms and then again carefully edited to accentuate the positive and eliminate the negative.

Indeed they seem so to such an obvious  extent it feels to me as if their diverse editors, however ideologically opposed to one another they might pretend to be, nevertheless function from some eerie solidarity of intent, whether conscious or unconscious it matters not. 

And I cannot stop wondering what might be their intent but to (again?) numb us into avoidance of the very sorts of plans and preparations we are now learning -- often at great pain -- are essential to the survival of our families, our friends, our comrades, our communities and of course ourselves.

But despite the fact these diluted texts exemplify our ever-more-deadly national curse of ever-more-forcibly delusional compulsory positivism, they also provide strong supplemental confirmation of the factual foundation of today's initial report -- that the real-estate profiteers have been discussing at least since mid-March the best ways to (further) victimize tenants and mortgagees even as (a few) state and local governments try, too often begrudgingly, to provide what the federal government so adamantly denies.    

Here then is a sampling of the 40-odd links I collected, the first to a (deliberately?) visually distracting but nevertheless nationally useful click-your-state guide to vital resources:

Community Resources

The remainder are pretty much the sorts of reports we've come to expect: 

COVID-19 And Eviction: Government Action Uneven Across The Country

Emergency Bans on Evictions and Other Tenant Protections Related to Coronavirus

L.A. has a coronavirus eviction ban, but landlords are finding ways to demand rent

B.C. offers $500 a month for renters, bans evictions and rent increases

Eviction lawsuits proceed in California despite relief for some tenants

Paying rent during coronavirus: Many states offer relief for renters

Property manager threatens tenants with eviction during coronavirus pandemic

An Emerging Coronavirus Concern: Eviction

And last but by no means least (offensively), we have this little journalistic gem, with its far-more-explicit disclosure of what truly obtains: 

Jared Kushner’s Real Estate Company Filing Eviction Lawsuits

My hope is at least some of these links -- especially those to state-by-state anthologies of legal information -- will prove enduringly useful. 

Meanwhile we stand helplessly aghast as  the Trump-Pence Regime continues  its relentless effort to diminish or suppress entirely any aid that might reach the proverbial 99 percent of us who are neither Neoliberal aristocrats nor part of  their attendant vassalage. The Regime's effort is obviously yet another sadistic expression of its anti-Working-Family hatefulness rather than the Big Lie of accidental incompetence behind which it so often -- and so successfully -- hides its ultimately murderous malice.

As a words-and-pictures journalist who has evolved into something of a social historian, I cannot but wonder: does that malice represent deliberate embrace of the ever-more-obvious Neoliberal campaign to weaponize COVID-19 for maximum extermination of "surplus" Working Families and Working Folk (i.e., ourselves)? Is it  in service to the "bring-on-the-Rapture" fanaticism of the Regime's  ChristoNazi minions? Or is it sociopathic ecstasy at some fiendish combination of both brands of premeditated murder == a combination fostered by Trumpanoid worship of Hitler and intended to soar (much as German Nazism soared) -- toward some infinite height of hitherto-unimaginable Evil?

Whatever the answer might be, it does not change the fact we of the 99 Percent are in much the same position as a person attacked by some axe-wielding lunatic in that attempting to understand our assailant's motive remains a potentially fatal distraction until after we have turned back the assault.

As a consequence we are now in all probability beginning to ask ever-more insistently just how we might develop the sort of  mindfulness that may prove essential to survive what is emerging from the pandemic fog as a warp-speed repetition of the centuries-long collapse of the Western Roman Empire, complete with Imperator Trump's stunning (but not really surprising) 21st Century reenactment of Emperor Honorius' reply in 407C.E. to Britannia's final desperate plea for the legions to return and help fend off the Saxon invasion: "the cantons must see to their own defense."1

Verily,  if the federal government is as useless as Trump would have us believe, the federal union is already broken beyond repair.

All that remains for is for the diverse states to begin sorting themselves into separate republics. The former states of the Northeastern and Western coasts will undoubtedly lean toward social democracy -- but without Marxist discipline and collectivist solidarity they will be all-too-easily invaded, overrun and conquered by the vast ChristoNazi theocracy which with its violently resurrected "whites only" ethos would initially rule all the remaining former U.S. lands from the old Confederacy to the Canadian border including most (if not all) the erstwhile "flyover states" and would soon set out to conquer the entire continent. 

Thus without intervention from abroad the former United States seems bound to replicate post-Roman Europe by becoming an irremediably toxic miasma of ignorance and sadism, its slave-plantation economy sustained  by zero-tolerance theocracy complete with public executions by fire or lapidation.

What then might we -- the involuntary latter-day equivalents of the terminally abandoned Roman Britons --  do to avoid such horror?

As Sun Tzu might have told us were we in China 2600 years ago to hear him speak, we cannot win until we first acknowledge the true nature, capabilities and intent of those who assault us.

(Yes I have regretfully begun to consider as probable the unspeakably grave notion this pandemic is part of that assault, whether accidental or otherwise -- and not the least because of how so uncannily well it serves the predatory Aristocracy's plutocratic purposes.)  

That's why I say again I can think of no better way to begin our long-term preparation -- or to reinforce our resolve if we have already begun -- than  reading the document that begins today's Dispatches. Please.

(Besides which, clicking on the The Houston Chronicle's curiously defiant open-to-the-public link is a great way to give The Washington Post the electronic finger it deserves for [again] breaking its already oft-broken promise to un-paywall all its own COVID-19 reports.)

1An unforgettable, translated-from-the-original-Latin phrase from an academic source I read so many years ago I am sorry to say I remember neither its name nor its author. 


General news:
(Scan by scrolling down -- it'll take only minutes at most --  read whatever is relevant1 to you and yours, share it if appropriate and skip the rest.)

Jobless and Without Benefits, the Undocumented Community Is "Completely Out of Luck"
Nathalie Graham gives us the most courageous reporting I've seen thus far about how the federal government is weaponizing the pandemic to  exterminate the greatest possible number of undocumented refugees in the United States -- though given the fatal reality of the increasingly submissive Moronic Majority, I doubt anything short of revolution can stop der Trumpenführer's euphemism-protected but nevertheless deadly domestic holocaust. Note too that before the 2016 elections I repeatedly pointed out how our Masters had impaled us on the proverbial horns of a dilemma. Yes of course we were given a choice; nothing less would sustain the imperial charade of  democratic process. We could either vote for World War III (Hillary's fanatical Goldwater-Girl delusion she could nuke Russia into surrender without reducing our Mother Earth to a bug planet), or we could vote for a New Holocaust (Trump's fanatical hatred of all people of color and his intent to "purify" the United States only a bit more euphemistically than Germany's Hitler intended in Europe). Or of course we could also do as I did precisely because I could not abide the rejection and abandonment of humanitarian morality either of those choices would have required; hence I cast my ballot for minor-party candidates, thereby nullifying my vote as anything more than an affirmation of the franchise. Returning to the far more interesting subject of Ms. Graham, she is at present a staff writer with The Stranger, a Seattle entertainment paper the pandemic has stripped of its former relevance. If she is the real journalist I suspect she is, she (and maybe her colleagues too) are attempting to move the publication toward the potential new relevance of the investigative potency  pioneered locally by the long-ago Seattle Sun, the Village-Voice-caliber weekly of which I was the founding photographer and sometime reporter and photo critic. (Ominously for The Stranger's post-pandemic prospects, The Sun was forced to set forever by the advertising boycott inflicted by the city's banksters and plutocrats in retaliation tor our repeated disclosures of outrages and scandals they insisted be kept secret.) Thus I dearly hope Ms. Graham survives the pandemic and finds stable -- and thoroughly fulfilling -- employment whether in her present job or elsewhere. 

More news links, most -- I promise -- without comments:

Social and economic catastrophe intensifies as 6.6 million Americans file for unemployment

More than 16 million people filed US jobless claims over 3 weeks

Almost a Third of Renters Missed This Month's Payment

US gig workers and self-employed face delays in jobless aid

Homeless Families In Los Angeles Take Over Vacant Homes As Coronavirus Spreads

Rolling Protest For Rent Forgiveness

Any Rent Is Too Damn High: A Proposal for the Coronavirus Economy

Jerry Falwell Jr. Says Warrants Are Out for 2 Journalists After Critical Stories on Coronavirus Decision 

Trump Administration Using Relief Funds To Bail Out Churches, Pay Pastor Salaries

Inside the deadly Oakdale federal prison, the coronavirus creates fear and danger

Congressional Black Caucus tackles outsized coronavirus impact on African Americans

Are We About To Lose The US Postal Service?

Coronavirus: Overwhelmed US funeral homes turn families away

As pandemic deepens, Trump cycles through targets to blame

The US Is A Failed State, And COVID-19 Proves It

The Real Conspiracy: Notes From The Edge Of The Narrative Matrix
From Caitlin Johnstone's  text: "Almost everything in the news is empty/irrelevant narrative. The only relevant information is where the money is moving, where the resources are moving, where the weapons are moving, and where the people are moving. Everything else is narrative meant to justify, manipulate or distract from those movements."

Reliable anthologies of pandemic reports (scroll for whatever you deem relevant):

Virus Outbreak
Updated constantly by the Associated Press.

Black Agenda Report
Updated regularly. In my opinion, the best, most informative, most relevant political website on the U.S. Internet. 

RT - Breaking news, shows, podcasts
Democratic (sic) Party Big Lies and Republican censorship not withstanding, this site provides what is often the most truthful reporting available to us in the United States. Updated often.

TASS Russian News Agency
Just as Propagandamaster Bezos' WaPo gives us the Predatory Plutocrats' perspective, so does this site -- formerly Telegraph Agency of the Soviet Union (Телегра́фное аге́нтство Сове́тского Сою́за, Telegrafnoye agentstvo Sovetskogo Soyuza) -- give us, in English,  the often-radically different Russian government's perspective. (It's history, dating from 1904, makes interesting reading for mediaphyles.) Updated often.

Ditto for the news agency of the People's Republic of China. Xinhua's reports are regularly updates and its history is here.

Coronavirus live updates: New York suffers highest single-day death toll; WHO pushes back at Trump over threat
Probably not "fake news" and updated often -- but listed last because Propagandamaster Bezos's corporate crown jewel is nevertheless best known for its censorship1 and warmongering lies.

Indications of the pandemic's true magnitude and consequences:

(A Few) States (Now) Offering Affordable Care Act Open Enrollments
Vital news for those of us eligible for the coverage and (somehow) able to afford it.

Social and economic catastrophe intensifies as 6.6 million Americans file for unemployment

‘We will run out of food in three weeks’: Local food banks face shortage during historic demand

Coronavirus could overwhelm hospitals in small cities and rural areas, data shows

Doctor's death highlights limits of coronavirus death count

COVID-19: Devastated Saudi Royal Family Seeks to End Yemen War

Rice & wheat prices surge amid fears Covid-19 lockdown may threaten global food security

Schools struggle to safely get free meals to needy students

Campus, dorms closed for coronavirus, leaving some LGBTQ students with nowhere to go

Coronavirus: Florida vegetables an unexpected victim of COVID-19 

Covid-19 may cause deepest economic crisis ‘of our lifetimes’ — WTO chief

Other pandemic-related indications and/or questions:

Navajo And Hopi Families Relief Fund Builds Movement In Response To Covid-19 Pandemic

Congress in standoff on virus aid, but first checks coming

It's Time to Move Past Employer-Based Health Insurance

As Trump rails against mail voting, some allies embrace it

Did Trump give Israel 1 million face masks despite coronavirus eq

On our own: Forgotten household skills, revived for new use

How US cancer patients are navigating new coronavirus anxiety

Vindictive vectors (includes countermeasures):

Media Facilitates Spread of Disinformation and Lies by Broadcasting "The Daily Trump Show"

LA Mayor Garcetti encourages residents to report violators of stay-at-home order: 'Snitches get rewards'
Entirely believable despite the always-questionable source.

Forcible disarmament (includes countermeasures):

SAF Joins Lawsuit Against Massachusetts Governor

Especially for Washingtonians:

Home | Washington Healthplanfinder
From the text: "Get coverage during the COVID-19 pandemic. Free or low-cost Apple Health is available year-round and a special enrollment is available to the uninsured who have life changes as a result of COVID-19."  (Residents of other states please see "Affordable Care Act Open Enrollments" above.)

United Way program to help King County renters who’ve lost their income
Check with other United Way organizations elsewhere to learn if they have similar programs.

Also worth reading:

The Coronavirus Pandemic, Like Other Global Catastrophes, Reveals the Limitations of Nationalism

A New World Is Being Born:  What Will It Be?
A trustworthy source -- a vehemently anti-Trump conservative who ever-more-frequently seems to lean Leftward -- speculates on our probable futures.

Lives Lost: A mismatched pair's love story ends with virus
Held over because it is fine unusually sensitive reporting, the sort of work that proves AP still hires real journalists --  those of us for whom it is a way of life rather than just another job.

A Family’s Fetid Week With Coronavirus
Held over because it  is the most outspoken, most emotionally honest, most implicitly life-supportive and by far the best reporting I have read in many years. Indeed, Reyhan Harmanci is a writer whose talent I'd have recognized with a full-time general-assignment staff-job (way, way) back when "editor" was the key part of my job-title. (For more of her work, click on her "Family's Fetid Week" byline.)

Important stuff to bear in mind:
(All of which helps us understand more about what the PluPreds are doing to us now and what they might intend to do to us in the future.)

How a Network of Ukrainian Ultra-Nationalists Penetrated Canada’s Conservative Party to Lobby for Military Conflict
New: Glimpses of the re-emergent international Nazi Axis: is Mitch the Malignant's NeoConfederacy already a secret member?  

‘Collateral Murder’ and the My Lai Massacre
RLS. Vital to understanding why the U.S. government's response to the deadly Covid-19 pandemic is genocidal rather than protective.  Contrasting the U.S. population's long-ago outage at Vietnam war crimes with its present-day enthusiasm for atrocities against Muslims (and all other peoples of color) reveals how decades of Ayn Rand indoctrination purged the United States of any pretense of humanitarianism and reduced it to a thoroughly Nazified white-racist realm in which self-obsessed moral imbecility is the ruling ethos and revolution (or even effective resistance) is thus rendered psychologically impossible.   Additional details here.

FOCUS: This White House Doesn't Give Two Shits About You
I am no fan of Michael Moore, but in this short piece he speaks bitter truth for us all. 

Trump Admits Easy Voting Would Defeat Republicans
How gerrymandering and methodical voter-suppression have reduced our elections to meaningless charades.

Goldman Sachs warns that curing patients may not be 'sustainable'
Outright acknowledgment from the deadliest Neoliberal predators that curing disease with a single treatment is bad for profits. A report from 2018 that explains what's being done to us  today, hence given knife-edged relevance by the pandemic.

Average U.S. Citizens Have “Little Or No” Influence On Government Policy
Another "old" report given new relevance by what's being done to us today.

The Truth About the United States' "Continuity of Government" Plans & The Coronavirus Perfect Storm
Scroll down to the 12th graf to learn how at least eight million U.S. citizens are on the PPs' enemies lists and will be disappeared.

Military, Trump administration ready plans for domestic crackdown as virus spreads across US
From the report: "'a senior military planner working on coronavirus but not authorized to speak on sensitive planning matters [...] says that deployment of federal troops in support roles is being prepared,' including to conduct traffic stops, home searches and seizures and arrests." Scroll to Footnote2 to learn what atrocities could thus be inflicted on us.

Avenger Planet: Is the Covid-19 Pandemic Mother Nature's Response to Human Transgression?
Excellent question -- though as a (solitary-practice) Gaian Pagan, I would cite the scientific hypothesis that bears the Earth Goddess' name and answer "almost certainly yes."  (One of the innumerable reasons the ChristoNazis so despise us is the majority of our beliefs are based on science -- the ultimate terminator of all patriarchal religion.) 

Useful references:
(No snake-oil sales or medicine-show huckstering allowed.)

How to Make a DIY Mask From a T-Shirt or Bandanna
New; hopefully useful; have not tried it myself.

What you should know about DIY masks and ventilators
From National Geographic.

CARES Act Pandemic Unemployment Assistance for Freelancers
Useful, potentially lifesaving economic information. (Disclosure: I am a longtime National Writers Union member and co-chaired one of their local writers' workshops c. 2009-2011.)  

COVID-19 Relief by industry

Parents On Childcare And Challenges In Coronavirus Isolation

How to wash your hands to prevent coronavirus — because you're probably doing it wrong

Loss of smell, taste, might signal pandemic virus infection

Tests show new virus lives on some surfaces for up to 3 days

How to clean the bundle of germs that is your phone

Food Safety and Coronavirus: A Comprehensive Guide 

How to Properly Make Sanitizers from Household Ingredients

Handling mail amid coronavirus: Low risk but wash your hands
My practice is to assume everything from outside is potentially contaminated, hence I wash my hands thoroughly after handling any incoming packages and sanitize any surface upon which they might have rested or been unwrapped.


1As to what prompts my sudden skepticism of virus coverage by The Washington Post, note how quickly Bezos or one of his zero-tolerance subordinates imposed paywall censorship on this pivotally important 20 March story (scroll down to "U.S. intelligence reports"), which for only a very few short minutes appeared as part of WaPo's  non-paywalled daily virus report.  Pretending to be real journalists rather than  the Regime's scribes -- a mental downgrading inflicted as much by the clerical drudgery necessitated by computers as by the chief Josef-Goebbels-wannabee Bezos himself -- is a form of moral imbecility I cannot abide.

2Be aware that "home searches and seizures"  could include not only confiscation of all real or potential weapons but -- given the ChristoNazi Regime's anti-marijuana fanaticism  -- confiscation of, and arrest for possession of, all the (still federally illegal) medical marijuana upon which such a huge number of opiate-denied chronic-pain victims are now forced to depend. Too -- given the Regime's even more fanatical hatred of women and female sexuality -- such raids might also be used to confiscate all birth-control devices and criminalize all unwed women who possess them, thereby fulfilling still more of the PPs' ChristoNazis objectives. Thus -- by such mass arrests -- could the Regime give its plutocratic owners the ultimate "gift" of permanently enslaving millions of U.S. citizens for brutally hard, typically deadly labor, thereby granting our Masters' wish of exterminating "surplus workers" while following the German Nazis' model of amassing unlimited profits from mass murder. 


(As always, headlines are reproduced in their original up-style and down-style formats.)



YES VERY LATE AGAIN even as I thankfully rediscover via research-to-completion production of these daily updates how to think and intuit as if I were once more an award-winning investigative reporter or an award-winning editor with an award-winning staff -- even if doing this work on a computer seems to take multiple eternities longer than ever it did by teletype, typewriter and pencil.

Again too my apology. As I said before, better late and right than rushed and wrong. But I must also apologize for the fact that -- having been working nonstop on this edition (save for meals and bathroom breaks) since about 2 p.m. yesterday -- I have also undoubtedly missed some typos (and otherwise mis-edited) this entire piece. Hence though I'm posting it now I'll return to it after I get some sleep and proofread it again.  In any case I'm doing the best I can, and I extend special thanks to those of you who reassure me these Dispatches are vital enough I should keep at them as long as I am able. . 

May all of us have the best weekend possible under the circumstances.

LB/10 April 2020 10:44PDT; revised and re-Tweeted 10 April 19:13PDT.  


Coronavirus Update: Dispatches, 9 April 2020

General news:
(Scan by scrolling down -- it'll take only minutes at most --  read whatever is relevant1 to you and yours, share it if appropriate and skip the rest.)

What did they know, exactly? US intel warned of ‘cataclysmic’ coronavirus pandemic in NOVEMBER 2019, report claims
There's no longer any question the Trump/Pence Regime is deliberately, maliciously, sadistically weaponizing the virus as its primary mechanism of ecogenocidal murder.

Navarro Memos Warning of Mass Coronavirus Death Circulated White House in January
More on the murderers in the White (plantation) House and in the broader Regime, Mitch the Malignant and his legion of Congressional conquerors included.   

Wisconsin Stunner: The Highest State and Federal Courts Back GOP Voter Suppression
In essence and as intended, this atrocity aids and abets the Regime's ever-more-obviously Hitler-inspired campaign of ecogenocide,  the broader implications of which were reported here first in "Stay Home, Don't Vote -- Or Risk Drowning in Your Own Snot," yesterday's scoop-the-world analysis of the PluPreds' Adolf-Eichmann-caliber malevolence.

FOCUS: The Supreme Court Has Chosen Reckless Partisanship
Rule by ChristoNazi ideology rather than rule by law, imposed on us -- effectively forever -- by the Regime's near-total conquest of the federal courts, precisely the method by which Hitler completed his subjugation of Germany.   

Coronavirus as Metaphor: It’s Not Peanuts
This plague that has already killed so many of us and collapsed the global economy is a microcosm of the rapidly intensifying Apocalypse, itself the most lethally demanding macrocosm of malignance in all our species' history.  

‘Profound lack of human decency’: Oliver Stone tears into US govt over Iran & Venezuela sanctions amid Covid-19 crisis
Hear, hear!

The Impact of COVID-19 on the Body Politic

Growing Number of Minority and Low-Income Students May Miss Out on Online Learning After Coronavirus Closures
Precisely as the Regime intended.

Viktor Orbán Is Using the Coronavirus Emergency to Crush Minorities
In essence the same "final solution" the Trump/Pence Regime is attempting to impose on us in the imperial United States.

India confronts COVID-19 with scarce running water

While Rome Burns: Trump Gets What He’s Always Wanted

Reliable anthologies of pandemic reports (scroll for whatever you deem relevant):

Virus Outbreak
Updated constantly by the Associated Press.

Black Agenda Report
Updated regularly. In my opinion, the best, most informative, most relevant political website on the U.S. Internet. 

RT - Breaking news, shows, podcasts
Democratic (sic) Party Big Lies and Republican censorship not withstanding, this site provides what is often the most truthful reporting available to us in the United States. Updated often.

TASS Russian News Agency
Just as Propagandamaster Bezos' WaPo gives us the Predatory Plutocrats' perspective, so does this site -- formerly Telegraph Agency of the Soviet Union (Телегра́фное аге́нтство Сове́тского Сою́за, Telegrafnoye agentstvo Sovetskogo Soyuza) -- give us, in English,  the often-radically different Russian government's perspective. (It's history, dating from 1904, makes interesting reading for mediaphyles.) Updated often.

Ditto for the news agency of the People's Republic of China. Xinhua's history is here.

Coronavirus live updates: New York suffers highest single-day death toll; WHO pushes back at Trump over threat
Probably not "fake news" and updated often -- but listed last because Propagandamaster Bezos's corporate crown jewel is nevertheless best known for its censorship1 and warmongering lies.

Indications of the pandemic's true magnitude and consequences:

Lockdowns mean millions of women can't reach birth control

Almost a Third of Renters Missed This Month's Payment

'My Final Hospital Bill: $34,927.23' - Why People All Over America Are Scared to Death of Being Tested for the Coronavirus
The ruinous, potentially deadly cost of treatment when healthcare is officially defined as a privilege of wealth.

Hundreds of young Americans have now been killed by the coronavirus, data shows

Hospitals Say Feds Are Seizing Masks and Other Coronavirus Supplies Without a Word

Seven Disturbing Facts About COVID-19 in Louisiana

Jared Kushner’s Real Estate Company Filing Eviction Lawsuits
Maliciously weaponizing COVID-19, vindictively intensifying its worst consequences (I).

BlackRock Takes Command
Maliciously weaponizing COVID-19, vindictively intensifying its worst consequences (II).

India confronts COVID-19 with scarce running water
An entire nation in which -- thanks to Neoliberal Capitalism and its global conquests -- huge segments of the population are as deprived of water and sanitation as those of us socioeconomically imprisoned in the soggy-cardboard-and-filthy-blanket wretchedness of USia's ever-expanding, ever-more-despairing homeless children, women and men.     

UN Chief Calls for Protection of Women From Domestic Violence
This as COVID-19 lockdowns imprisons entirely too many females, children included, within easy murder-range of too many males inflamed -- typically by patriarchal religion -- with clitoris-envy hatefulness now running opportunistically amok.

Losing their top scientist and being forced into a humiliating Covid-19 U-turn reveals just how weak and useless the EU really is
The institutional stresses of COVID-19 have begun destroying the European Union much as they have already effectively destroyed the United States. In each case the only remaining questions are when the self-destruction of these euphemistically disguised empires will become terminal; when they will surrender or otherwise formally acknowledge their collapse; and how much effort it might take -- warfare included --  to bring about such acknowledgement.  (Before anyone applauds, let us remember the self-destruction of the United States includes the near-certainty of thermonuclear and [more?] biological warfare. Wall Street's cabal of Neoliberal imperators and their ChristoNazi sturmabteilung -- all as fearful as their German Nazi predecessors of prosecution for crimes against humanity -- will defend to their deaths (and ours) the neo-Confederate government they have installed in the imperial capital. And the radiation poisoning and disease metastasized throughout the globe by their "better-dead-than-Red" fanaticism will almost certainly reduce our Mother Earth to either a big planet or an utterly uninhabitable radioactive cinder.

Other pandemic-related indications and/or questions:

FOCUS: The Supreme Court Has Chosen Reckless Partisanship
Rule by ChristoNazi ideology rather than rule by law, imposed on us -- effectively forever -- by the Regime's near-total conquest of the federal courts, precisely the method by which Hitler completed his subjugation of Germany and achieved full power of arrest and extermination over the (tiny) minority of Germans who opposed him.

Many Immigrant Doctors Want to Fight the Coronavirus but US Visa Rules Make That Illegal

Officials warn flushing disinfectant wipes are clogging pumps

Amid Critical Supply Shortage, FEMA Is Spending Millions to Protect Trump Properties

Many Immigrant Doctors Want to Fight the Coronavirus but US Visa Rules Make That Illegal

Cancelling Student Debt Was Always the Right Thing to Do. Now It's Imperative

From Strike Wave to General Strike
With Sen. Sanders' campaign dead and buried, the PluPreds (Plutocratic Predators) have won again. Might a general strike save us? Only if USians can transcend their relentlessly conditioned Ayn Rand self-obsession to achieve the mindfulness of solidarity -- which (knowing history as I do) -- I believe is most unlikely, in all probability impossible.

Sanders jumps overboard leaving clueless Captain Biden at helm of Democrats’ burning ship
New, sharp-edged analysis of old news, for more of which go here and scroll down the comment thread for my (even more brutally truthful) estimate of what will be done to us as a result of Sen. Sanders' surrender.

Andrew Cuomo and the Crisis of Liberalism
If you're at all curious what the Democratic (sic) Party might intend to do to us -- that is, in the doubtful possibility the Regime allows the November election ro procede without pro-Republican  interference  -- please read how it's polishing its most "electable" Neoliberal (fascist) to replace Biden.

Can Trump Cancel the November Election?
Probably not without full-spectrum intervention by the the imperial war machine. But -- as this report shows -- his state and local henchmen have more than enough power to guarantee him a second term.   

Vindictive vectors (includes countermeasures):

USA: ‘We are adrift, about to sink’: The looming COVID-19 disaster in United States immigration detention facilities
Amnesty International cries out for help -- and, of course --  the Trump/Pence Regime gives it the ecogenocidal finger.

Donald Trump's Friends Are Profiting Off Coronavirus Pandemic
Pence celebrated at some PluPred glamor-queen's "Trump Victory" fundraiser even as COVID-19 was already sickening (and killing) the nation.

Senators Warren and Markey Fire Back at EPA "Enforcement Moratorium" in Letter to Agency
How the Regime uses the coronavirus to perpetuate Neoliberalism's ever-escalating campaigns of ecogenocidal destruction.

A Missionary on Trial
Religious fanatics -- especially Christians -- are among the planet's most deadly vectors of disease.

Purgatory and the Circles of Hell
A half-century of DemoPublican (Neoliberal) ecogenocide combined with the Regime's ChristoNazi Prosperity-Gospel sadism to quickly reduce the United States to the industrial world's most wantonly toxic COVID-19 cesspool -- and at this point we have no idea how many of us will be killed as a result.

Especially for Washingtonians:

Washington grocery store workers demand more protections during coronavirus outbreak

Gun stores still open during coronavirus pandemic

Coronavirus: Army hospital at CenturyLink Field Event Center getting moved to another state

Also worth reading:

A New World Is Being Born:  What Will It Be?
A trustworthy source -- a vehemently anti-Trump conservative who ever-more-frequently seems to lean Leftward -- speculates on our probable futures.

Lives Lost: A mismatched pair's love story ends with virus
Held over because it is fine unusually sensitive reporting, the sort of work that proves AP still hires real journalists --  those of us for whom it is a way of life rather than just another job.

A Family’s Fetid Week With Coronavirus
Held over because it  is the most outspoken, most emotionally honest, most implicitly life-supportive and by far the best reporting I have read in many years. Indeed, Reyhan Harmanci is a writer whose talent I'd have recognized with a full-time general-assignment staff-job (way, way) back when "editor" was the key part of my job-title. (For more of her work, click on her "Family's Fetid Week" byline.)

Important stuff to bear in mind:
(All of which helps us understand more about what the PluPreds are doing to us now and what they might intend to do to us in the future.)

How a Network of Ukrainian Ultra-Nationalists Penetrated Canada’s Conservative Party to Lobby for Military Conflict
New: Glimpses of the re-emergent international Nazi Axis: is Mitch the Malignant's NeoConfederacy already a secret member?  

‘Collateral Murder’ and the My Lai Massacre
RLS. Vital to understanding why the U.S. government's response to the deadly Covid-19 pandemic is genocidal rather than protective.  Contrasting the U.S. population's long-ago outage at Vietnam war crimes with its present-day enthusiasm for atrocities against Muslims (and all other peoples of color) reveals how decades of Ayn Rand indoctrination purged the United States of any pretense of humanitarianism and reduced it to a thoroughly Nazified white-racist realm in which self-obsessed moral imbecility is the ruling ethos and revolution (or even effective resistance) is thus rendered psychologically impossible.   Additional details here.

FOCUS: This White House Doesn't Give Two Shits About You
I am no fan of Michael Moore, but in this short piece he speaks bitter truth for us all. 

Trump Admits Easy Voting Would Defeat Republicans
How gerrymandering and methodical voter-suppression have reduced our elections to meaningless charades.

Goldman Sachs warns that curing patients may not be 'sustainable'
Outright acknowledgment from the deadliest Neoliberal predators that curing disease with a single treatment is bad for profits. A report from 2018 that explains what's being done to us  today, hence given knife-edged relevance by the pandemic

Average U.S. Citizens Have “Little Or No” Influence On Government Policy
Another "old" report given new relevance by what's being done to us today.

The Truth About the United States' "Continuity of Government" Plans & The Coronavirus Perfect Storm
Scroll down to the 12th graf to learn how at least eight million U.S. citizens are on the PPs' enemies lists and will be disappeared.

Military, Trump administration ready plans for domestic crackdown as virus spreads across US
From the report: "'a senior military planner working on coronavirus but not authorized to speak on sensitive planning matters [...] says that deployment of federal troops in support roles is being prepared,' including to conduct traffic stops, home searches and seizures and arrests." Scroll to Footnote2 to learn what atrocities could thus be inflicted on us.

Avenger Planet: Is the Covid-19 Pandemic Mother Nature's Response to Human Transgression?
Excellent question -- though as a (solitary-practice) Gaian Pagan, I would cite the scientific hypothesis that bears the Earth Goddess' name and answer "almost certainly yes."  (One of the innumerable reasons the ChristoNazis so despise us is the majority of our beliefs are based on science -- the ultimate terminator of all patriarchal religion.) 

Useful references:
(No snake-oil sales or medicine-show huckstering allowed.)

What you should know about DIY masks and ventilators
From National Geographic.

CARES Act Pandemic Unemployment Assistance for Freelancers
Specifically for writers and editors. (Disclosure: I am a longtime National Writers Union member and co-chaired one of their local writers' workshops c. 2009-2011.)  

COVID-19 Relief by industry

Parents On Childcare And Challenges In Coronavirus Isolation

How to wash your hands to prevent coronavirus — because you're probably doing it wrong

Loss of smell, taste, might signal pandemic virus infection

Tests show new virus lives on some surfaces for up to 3 days

How to clean the bundle of germs that is your phone

Food Safety and Coronavirus: A Comprehensive Guide 

How to Properly Make Sanitizers from Household Ingredients

Handling mail amid coronavirus: Low risk but wash your hands
My practice is to assume everything from outside is potentially contaminated, hence I wash my hands thoroughly after handling any incoming packages and sanitize any surface upon which they might have rested or been unwrapped.


1As to what prompts my sudden skepticism of virus coverage by The Washington Post, note how quickly Bezos or one of his zero-tolerance subordinates imposed paywall censorship on this pivotally important 20 March story (scroll down to "U.S. intelligence reports"), which for only a very few short minutes appeared as part of WaPo's  non-paywalled daily virus report.  Pretending to be real journalists rather than  the Regime's scribes -- a mental downgrading inflicted as much by the clerical drudgery necessitated by computers as by the chief Josef-Goebbels-wannabee Bezos himself -- is a form of moral imbecility I cannot abide.

2Be aware that "home searches and seizures"  could include not only confiscation of all real or potential weapons but -- given the ChristoNazi Regime's anti-marijuana fanaticism  -- confiscation of, and arrest for possession of, all the (still federally illegal) medical marijuana upon which such a huge number of opiate-denied chronic-pain victims are now forced to depend. Too -- given the Regime's even more fanatical hatred of women and female sexuality -- such raids might also be used to confiscate all birth-control devices and criminalize all unwed women who possess them, thereby fulfilling still more of the PPs' ChristoNazis objectives. Thus -- by such mass arrests -- could the Regime give its plutocratic owners the ultimate "gift" of permanently enslaving millions of U.S. citizens for brutally hard, typically deadly labor, thereby granting our Masters' wish of exterminating "surplus workers" while following the German Nazis' model of amassing unlimited profits from mass murder. 


(As always, headlines are reproduced in their original up-style and down-style formats.)



HAS ANYONE NOTICED how COVID-19 so eerily resembles the underwater anti-ship mine? Significantly, such mines are perhaps the deadliest conventional weapons ever deployed.  

May we all remain healthy, sane and unshackled by despair amidst the anti-humanitarian outrages and Neoliberal atrocities of this sickest, most universally corrupt and therefore most lethally frustrating of all human times.

LB/9 April 2020 02:08PDT
